Chapter 2

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Pain burst through my chest. I gasped for air as my knees fell to the forest floor. A scream tore through my throat. Tears burned my eyes. "Now that he's gone, little songstress, you'll be coming with me." Howls of pain and loss sounded around me. I craved to howl with them. Instead, I curled into myself and cried. I felt burning hot hands touch my shoulders. I flinched and whimpered, but only the sounds of snarls and fighting made me look up. Abnormally large wolves fought with the rogue along with traditional wild wolves. I couldn't take the pain any longer. I felt the sweet relief of the darkness threatening to take over. I let it take me into its soft embrace. I opened my eyes again, but was I saw confused me more than shocked me. I was in my own room. My posters hung on the walls, my own bed held my weight. I sniffed my pillow to make sure I was truly home. When my own scent filled my nose, I sighed in relief. I got out of bed and walked right to the bathroom to do my business. Once done, my stomach growled, telling me that it had been quite some time since I last ate. I stepped into the kitchen and nearly screamed. "Oh! You're awake! This is wonderful!" A green eyed man stood in my kitchen, holding one of my collector cups! I screamed and darted towards him, snatching the cup away from him. "Are you crazy!? These are NOT dishes you can use! These are COLLECTORS CUPS! Do you know what that means?!" I yelled and ranted as I carefully washed, dried and placed it back where it went. "Eh-- sorry Luna. Didn't know as you've been asleep for 6 months." I gasped and covered my mouth. 6 months? How could that be? I just closed my eyes for a moment! Maybe an hour at most! I rushed to the front door and opened it. It was in fact August! "I'm sorry, Luna. We thought it would be best if you were in your own place when you woke up. Keep you from being afraid. Hopefully it worked." "No no, I'm fine. But, what about my rent? My job? All my other bills? If I've been asleep, how was everything paid for?" "Ah yes, the bills are paid for every month by the pack funds. Since the Alpha died, I, Richard Beta of the pack, have been in charge. I know he didn't mark you or anything, but you are our Luna. Arron wouldn't have given up his life to save someone who isn't his mate. I took a long deep breath. I've been asleep for 6 months, Arron is dead, I have no job and now, I am the leader of a pack? How did all this happen? Why did this happen? "Richard?" I watched as his eyes brightened when I said his name. "Yes, Luna?" "How? Why?" Was all I could manage to say with all the questions running through my mind. "It's hard to explain, but I'll do my best." He paused and handed me a hot coffee. "When our Alpha died, he told us to follow you just before our link to him snapped. You are our Luna. Equal to the Alpha, the Alpha's mate. A bonded pair by the Moon Goddess. His wolf, was the first werewolf to ever exist. He begged the Goddess for a mate that could tame him as he was wild like no other, stronger than anything. Simply by lifting his paw, he could take over his human half. The Goddess agreed and gave him a mate, but she was not a wolf. She was a human. The Goddess gave her a song, a song that could charm anything creature on earth. As she grew, so did her song. The song was powered by her emotions. When happy the song was happy, sad the song sad, etcetera. You are that girl, reborn when he is reborn. A bonded pair, a king and queen if you will." "He told me that I was the one who had to accept him. That if I chose to say no, he would be destined to repeat the cycle. What I don't understand is why me? How could my song, filled with anger, not win against that rogue wolf? Why am I to lead your pack? I mean, I have no idea how to lead a werewolf pack." "That's why I'm here. I am your Beta, you are my Luna. I will teach you when you need to know, how to run and rule a pack." I bit the inside on my lip. Something I found myself doing whenever I was thinking about something. "But-" I paused for a moment and tightened my hold on my cup. It was empty, but it still kept me earthbound. "What if I didn't want to lead your pack?" I spoke softly, nearly a whisper if you will. I watched as Richard's eyes flash to sadness before going back to normal calm. As if he put on a mask. "Then I would be pushed to be the Alpha and pushed to find my mate, or choose one if I can't find her." For some reason, his statement made my heart ache. "Do I have to choose a mate now that mine is dead?" Richard choked on his coffee. I gasped softly. I didn't realize that I had spoken aloud. "Not it you don't want to. If the Goddess allows it, she will give you a second chance mate. You are young, so I'm hoping that she chooses to give you a second chance mate." I sighed and placed my cup down on the coffee table. "I need some time to think. I think best in the forest." I didn't wait for him to answer me and left my house. In the forest, I hummed softly as I thought over everything I was told. I didn't want to, but Richard already seemed excited to have me as their leader. I don't know how long I was in the forest for, but by the time I got back to my house, it was dark out and Richard was asleep on my couch. I felt a soft smile playing on my lips. He was handsome, and his skin looked soft. I wanted to touch him, just to satisfy myself. 'Just one touch, Arabella.' I thought. I touched his cheek, it was soft but the usual stubble was there still. I moved my hand away slowly, but Richard caught it. I yelped and tried to pull my hand back from his grasp. "I'm not sure how, but I felt something." He paused and opened his eyes. They were swirling with golden specks. "It's like my wolf is feeling something. He's on edge, but not in a bad way." "L-let go" I whispered. He let go of my hand and I took a few steps back. "My apologies, Luna. I'm not usually so on guard, but these days I find myself this way." "It's fine. Get some sleep. we will talk in the morning." I headed off to my room. I couldn't sleep though. I just laid there and watched the ceiling until the first rays of sunlight peeked through my window. With a sigh, I got out of bed and went for a shower. After washing up, I sat at the kitchen table and watched as Richard slept. Yes, I know it is improper for a lady to do this, but at this point, I was just too tired to care. I needed to talk to him and then, I would get some much needed sleep. I heard him groan and stretch out. "Good morning, Luna." I hummed a little in reply, but didn't say anything. As I waited for him to have a shower and whatnot, I drank my third pot of coffee. "Luna?" He paused as I looked at him. "Did you not sleep?" "No. I was awake all night. Your snoring kept me awake. Shaking the whole house." I teased. "Hey! I don't snore!" I laughed at the pouty face he wore. "You do, but not loud. Very soft if you will." "So, why didn't you sleep?" "Well, I wanted to talk to you, Richard." I paused and sat down on the couch. "I don't know anything of your world, but I want to. I'll be your leader. Even though I am young and still want my freedom, I'll lead your pack. I'm sure that is what my mate would have wanted." "Amazing! I can't wait to te--" "I'm not finished." I cut him off. He lowered his head to me. I guess that's some sort of thing they do? "I want my job back, and I want to keep living here in my house. That's what I want. Is that possible?" "I'm not sure Luna. Being a leader of a pack is a full time job as it is, plus I need to train you in all sorts of areas. Fighting, paperwork, everything. Are you sure you want to do that from here? Your wolves won't be able to come see you if you live here, the humans here don't like wolves. With them killing the wild wolves off, us werewolves are wary of coming here." "I will think of something. In the meantime, I'm going to take myself a nap." With that being said, I headed back to my room and put myself to bed again.
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