Chapter 8

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Aristide I was half an hour late to lunch but the guys were having too good of a time to care, immediately I got to the table at the VIP section I motioned for a passing waiter and ordered. I was not too late because apparently the guys were waiting for their food to arrive. “Aristide why were you late? You were a few minutes behind me as I left the office.” I thought about lying but decided against it I asked the guys for advice even though I wasn’t sure they would understand what I was going through, even I didn’t know what was happening to me. “Have any of you met a woman who you couldn’t stop thinking about, someone that made you think about finally settling down and committing?” I could tell from their faces that they were shocked, I mean in our group of five, we were all different. Liam Harrison was the certified playboy of the group, he was also the only one who didn’t come from wealth he struggled a lot and lived on the streets until he was adopted by a rich realtor and estate developer. It came as a shock to all of us when on his death he willed his entire fortune and business to Liam, his family protested but his will was ironclad and in the end Liam really expanded the business and made it a company worth billions. I think the only reason he lives such a lavish lifestyle is to make up for his poor beginnings but those beginnings also made him a shrewd business man who didn’t joke with his money. Because of his job he often travelled to exotic lands and secluded islands to build resorts and he made it his personal goal to ‘enjoy the company of the local lovely ladies’. Then there was Max, he was from a rich Italian family but he didn’t have a good relationship with his parents and I don’t blame him, he was always treated like he was unwanted and they made no it secret that he was unplanned and a kind of nuisance in their well-planned up life. They adored his brother and he was content to remain in the shadows until a tragic accident killed his brother and he had to step up and run the family business. I met both of them in college we were room mates and had all belonged to the same fraternity, we also majored in business so we really formed a bond during the four years of college. Aidon and I had known each other since we were babies and in we practically grew up as brothers though I was a year older, he was pretty much the innocent one in the group unlike Max who used to be a playboy and stopped after losing his brother, Aidon was never a player. I think it’s because he’s always liked Olympia, in high school he rarely paid attention to girls even though some practically threw themselves at him. The only girl he ever minded was Olympia and by the time we were in college everyone knew he obviously loved her, in all honesty among all the guys our little group I was happy she ended up with him. Not that the others weren’t capable of winning her heart but Aidon was the one with little to no history with women and as selfish as it sounded I didn’t want to have to ever wonder if her husband was comparing her to the countless women he’d dated before. Like the way mine would probably would, that is if I find a woman who will ever make me want to settle down, at that thought a picture of Kevi Sanders barefoot and pregnant wearing a ring flashed through my mind. A man whose face I couldn’t see came up behind her and rubbed her swollen belly and she smiled lovingly at him. ‘That could be you’ the small snarky voice that had become my constant companion this past couple of weeks said with a longing note in my head. I brushed it off and pushed it to the back of my mind continuing to survey my little band of brothers. Nikos was also from a wealthy family though he rarely spoke about it, in fact the only family member of his I had met was his mother, a sweet, gentle woman. Nikos was also a playboy but he was much focused on the company, he was sort of the second in command, my right hand man at the company and hopefully when I became the CEO, my vice-president. He was the laid back version of Liam though he sometimes had moments when he seemed weird or distracted. And then there’s me a mixture of both playboy and business man though recently I have been acting reckless. Aidon was the first to recover and when he did he simply smiled at me. “There’s a reason I’m marrying your sister you know, I see my forever with her, always have, that’s why I never dated or anything in school, I knew she was my soul mate so I did all I could to have her. All those years of pretending to be just a friend, all those times I got into fights in college because some jerk wanted to make a move on her, despite me stating clearly she was off limits and mine. Then after college I could finally show how much I adored her I did everything a boyfriend would do except actually officially date her because I was scared of the powerful feelings she invoked in me. I did my best to protect her but then that asshole came and got into between us, she started spending so much time with him it enraged me I was drowning in jealousy but when he broke her heart I lost it. I went to his apartment and beat him black and blue and then I went to a bar and got so drunk I could barely see straight, but when the cab the bartender called arrived it was Olympia’s address I gave. I still don’t remember what I said that night but that morning I couldn’t help but confess my love for her and you guys know the rest. I’m just saying that if