Chapter 1 - An Unusual Case

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    Knock, knock, knock.     “Come in,” Mandy said without lifting her head up.     The door squeaked and Laila, her secretary appeared with a finely dressed old man. “Atty. Mandy, this gentleman is Mr. Richard Dawson, the person who has an appointment with you at this hour.”     “Uh-huh, thank you Laila. Nice to meet you, Mr. Dawson.” Mandy looked at Mr. Dawson, stood up and automatically offered a handshake.     “Likewise, Atty. Mandy,” Mr. Dawson answered without a smile.     “Please have a seat.”     When both of them are seated, Mandy began her usual approach to a client. “Mr. Dawson, how may I help you?”     Richard Dawson stared at the woman in front of him and hesitated. He has heard and read about her before. Among all the young brilliant lawyers he met, she is the most promising. She has won all cases she handled since she started practicing. Impossible as it may seem, she beat most old lawyers in town. Yes, her reputation precedes her. Her fame boomed when she won that legendary case of People vs. Lima Hong, a murder case that dragged for almost 40 years.     Perhaps, she could do the same to my case. If that happens, I can rest from this battle that has been haunting me for years. Mr. Dawson was deep in thoughts.     “Mr. Dawson? Mr. Dawson.” Mandy interrupted his thoughts.     “Ah, yes,” Mr. Dawson’s mind came back to the present. “I want you to handle and terminate a case for me, Ms. Mandy Morison. I have heard how you terminated a case that lasted for 40 years. I want you to do the same for me. I have been battling this case all my life, and I’m exhausted already. Before I die, I want to get it done and over with.”     “Mr. Dawson, I don’t want to make any promises. However, I want to assure you that I will do my best to see that justice is effected within the bounds of law.”     Mr. Dawson looked at her intently. “Ms. Morison, all I want is justice. I’ve spent my lifetime battling for this. I have not known any other life. Please. I am willing to pay any amount you ask me. Name it, you have it. Please, just accept this case.”     “Then tell me about this case, Mr. Dawson.”     Slowly, Mr. Dawson let out a folder containing files as thick as an encyclopedia. “This,” he handed it to her. “This will explain everything.”     Mandy took the folder.     Case file number 105: Morris Parker, et al. versus Grande and Martini. Judging from the documents at hand, Mandy knows that this case is not just any other case that she handled in the past. This is different. Yes, it really is. Inexplicably, her heart began beating faster. Lubb-dubb, lubb-dubb. Why is my heart pounding so fast? Mandy cannot understand.     Mr. Dawson has been staring at Mandy since she took the case. He cannot explain why but he knows that this woman is the answer to what he has fought for so long. Yes, this woman will make it happen. She will attain justice for his brother!   
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