Chapter 3: Claiming What's Mine

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*Lila Pov "Mine!" What in the world is happening right now? Am I stuck in a freaking twilight zone or something? I'm not sure what he is doing but it feels really weird, my entire is tingling from his touch and I don't know why but my body seems to be enjoying his touch. I'm trying to wiggle out of his arms but he has a tight hold on me. What the hell is his problem? Is this a joke? Am I being punked right now? "Hey! Lunatic??" Seems like that has got his attention, I take the opportunity of him being distracted by my remark and push him off of me. I stumble backwards nearly falling down the stairs, luckily I was able to catch myself on the railing before I fell to my death. Okay, that was freaking morbid but this whole day has me feeling like I'm in a dream. A nightmare I can't wake up from. "Are you alright Alp-I mean Jason?" I look up and see two of his friends have come running out to help him. And what was he about to call him before he corrected himself? It didn't sound like a name. "I'm fine! Are you alright Lila?" And all of a sudden all eyes are back on me. Perfect. This guys mood swings are giving me whiplash. One minute he is helping me off the ground and the next he is holding on to me trying to claim me like I'm some piece of property. "I'm fine but I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone. I don't know if this is just some sick joke you and your friends have come up with to try out on the new girl but tough s**t! I'm not playing so leave me the frick alone!" I think this is the most I have spoken to anyone since my parents died and honestly I think I like it better when I was invisible. "Uh hi! I'm Claire this buffoons friend and this is my boyfriend Hayden! I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot here." The wrong foot? Ha right. I just stand here with my arms crossed staring at them. I turn to look at Jason and his face looks a lot softer than a couple of minutes ago. I don't know what it is but when he looks at me all the anger I was feeling just a second ago is starting to melt away. I just want to run over to him and I don't know jump in his arms? Is this a crush? Is this what it's like to have one? When he touches me my body welcomes it, normally I hate it when people touch me or stand too close. Just brings up many memories and emotions. Maybe I'm overreacting (a little bit). "Look it's fine. I might have overreacted a little bit. Sorry for shoving you." "No, I'm sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to talk to you and when I finally caught you i- look I'm just sorry. Can we start over?" He looks like a little kid, blushing and turning red with his apology. He can't be all that bad, maybe he is just as awkward as I am with people. "Um sure that's fine I guess." His head snaps up and looks me in the eye, he gives me the biggest smile that could make any girl swoon. He was like a walking s*x god. I think that was the term I heard people using when describing him and I didn't understand it until now. "Awesome! Do you wanna come and have lunch with us, Lila? Although I think we might have used about half of it by now." They all started laughing and talking among themselves. They seem nice but I don't fit in. They are all gorgeous and jaw-dropping. And I on the other hand is wearing clothes almost twice my size to hid all the bruising and scars on my body. They still haven't completely healed from the last conversation I had with my parents. That was probably the worst one I had, had from them. And luckily the last. I can't help but laugh at the irony in that last thought. "Are you alright Lila?" Jason was just inches away from my face now, his face looks full of concerns? I can't tell no one has ever looked at me like that before. He could just be trying to be nice since he scared me just a few minutes ago. I don't want anyone's pity if that is what he is doing. "I'm fine. And thank you for the offer but no thanks. I'm going to go now. It was nice to meet you." I gave them a weak smile and head back inside the school. I could feel him watching me walk away and for some reason, it took everything I had not to turn around. *Jason Pov I watched Lila walk back into the school and just as I was about to run off after her I could feel Claire pull me back to her. "What?" "You need to give her a little space Jason. If you want her to accept you and what we are then you need to go slowly. Jason, you have realized that she is a human right?" Of course, I noticed but that didn't matter. All that matters is her, she is the definition of perfect. And she was mine, no one can have her but me. Of that, I was going to make sure. "Well, Claire since you are an expert please enlighten me on how I am meant to do that? I know she feels what I feel. I could feel it in her touch." "Duh of course she feels the same as you! She's your mate but she doesn't understand why she is feeling all these 'emotions' for this guy she met like 3 seconds ago. You need to proceed with caution Jason. She can still reject you and your wolf if you are not careful. And