you, Aristide a certified playboy really sees a future with this woman after dating countless others without ever thinking about a long term relationship let alone settling down, you owe it to yourself to take this seriously. You don’t want to live with regrets, I can’t even imagine how I’d function if I ever let Olympia slip through my fingers. My final advice is think seriously about the matter but don’t let your head block out your heart, If she’s got you thinking like this she must be really special.” After he spoke the guys all gave their advice, Liam and Max agreed with what Aidon said only Nikos seemed skeptical which was weird since if I got into a serious relationship it would benefit him. The sooner I started looking and acting committed the sooner I could be made CEO and promote him to vice-president of Koures conglomerate, I ignored his reaction and pinned it to some personal issues. But things really became intense when Max asked about the woman that was making me ask about settling down. Of course Liam answered first with something stupid, he was sort of like the joker in a group which was ironic because he was the one with the most difficult past. “Dude, she’s obviously smoking hot with a killer body and she must be a hell of a wildcat in the bed to capture and keep Aristide’s attention.” He ended confidently. “I don’t think so, he’s used to such women he won’t take one seriously, at least not now and he wouldn’t ask for our help if she was like one of his typical female companions. She’s different, isn’t she? She’s so different from the women you normally date, that’s why you’re freaking out and asking if its normal. Has it occurred to you that maybe the reason you notice her so much is because she’s a breath of fresh air in your jaded world and you’re afraid you’re in over your head because you don’t know how to act around her.” Of course trust Max to answer one of Liam’s shallow remarks with one of deep thought and truth. I rubbed a hand over my face and signed. “Yes she’s different and it terrifies me, she’s like the opposite of the women I date she’s luscious and has curves for days that I could spend hours exploring she’s smart and independent and making something out of her life without help from a rich, doting father or the advantage of a well-known surname. Her beauty is enchanting and she doesn’t have to wear outrageously indecent clothing to get my attention. But the worst part is that I only met her once and we had company at that time, just once and I can’t stop thinking about her. I only touched her briefly, just a brief kiss to her hands as a goodbye gesture and I’ve played it over in my mind a thousand times. That one meeting with Kevi Sanders completely messed up my life!” I know it sounded harsh but I’m a man who’s used to complete control in all aspects of my life especially in regards to my body and relationships with the opposite s*x and here I was obsessing over a woman I met once and barely touched. I looked up to see looks of shock once again on the faces of my friends until, of course Liam ruined the silent gathering and distracted us from the serious issue at hand. “You mean after sleeping with countless women the only one you see a future with is one you haven’t even kissed? This is too funny to be true, I have to meet her she must be something special for a confirmed bachelor like you, and this is the story of the century. “Wait, did you say Kevi Sanders?” Aidon asked. “Yes.’” I replied shortly. “ You mean to say the woman who has got you in knots is the designer making Olympia’s dress for the wedding and one of her closest friends whom she absolutely adores, despite knowing her for only a short while? No wonder she was so excited after her visit to the boutique, you went with her didn’t you, and she probably noticed that you were really smitten by Kevi, I must admit she seems a bit shy but she’s kind and Olympia’s friend so know if you hurt her you’ll have us to answer to. Though I’d be very happy if you ended up dating her, finally I won’t be the only one in a committed relationship among us and Liam will stop with his teasing me or at least minimize it.” As childish as it was Liam did tease Aidon quite a lot because as unbelievable as it sounds he’s still a virgin we found out when we got drunk at our graduation and started blurting out embarrassing secrets.I would normally tease him but I like the fact that he respects my sister enough to wait for her all these years and still want to keep her pure till they tie the knot. I couldn’t keep myself from wondering if Kevi was a virgin, but as quickly as that thought came I tried to ignore and forget it after all her love life shouldn’t concern me especially since my track record was not exactly a model one. Hours later long after the lunch meeting I lay in my bed and wondered what it would be like if I chose to settle down, no matter what I did it seems that Kevi always came to mind. A new thought entered my mind, maybe it was just a one-time reaction and when I saw her again the novelty of the experience would wear away. Besides I reminded myself you want nothing but a business partnership from her I firmly reminded myself. With that thought I fell asleep and into a familiar dream with Kevi barefoot and pregnant smiling lovingly at a man that was standing behind her and gently rubbing her swollen stomach and this time I could see his face It was me and I was looking at her adoringly with a huge grin on my face.
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