The love of Michael Myers (Halloween) chapter four

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“Hi, can we look around the house!” A chorus of teenage voices rang out as she answered the door. Girls in short tight tops and shorter skirts with boys showing off and drinking beer met her at the door. She politely shook her head no and went to close the door, but again she found it being pushed back open, “your a rude b***h aren't you! Don't you speak?” A teenage guy not much older then her asked sarcastically, he was clearly the leader of the group and the others laughed at his words. She shook her head again and one of the girls threw her empty beer can at Tracy's head making the others erupt in laughter as she pouted and said, “oh, it seems she really can't talk, I say we look arouNd as she can't say no!” They tumbled into the house pushing her back against the staircase. “Do you think she's ever had a d**k before?” That was the blonde girl with huge breasts that threatened to fall out of her too tight top any moment. “Nah, look at that huge ugly scar on her face!” The second guy laughed, then looked at her with disgust, “ewww and your eye! Are you blind!” He blurted. She meekly nodded once. “Wonder what it's like to do a half blind girl?” The boy leader said, then reached out and grabbed her right breast. Of course she didn't see it coming properly and he managed to grab and squeeze painfully. Michael waited by the basement stairs for her, he couldn't quite make out what was being said, but when he heard her gasp, the only sound she'd made, fury filled him, turning him back into the terrifying boogeyman as everyone knew him. Tracy was shaking with fear and wished Michael could help her. As if on cue, she suddenly saw him standing silently at the front door behind these stupid drunk idiots. How the hell did he get there? She thought, but she didn't get much time to think much else as he gestured that she cover her eyes which she did and heard him unleash his fury upon them. She tried not to scream or cringe at the sound of steel hitting bone, or the screams and spray of blood that hit her until finally, she felt someone step up close behind her. She pressed back against him but didn't dare open her eyes to the c*****e that would be before her, it wasn't hard to imagine that they would be slit open by the throat, stabbed repeatedly and goodness knows what else. He gently herded her not to the basement, but upstairs she realised as she slowly descended upward. Opening her eyes sHe found herself being led to the bathroom. She turned to look at Michael to which he just pointed his beloved knife at the bath. She smiled at him and started to run it. She looked at herself in the mirror while she waited, Michael observing her silently by the doorway. She was covered in blood, the horror and reality of it almost had her screaming in fright. She turned to Michael knowing she had to tell him this, “Michael, I know you kill, everybody knows, I have to accept that if I stay with you, but please can you try your best to never do it in front of me?” She asked pleadingly and as nicely as possible. He didn't react for several seconds but then gave one sharp nod and she let out the breath that she'd been holding. Once the bath was ready she turned towards him once aGain, “ummm, I need to get naked now,” she stated shyly. He didn't move and she took it to mean he didn't care, it still made her nervous as she undressed because she knew a lot of his victims seemed to be half naked or doing something involving little clothing, she didn't want to set him off in one of his rages. She stripped quickly and then jumped into the batH quickly before daring to look at him and blushed. He watched her silent and deadly looking. She didn't like him sTanding there like thaT, he looked too much like he would kill her any second, so she held up the cloth To him and asked, “would you like to wash my back for me? I can't quite reach.” She let out the breath she had been holding when he came over taking the cloth from her hand, and gently began to wash her back.
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