speaking of your wolf he is the one that nearly blew it for you. Until she accepts you as her mate and understands everything that is happening you can not let him have control when you are with her." I know everything she was saying was right but my wolf was not having it. He was furious at the thought of someone trying to keep his mate from him. "Your right Claire, thank you. I would appreciate it if you could stick close to her when I'm not. Let her know she has a friend and maybe put in a few good words on my behalf." she starts laughing and walking towards the school entrance "Not feeling so confident Alpha? I will try to befriend her but only because I want to get to know my future Luna. She seems like a badass." She disappears into the school with Hayden trailing behind her, I call out to him running behind him as I call out. "Something wrong Jason?" I told both Claire and Hayden to call me by name while we are in school. Not everyone that goes here is a werewolf. "Can you dig up as much information on Lila as you can?" "Sure I can but Jason wouldn't you rather get to know her yourself?" "No not like that. When I held her she felt skinny under her clothes. And when I took a step back to look at her she was wearing baggy clothes. I just want to make sure that she is living in a safe environment. Because if she is not she will be living with me whether she likes it or not." Before he could respond I walked back inside as the bell rings for lunch to be over. I slowly walk over to my next class knowing she won't be there and counting down the time I can see her again. *Lila Pov Finally, the bell has rung and we are all free to go home. I have never wanted to go home as much as I do right now. I'm so tired, after my encounter with Jason at lunch I kept bumping into him and his friends in-between class. Claire had one class with me which was the last class of the day. She sat right behind me trying to pass notes or poking me when she thought I was ignoring her. I had all my belongings ready to go in my bag before the bell had even rung. As soon as it did I was out the door. I had a feeling that Claire would try to corner me to make me talk to her as soon as class finished. I ran to my locker got all the books that I need for homework tonight and made a break for the exit. As soon as I turned the corner there he was, leaning against the double doors waiting for something. I hope he wasn't waiting for me. I stopped dead in my tracks waiting to see if he had already noticed me, as if he could hear my thoughts his head snaps up and looks me straight in the eye. I sigh in defeat and stride over to where the tall sexy man with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Except when he said 'mine' his eyes turned black for a split second. Or my head is playing tricks with me, I haven't been sleeping well. "Hey!" His voice is like honey, I don't know why he has such an effect on me. His voice makes my body ache, it's like my body is craving his touch. "Hi." I spoke while looking at my feet not wanting to look him in the eye. His stares are intense. "Do you wanna go home together? I can give you a ride if you want? It's a little chilly outside." I move my head up to look him in the face and could tell that he was being genuinely kind. Maybe I was reading too much into things. "Um, sure I guess. Thank you." I gave him the biggest smile I could muster without feeling like a total lunatic and we start walking outside. "Well I have my car parked around the corner, I might also have a blanket in there if you need it" He is sweet, but I think it will be better if this is a one-off thing. People that hang around me, well it never ends well for me. Or them. My best friend in middle school found out about my parents and for some reason, she turned on me. She used that against me and turned the whole class on her side. She kept telling me I was trash and that I didn't deserve to live. I mean I feel like she had a point, not about the living thing I don't think I would ever have the guts to take my own life. But my parents couldn't even love me, maybe I am worthless. Ever since then I tend to keep to myself, I don't like making friends anymore and honestly, I don't think I know how to anymore. We both turn the corner and Claire and Hayden were waiting for us next to a big black SUV. I guess his family is loaded, that looked like a 50k car. It might have been cheaper I'm not too knowledgeable about cars and they're worth it. Just as we take a few steps closer to the car we hear a car behind us blaring its horn. We turn around to see an old station wagon sitting there and honking at us. "What the hell is her problem?" Jason said, I kinda sounded like he was thinking out loud. I squint my eyes and take a step forward towards the station wagon, I'm pretty sure I recognize the car. Just as it hits me whose car that is she comes rolling down next to us with her windows down. "Lilia! Get in the motherf***** car! NOW" Yup, just when I thought today couldn't get any harder my freaking aunt shows up looking like she is ready to kill someone.
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