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Troy I woke up to Zoey not being in bed with me. It was early. My alarm hadn’t even gone off yet. This morning would be training with the warriors, then meetings to follow. Zoey was due any day now, and I hoped to secure a couple more alliances beforehand. Climbing out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom. She wasn’t there either. I know she has been having problems sleeping lately, unable to get comfortable. Sighing, I pulled on some clothes and headed for the door. I no more then opened it when one of the warriors, James, nearly ran into me as he stumbled up the hall to the door out of breath. “Alpha, thank the goddess. Luna's water broke in the dining room…..” I didn’t wait for him to say more. Running as fast as I could, I ran straight for the dining room. Worriers stood outside the room, only allowing female omegas to carry towels and pillows inside. One of them opened the door for me as I got closer, allowing me inside, where I found Zoey on the floor with some of the women from the kitchen surrounding her. “What's going on?” Why were they not moving her to the infirmary? My question gained me a sigh and an eye roll from Zoey. And an answer from the oldest omega in the room, who was knelt down in front of Zoey. “The babies are coming, Alpha.” Annoyance filled me. I could see that. “We need to get her to the infirmary.” Both Zoey and the omega shook their heads simultaneously. Zoey’s breathing increased as pain filled her face. “We won't make it. I can already see the first baby’s head.” Nodding, I accepted the truth of it. There was no way we could move her now. The dining room would have to work. Moving to Zoey’s side, I helped the others get her ready while the oldest of the omegas readied to help deliver the babies. “Alright, Luna, on the next contraction, we are going to push.” Zoey nodded her understanding, taking my hand in one of hers and one of the omegas in the other. Just as she steadied herself, the door burst open, and a couple of worriers ran into the room. A deep growl rolled through my chest as I glared up at them. From where they stood, Zoey was exposed to them. Their heads fell to the floor, quickly averting their eyes from her. “Sorry, Alpha, but there has been a breach. We have over a dozen rogues that have passed our borders.” Another deep growl rolled through me. Not now. I needed to be here for Zoey and our babies. But as alpha, I was expected to be on the front lines and protect my pack. Zoey squeezed my hand, “Go. We will be fine.” I hated this, I wanted to stay, but I couldn’t. The rogues were going to pay for their poor timing. Leaning in real quick, I kissed her, leaving with her the promise to return to her. Standing, I let go of her hand, allowing one of the other omegas to take my place as I turned my full attention on the warriors. “I want three guards on each entrance to this room. The Luna can not be moved and will need to be protected. Get the rest of those that can not fight into the safe rooms. Everyone else I want outside now.” Turning, they ran from the room to carry out my orders. I was only a couple of steps behind them as I moved from the room, taking one last look back before forcing myself out of the room. The last thing I heard was the one omega yelling at Zoey to push.  Stepping outside, I quickly realized we were not up against rogues. No, they were not even wolves. We were under attack by several vampires. They fought to get to the house. As we collided with them, doing our best to push them back away from the house, it started to storm. Rain and thunder came out of nowhere. From inside the house, I could hear Zoey screaming. With every scream came a loud clap of thunder. The rain seemed only to grow stronger as the vampires pushed harder through our defenses, pushing us back closer to the house. Thunder drowned out all other sounds as more vampires cleared the tree line, pushing us back farther. The storm seemed to get stronger as we faced off with the newcomers. Growling in frustration, Midnight and I both were over this. We needed to get back to Zoey. Taking a couple of hits, I worked my way through the vampires. When there were no more, I shifted back, pulling on a pair of shorts. “Send men out and ensure there are no more hiding anywhere in the trees. Get the injured to the infirmary and checked out and clean up the bodies.” I barked out my orders to Lex, my beta, who nodded his understanding and took over control as I ran back inside. Running back into the dining room, I was greeted with one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. Zoey had been moved away from the spot she had been in. The omegas worked on cleaning up the area while Zoey held both our babies in her arms, feeding them. Lifting her eyes to me, a smile spread across her face. “You have a son and a daughter. The eldest being your son. Your daughter took a little extra convincing to join us.” I couldn’t believe it, a son and a daughter. Falling to my knees, I couldn’t do anything except kiss Zoey on the lips. She did it. She was the strongest person I knew already, and this only proved her strength even more. She gave birth to two beautiful little pups. I had no words. All I could do was look over both my children in awe as they lay in their mother’s arms. Watching my children, I promised to ensure they would both be strong and ready for anything. That included my daughter. She would be strong like her mother. I would ensure it.
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