The love of Michael Myers (Halloween) chapter five

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It felt good to feel such tenderness and was even better when he gently bruShed her hair to the side so he could wash her neck. As he squeezed the cloth along her neck, the rivulets of water ran down her back, shoulders and breasts and she tried not to squirm from the pleasure it caused. She must not have been the only one enjoying herself because she felt a strong pair of hands slide over her breasts and squeeze gently making her moan softly. She couldn't tell if it was s****l, curiosity or what, but it was over way too soon as he lifted her chin up to look at him and ran his finger across her scar, looking at her questioningly. She would much rather have his rough big hands cupping her breasts again, then have to talk about the scar, but now she was starting to slowly speak more it was natural that he would want to ask her things. She blushed profusely and cupped the scar with her hand to hide it, but Michael gently pulled her hand back down and shook his head before leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Ok Michael, you want to know how I got it I'm assuming?” He nodded once. Taking a deep breath, she began to tell her terrible secret. “It was when my father beat me one night for asking for a new school uniform. He was so angry, he beat me black and blue, and then, because during his anger he'd smashed his whiskey bottle on the table, he blamed me and threw it at my face...the jagged edge of the glass sticking out the furthest cut right across my cheek and into my eye. Blood was everywhere...the pain was unbearable and horrific but he still...r..r..ra..raped me...saying I needed to be taught a lesson before he took me to the hospital. If hE had taken me right away they could have saved my eye, but it was too late and now I'm left completely blind in that eye...I was eleven at the time.” It was a huge relief to have finally shared her secret and the next thing she knew, she started sobbing her heart out, the memory of it all and the pain too overwhelming. Michael couldn't believe what he'd just heard, his poor lady, beaten as a child and then violently raped in her agony, he wanted to render and kill, tear the flesh from the fuckers face and cut his manhood clean off so he could never do something like that again! He watched his lady start to cry, could see her shame and embarassment as she covered her face and her body shook with heavy sobs. When she'd started to cry she'd seen Michaels face turn to one of fury, he was clenching his knife tight enough to grind and he looked terrifying, she knew it wasn't aimed at her so she hid her face to stop her fear of him and cried and cried until she suddenly felt herself being grabbed and pulled from the bath. Fear engulfed her at first but she soon relaxed when she realised he was just pulling her into his lap after wrapping a towel around her, and cradled her like a baby tightly to his chest. Finally she stopped crying, his stroking her wet hair softly soothing, another thing she'd never had before. She looked up at him and smiled, “I'm ok now Michael, Thankyou...oh and my names Tracy!” Tracy? he liked it. Lifting her up he took her from the bathroom and into her bedroom laying her down on the bed. She looked up at him confused, “Michael? I thought you'd want to go back to the basement?” He shook his head once and then left her lying there still confused. After a few hours he returned to her doorway covered in blood. “Did you clean up downstairs?” She asked shocked. Michael was not known for caring about any mess he left behind. He nodded once. “Shall I run you a bath? I could wash your ummm...uniform while your in the bath?” He stayed silent and didn't move for a long time and she found herself holding her breath. He would either be enraged by the idea or wary, she was hoping wary and relief flooded her (there was a lot of relief when you hung around Michael myers she found) when he gave a slow nod. She grabbed another set of pyjamas for herself, a white top with the bunny thumper from bambi on and black trousers. She went to run the bath with Michael silently following behind her. Once it was done and she'd added some bubbles, because she was sure he wouldn't want his manhood on display, though she couldn't help wondering what it would look like, maybe it would be huge like the rest of him? She shook her naughty thoughts away and coming back to reality turned to him, “it's ready now. If you like, I can wait outside for you to undress and you can give me your clothes from behind the door?” He nodded once and secretly a little disappointed she waited outside. When he passed his clothes through the door she was surprised to see he had Calvin clein boxers, she couldn't imagine him being stylish or caring, he must have just grabbed the nearest thing and got lucky she thought. While his clothes were being washed she knocked the bathroom door, “I'm going to come in ok?” Of course there was no reply, but she entered anyway. He was huge and she was pleasantly surprised to see that his body rippled with pure solid muscle, no wonder he was so powerful she thought. She also saw that his arms and chest were crisscrossed with scars of all sizes, some as thick as her one and others small and so on, she noticed too that on his left arm there were Burns that ran all the way down to his elbow, proof of all the abuse he'd survived when victims had tried to kill him to survive Themselves. She wondered if he was human at all as she saw some of the gun shot scars. She meekly went over and picked up the cloth, “may I?” She asked. He gave a nod and she gently started to wash his back which she noticed was also marred with scars. He still wore his mask and she was dying to know what he looked like under there. She didn't care if he was ugly or