Chapter 20

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I had a hard time trying to really process what I had concluded. This female that was running this rag-tag group of Beghrest, was actually and potentially one of those lizard creatures that attacked my world? Questions were encircling my mind. Could it be the same Lady Bai the legend spoke of? Theoretically anything was possible, I did not know how long dragons could live for, knowing that lizards and reptiles lived a lot longer than one would think and say that this was a couple of hundred years ago, then theoretically it could be the same Lady Bai. If it was the same Lady Bai, and the lizard claimed to be the ruler of his people then what is her relationship to him. If she was the princess, was she his daughter? His sister? His wife maybe? Either way she had her hands on the amulet! After all this time whatever her relationship was to the lizard, she obtained it for him! “You look like you have seen a ghost,” Marie said. I looked up at her and questioned whether or not I should trust her. If Lady Bai was a lizard in disguise who the hell knew who else was a lizard thing and pretending to be something else entirely. “You can trust me,” Marie said she seemed to have picked up my hesitancy. “Because Hanuman sent you supposedly?” I c****d my eyebrow. “As much as Hanuman likes to pop in and torment me, I think he would have done so by now.” “Yeah, I know what you mean, every time I was jumping through different uni…” she stopped suddenly. “I guess I can show you.” She fiddled with her hair again. I c****d my head trying to figure out that was about when suddenly from her head after fussing with her hair, came a odd looking crown. I looked at it and looked at her, looked at it looked at her. I did not know she had this crown on. “That is something that was made by the Star Builders.” I sighed. “It belonged to Sati.” Marie said. “Sati?!” I couldn’t believe it. After all this time, a crown that belonged to Sati?! I looked at the girl and c****d my head at her. “Who are you?” “A long time ago I met an annoying flying talking monkey,” Marie said. “Join the club,” I said. “He said that he had stolen this crown that was being used by the Free.” She said. “That you had been messing around with it two lifetimes ago whatever the hell that means.” “So, you are like me,” I sighed. “In a way,” she said. “What does that crown have to do with the medallion?” I asked. “What do you mean?” She asked. “I know Hanuman,” I said. “He would not have fabricating you meeting me now just by chance. There has to be a tie between that crown and the medallion.” “This is Sati’s,” She said pointing at the crown. “And apparently the medallion is allegedly belonging to Kali.” I said. “What is it about them that could be the link? I do not mean the items but those two females?” “Sati was murdered by Shiva,” she said. “It was what began the Tandav. “Kali is supposedly his consort and allegedly helped Hanuman defeat Shiva.” I said feeling very skeptical about this. “Then this Lady Bai as she calls herself, she knows about the medallion…does she know about that crown?” “She may,” Marie said. “I doubt it, she doesn’t even know about me…per say.” “What do you mean?” I asked. Marie touched her belt and I watched in shock as she suddenly became that hand maiden that I had seen standing next to Lady Bai. “You?!” I said. “Shhh…” Marie said returning back to the way she was. “Hanuman has a lot of infiltrators deep within the enemy camps. Including the one you claimed was dead.” “What do you mean the one that I claimed was dead?” I asked. “Your master,” Marie said. “What?” I asked. “He’s dead I killed him.” “No…no he’s not.” Marie said. “How do you know?” I asked. “Just what Hanuman said…” Marie rolled her eyes. “Fine, follow me.” The door to this cell opened. I stared at it and I stared at her. “Come on,” Marie said. “How do I know I should trust you?” I asked. “Marx said that you had a big crush on some girl named Sammie.” Marie said and she looked at me when she said that. I felt my face turn red. “And he said that I told you so whatever the hell that means.” “Told me so?” I said thinking if it was my master Marx what would he have said? “Where is Walker?” I asked. “Your friend?” Marie asked. “Yes,” I said. “You’ll see soon enough.” Marie said. We walked through the corridors of this ship. This ship was…different…yet similar. It looked like it was something that had been designed by Damus. Like the Temple of Damus, it had the same sort of feeling to it. The same type of walls the same type of symbols the same types of colors. It was walking down the corridor when I smelled a familiar smell. A smell that made me feel increasingly angry as I drew closer and closer towards it. The smell of leather, the smell of knives, the smell of a Berserker, the smell of my Master Marx Browne. I suddenly took off on Marie. “Hunter wait…” Marie said and I ignored her as I followed the smell. I ran through the corridors, following the smell. I was getting angrier as I went through it as I was feeling fury go through my veins. How was my master alive how was it that he was here now? Why was he here now? I needed answers. I finally got to a door, and I crashed through it not caring about damaging the door. I broke through and looked around. Before I could react I was on the ground with a boot to my face. “I see you haven’t learned yet boy,” Marx’s voice said as he held my arm up with his boot to my face. I looked up and saw him standing on top of me. I felt angry with him. Marx took the boot off my face and he helped me up. “Why are you still…” I started to ask then changed my question. “Master why are you…how are you still alive?” “Long story,” Marx said. “You killed one of my clones.” “Clones?!” I said. “So that was not you?!” “Nope,” Marx said. “This is the first time you met me.” “What?!” I asked. “Well the first time you have met me since you were EIGHT.” Marx said. Marie ran in and she sighed heavily. “Sara, I told you to keep an eye on him,” Marx said pointing at me. “Sara?!” I said looking at Marie. “God damn boy you kind of f****d with my plans,” Marx sighed heavily and rubbing his eyes. “Okay, Behemet, this is Sara, she’s my daughter.” “But, what about the other one?” I asked. “The one I am supposedly fighting.” “THAT is a long story,” Marx said. “But she doesn’t even look like you.” I said pointing at Marie. “You can blame her mother for that,” Marx said. “That is besides the point, you showing up now, means that the stupid Monkey’s plans is actually coming to a hilt.” I suddenly looked at the place we were in. It was this room that had a bunch of murals. Similar to all the other places that I had been to, all the places that were related to Damus, BUT this one was different this one had murals of about 20 beings. Each looking even more diabolical than the last. They were all on top of this throne looking as if he knew he was going to sit on this throne at one point. I looked at each of the murals, I did not know who any of these beings were. None of them until I saw the last mural. I stopped and nearly lost all sense of reason. For sitting on the throne, the last throne, the 20th throne the one that had these black lines that all showed massive walls of fire, the last throne...there he sat...a creature covered in a silver suit. His face serpent-like he had the orange glasses with the slits on it and this diabolical smile that I recognized all too well. “The lizard?” I said aghast. "I believe you have met him," Marx said. "That is Tenshi Cherapakah, the one who invaded your planet, the one who tried coming into this universe in your last life but you fought him off. The one who will come here soon. Tenshi Cherapakah the 20th avatar of Lord Shiva."

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