Episode 4: Contract signed

1674 Words
I was so shocked and short of words as I saw him, sitting comfortably on the chair. He seems shocked when he saw me also, but I couldn't read his facial expression to know what was running through his mind, at the moment! When I was about to take up the courage to walk towards him, he looked up straight into my eyes and said to me; "Good morning Miss Williams, please come have your seat over here!" He said it so calmly and politely, as if, he hasn't seen me before. I walked over to where he pointed, and sat across him with his office desk, separating us. I greeted him in a cool manner, as I tried to calm myself down. I also make sure not to act so obviously, with the way I was feeling uneasy, about meeting him, as the boss of Crystal mind publishing company. "I have gone through your work, and I must say, I'm seriously impressed with your writing skills!" Mr. Mason said to me, gently, while smiling. "Thank you, sir! I'm so honoured to have my work appreciated by such a huge company as yours!" I said smiling, as I composed myself. Since I believe he doesn't recognize me or remembered the incident that happened between us last night, I locked up and acted like I'm not bothered about it. 'Wow, she's so pretty and calm... But I need to keep it professional!' Mason thought to himself, inwardly, as he tries to act about not recognizing Khloe. "So, let's get straight to business! Have the contracts documents, and go through them." Mason said as he passed some documents to me. "Alright sir," I said gently, as I collected the documents from him, and started going through them. After going through the documents and reviewing the contract terms, I was pleased with everything. The payment is cool, and I will be able to keep my write-ups copyrighted. Meaning that my name will also be on the published work, as the writer of the book. "I am very okay with the contract terms, and I will like to sign the documents now," I replied, as I brought out a pen from my handbag. "Sure, that's very good... Please do provide every needed information we will need, to reach you, and also to get your payment to you!" Mason said, as he immediately turned to check some stuff beside his table. After I finally got the contract signed, I handed back the company's copy to him, and I kept the other part of mine to myself. I also thanked him for putting in words for me, as I was told by the Director, Mr Leonardo. "Oh, you don't have to do that... Your work is a good one, so you deserve it!" Mason said, modestly. "Miss Williams, can I have your number? So we can meet up some other time, even if it's just a night out, and have some coffee?" Mason asked politely, as he brought out his phone. "That won't be necessary sir... Let's just keep it professional, and at the business point alone!" I said and tries not to meet with his cute eyes. I immediately stood up and left his office hurriedly. 'Is she a rude type? Or I was acting too forward?' Mason murmured to himself, as he continued with what he was doing on his laptop. After I left the office premises, I let out my smile, which came out so uncontrollably... I was so happy about the contract, that I can't wait to share the good news with my friends. Immediately I got home, I met both Diana and Annabell in the living room, seeing a movie. When they saw me, they were so happy and curious to know about my last night's adventure, with Mason. "Hey, baby girl, where have you been? Are you just coming from his place?" Diana asked as she sounded so curious. "Come on, let the gist pour out!" Annabell said to me, as she was rubbing her both palms together, waiting for every detail of what happened between me and Mason, last night. "Nothing serious happened, we had a couple of drinks together, and I returned home this morning!" I said as I was reluctant to let them know the full details of what happened between us. "Guys, that by the way... I have some good news to share with you guys." I suddenly said, cheerfully, as I stood up and started walking majestically in front of my friends. "What's the news, come on, let it out," Diana said, as her curiosity won't let her calm down. "I got home this morning and after I had my bath, I got a message from Crystal mind publishing company that, my contract is ready and I can also keep my copyright to myself! I have signed the contract already, and both the money and terms are good!" I said joyfully, and threw myself to the couch, laughing out loud. "Wow! I'm so happy for you Khloe. Your dreams are finally coming true!" Annabell said, as she walks towards me and gave me a tight hug. "Yes, this is what we want! It's party time today!" Diana screamed in happiness, as the three of us started laughing, and dancing. "Girls, when we get to work tonight, we are going to give some great moves today on the dance floor!" I said as we all continued dancing and laughing. Later in the evening, we got to work and the feeling, plus the atmosphere was so charged up. Everyone enjoyed how we danced, and we wowed all the spectators. When we finished dancing and we were about to step down from the stage, my eyes met Mason's. "Gush, it's him again!" I came to realize that, he has been watching us dancing, all along. But I didn't pay him any attention. I and my friends were at our table, as usual, enjoying ourselves with some drinks, as we were moving to the rhythm of the music that was being played in the background of the club. Suddenly, one of the bartenders came to us with a bottle of expensive wine. We were all shocked after he placed it on our table because we can't afford the least wine in the club, not to talk of an expensive one like this! When we told him we didn't order it, he pointed towards Mason, that he sent the wine. "That gentleman over there asked me to deliver this wine to Miss Khloe," The bartender said politely, as he dropped the wine on the table. "Please, you will have to return it because I don't need the wine, Thank you!" I said angrily while pointing towards Mason, and decline the wine. "What! No, don't worry. She's just joking about it!" Diana jumped into the conversation, as she Collected the wine and asked the bartender to leave. "What's wrong with you Khloe? That gentleman is just trying to be nice to you, but you want to shut him out, the way you've been acting with every other man that has tried coming close to you?" Diana said she sounds a little bit angry about what I was about to do. "No, you won't understand... I can't just accept this wine, please let's return it!" I became angry and was losing patience already. "I don't know about you guys, but I would love to have an expensive wine in my mouth, down to my system!" Annabell said jokingly, as she kept on smiling at us. "You can go tell him you didn't accept his offer, but we are going to drink this wine, now!" Diana said, as she popped the wine and poured it into their wine glasses. 'Wow, what a gentleman. I just wish I can have him to myself!' Annabell thought to herself inwardly, as she kept on smiling, and staring at Mason while sipping the wine from her wine cup. Mason was not happy, as he could notice all that was happening among us. I wasn't drinking from the wine, which clearly shows that I didn't accept the wine. After my friends finished drinking the wine, we head home. ****************************** I was the first to wake up the next morning, despite sleeping late. My phone started ringing, and when I go to pick up the phone from my purse, it was an unknown number. I hesitated for a while before picking up the call, but I eventually picked it up. "Good morning Khloe" The caller sounds calm and excited. "Good morning, please, who am I speaking with?" I greeted and asked politely. "It's me, Mason. How are you doing this morning?" Mason answered as he asked about my well-being. "Mr Mason, why can't you just keep things professional and simple? Do you have to go through my signed documents just to get my number?... Please don't call me again without seeking my permission first!" I angrily said and drops the call even before Mason could say anything. "Who is annoying you this morning again?" Annabell asked, as she woke up and was trying to stretch her arms. "It's that unprofessional person, called Mason! Going through my signed documents to fetch my phone number, just to call me this early morning!" I sounded so irritated. "No, you should not have shut him up... I was the one who gave him your number last night at the club!" Diana suddenly said as she stood up away from the bed, yawning. "W-what! Why would you do that without my consent?" I asked with a harsh tone and sounded so furious at Diana. She always ruined everything by being bossy all the time! "I did it because I know you need such a good man in your life. And you should go apologize to him before it's too late." Diana said in all seriousness with raised eyebrows, as she walks out of the room, leaving me to start feeling guilty for what I just did to Mason!
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