beautiful, she already knew she was in love with him, a love that was so deep, a love that could accept every part of who and what he was no matter what, just because he was him, but she wanted to have a face to this wonderful, mysterious and beautiful being who'd shown her more kindness then any normal human being ever had. She was getting cocky and that was a big mistake, because when she went to pull his mask off with no warning for him, as fast as a snake he grabbed her by the throat and threw her with such force she smashed into the wall smacking her head hard enough that she grew dizzy and her good eye became blurry. She watched in horror and fear as Michael rose to his full height and stepped out of the bath coming towards her, she was so dead she panicked and then covered her face to protect herself. Michael hated to see his Tracy afraid of him, he hadn't meant to hurt her, it had been an automatic reflex. Guilt overcame him and sadness, emotions he was most certainly not used to. He bent before her, he knew he could trust this woman, knew he loved her enough that he would even die for her, she had earned this much from him he thought as he very slowly took his mask off. He lifted her hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss. Tracy slowly opened her eyes and was hit with the biggest shock of all. Michael had taken his mask off for her, and she knew this was a sign of respect and trust. She looked at his face and smiled. He wasn't as hideous as she'd thought. The left side of his face was covered in scars and burns, but the right side was beautiful and flawless. He had strong high cheekbones, and his lips were red, and Cupid bowed and so damn kissable. His hair was jet black and tousled messily, long enough that it was almost falling into his eyes, she admired how the blackness really made his cold, ice blue eyes stand out. She looked back at those lips and was unable to stop herself from leaning in and pressing her own lips against those soft ones. She relaxed into him when she felt him return the kiss, but neither used their tongues, just kissed slow deep and just as intimate as any French kiss. She squealed with delight when he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her down softly he climbed on top of her and kissed her again. She giggled as he trailed soft kisses along her neck and found herself moaning softly when he kissed and licked between her collarbone. She certainly had never thought this silent terrifying mass murderer could be capable of such tender actions. All of a sudden he stopped. “What's wrong?” She asked. The look of confusion he gave her let her guess, “your a virgin?” He nodded and sat back on his knees. She knew she had to be the bold one if she wanted things to go further, so she undressed and lay back on the bed with all her intimate parts on full display! She blushed as he watched her but said, “you can just look and touch if you like? And when your comfortable we can go further.” He came forward again, tilted his head to one side as though he were figuring out what he should do, finally he cupped Her breasts softly and squeezed with small circular motions. She moaned and arched her back up to meet him But he then slid his hands slowly down to her waist, her stomach and then stroked where she was already wet. He lifted his fingers to look at the wetness glistening on them in wonder, then he traced his tongue slowly along his fingers, tasting her. He put his hand back and she gasped softly when he slid a finger inside of her and began to move it rhythmically Until she was grinding against him. He suddenly pulled out and her eyes flew open, he couldn't stop now! She thought, but all thought was blown away when she felt his tongue replace those fingers. He licked and kissed as she writhed against him, moaning louder now she found herself grabbing his hair and pushing his face harder against her aching p***y, if he didn't stop now she would explode she thought and she didn't want that, not until he was inside of her. She pulled him up on top of her and kissed him hard before breathlessly whispering, “take me Michael, make me yours.” She knew he understood when he pushed himself inside of her and she cried out in pain! She hadn't taken a proper look at his manhood, but she knew he was huge! Bigger then was normal she thought as he stretched her until she thought she'd rip and tear! He stopped when he heard her cry of pain, but she didn't want him to. “It's ok, don't stop, my body just needs to adjust,” she smiled and pulled him back to her. He started to move inside of her and slowly the pain lessened and became pleasure as she grew used to his size. She started moving with him until she was panting and gasping, “faster Michael faster!” He thrust into her deeper and faster until he started to lose rhythm, pounding her hard and fast until her world exploded and she came screaming, her nails scratching down his back, she grinded against him until the last waves of pleasure left her and she felt him spill his seed inside of her. Michael climbed off of her and left the room, he returned with his mask back on, but she didn't mind, she had a face to her lovely Michael now and she sighed with content when he climbed in beside her and wrapped her in his huge arms. Michael tilted his head to the side in confusion when his Tracy started giggling to herself, she looked up at him, “I was just thinking that next time, it might be fun to make love to you with your mask on.” His eyes widened in surprise But he was happy with her answer too, it had been difficult not wearing it for so long, it was a part of Him now, when he'd first put it on, it had been the beginning of him becoming who he truly was,he didn't need words when his actions spoke louder and he couldn't, wouldn't live without it.
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