Chapter 1 (Freya POV)

1097 Words
    Freya Lockwood is doing what she loves best, running in her wolf form chasing small animals, feeling the wind through her brown and black mixed fur. Her pack is quite large, being the third largest in the country, with 750 werewolves. With this amount of wolves, the pack land is very large, so this gives her quite a bit of room to run freely. When she nears he packs boarder, near a small human town with a warehouse butting up against the boarder, she does not see the wolf trap hidden in the leaves. As soon as she steps on it, it closes around her rear right leg. Howling in pain and anger as to who would dare to put a trap on their land.      "Dad, my leg is trapped in a bear trap. Can you please send someone to help because I am near the warehouse by the boarder and I can't shift back." She telepathically mind links her father.     Anger and frustration passed through the mind link as the Alpha replies that the patrol is on their way.     What Freya did not realize was that when she howled, she attracted the curiousness of a human, Andrew Hawthorne to be exact. She heard the footsteps getting closer as a smell invaded her nose, a smell of pine and spring rain. When she looked into the eyes of Andrew as he stood a mere ten feet away, one word ran through her mind. MATE!     Trying to get up to go to her mate, she whimpers in pain from forgetting that her leg was trapped. As if snapping him out of a daze, Andrew slowly approached the wolf, that seemed to be twice the size of a normal wolf, which didn't scare or terrify him.      Freya hears the patrol wolves coming closer, and warns them through the mind link to not approach since this human is her mate. Surprise and astonishment passed to her, but they reluctantly obeyed.      Andrew finally reaches Freya as he kneels down to see what he can do to help. Worry and some fear evident on his face as he sees the profusely bleeding wound.      "I am going to try to pull the trap apart for you to pull your leg out, " Andrew tells the wolf, feeling weird talking to an animal. "Please don't attack me."     "I wont," she says in her mind since they can't mind link yet and she is still in her wolf form, so she nods her large head in return.      Andrew does not know what to make of the wolf responding to him, so he concentrates on the trap. Being a bear trap means that he couldn't break it without hurting the wolf, so he puts one hand on either side of the trap. He pulls it apart with quite a bit of effort, but still manages to free her leg.      Freya does not move or shift back since they are still close to the human town. He moves closer to inspect the wound, only to find that it started to bleed even more. Cursing, he quickly takes one of his outer shirts off, and using his knife to cut it up, he makes some quick bandages. Andrew wraps it around her wounded leg without realizing that she had already started to heal.      Once he finished, she manages to get up, wincing slightly, and limps over to him, licking his face as a thank you. They both heard a branch break as they turned around to see a hunter with a bow pointed straight at them. Freya could easily dodge the arrow, but she was worried for her human mate.      In one split second, the hunter loosed the arrow from the bow... and Andrew instinctively lunging in front of her.      Freya saw his body jerk, felt the blood hit her face, and Andrews body collapse to the ground, unconscious. With the loudest growl she had ever made, she lunged towards the hunter before he could knock a another arrow. When she reached him, she gave him no chance to defend himself as she tore into his body and ripping his head clean from his shoulders, killing him.      As she walked back to Andrew, with blood on her muzzle, she realized that he was not dead, but there was an arrow through his right shoulder below his collarbone and protruding out his shoulder blade. She shifts back into her human form and graciously accepts the shorts and shirt given to her by one of the patrols.      "He needs medical attention. Can you please help me carry him to the Pack hospital?" She asks Charlie, one of the patrols.  In wolf form it would take them about ten minutes to reach the pack hospital. They tied Andrew onto the back of Charlie, since he was the largest wolf with them, and tried to stabalize him so he wouldn't  become even more injured. In record time, they made it to the large pack house, which has the hospital in the basement and part of the first floor.       "DR. WHITE!! I need your help!" Freya screamed and mind-linked at the same time, due to the fact that she didn't know where he was. As the doctor came rushing out of his office to see and unknown and unconcious man with an arrow through his right shoulder.     "Put him in here," as the doctor opened the door to the surgery room. Once Andrew was laid upon the table, the nurses started to hook him up to the machines and started an i.v. for fluids. "I need everyone to clear out, that includes you too Freya."      "But-" she started     "No buts, everyone out. Freya, you need to inform the Alpha about what happened," Dr. White told her.     She doesn't like to be told what to do, especially from someone that isn't her parents, but she reluctantly agreed as she headed to her fathers office on the 5th floor. Using the elevator would be faster she thought. As she reached the elevator, it's doors opened to reveal her parents. Alpha Damien quickly engulfs her in a hug and asks if she okay.      "I'm okay now, thanks to him." As she points to the operating room where Andrew was being worked on.      "Who is he?" her mother inquires.      "He is my Mate. He saved my life," she enthusiastically stated as both her parents beamed with joy and happiness, although they both had worry in their eyes.   
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