Chapter 13. Flash back into the last 3 years.

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After Sarah and Jacob were married and moved out together, next on the hit list was Nash and Nat. From the beginning they were against them. But Sexy Sue and Chuck together with Emily could use this to their advantage. One afternoon as Nash returned from work he found a bin bag at the front door with all his clothes. His mother stood at the door, Chuck stood behind her. Mr Daniels was at work. "So if you won't leave Natalie, you should go stay with her" his mother spat out at him. Nash, shocked, angered and hurt picked up his packet and left. He had no car so he walked to Nats place which was 15 kilometers away in the next neighborhood. Nash knocked on her door. Nat was surprised to see him on a Friday night, she could see the sadness in his eyes and offered him comfort as he told her what has transpired. Her father was on extremely sick with renal failure in hospital and she could not tell him that Nash would be staying with her. She told her mum who was very supportive towards them. Unfortunately Nats dad passed away 3 months later. Mrs Daniels had told her husband that Nash had left on his own to live with Nat. Over time the story had changed to Nats dad passed away and she was scared to live alone. After 1 and a half years living together Nash and Nat got married. The wedding was in Mount Cliffrock, a small town on the inland. It was Nats hometown. It was about a 300 kilometer drive. We all left early that morning. Around 5 o clock, we all left the Daniels resident. The wedding was scheduled for ten o clock that morning at a small hall in her hometown. It was a 3 hour drive. Making a few stops in between for the toilet and refreshments. They arrived at the hall at nine thirty. Mrs Daniels had travelled to Mount Cliffrock with Chuck. Fifteen minutes before they could reach, she had swopped cars and jumped into Mr Daniels car. This was the talk amongst families of how shameless she is. Throughout the wedding formalities, Mrs Daniels kept disappearing to meet Chuck. There were times that the MC could not find her to perform rituals for the wedding. It was rather embarrassing. The wedding was not over when Mrs Daniels made an excuse that she needed to leave to go home and prepare for when they arrive. She left with Chuck three hours before everyone else. Mr Daniels, the wedding couple and a few other relatives left back to Curo at 5 o clock that afternoon. So this was Chuck, Mrs Daniels and Emilys plan all along. To first get rid of Sarah and Jacob, followed by Nash and Nat. She had now incorporated Chuck into the family. He was given more importance that her own children. Mr Daniels was a fool. He just believed what lies his wife fed him. Was it his blind love for her? Or was he living in his own world, believing that by staying silent he would give off the impression to family, friends and relatives that they were happily married. Little did he know that his wife was the talk amongst relatives. They all could see her for the s**t she was.
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