Chapter 8

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"I feel like we haven't gone out in ages" I heard Mindy say from the living area as I was preparing two mugs of hot chocolates for her and me. I rolled my eyes at that and sauntered out of the kitchen with a mug in each of my hands, "Look at us. We are wasting a Saturday night at our home" She complained when I handed over her a mug. I took a seat next to her and turned on the TV, "I don't think anything wrong with it" I shook my head, flipping through the channels to discover something fascinating to watch. "NO!" Mindy suddenly yelled, and I jumped, alarmed, almost spilling over the hot chocolate on me. Letting out a relieved breath when I saved myself from getting a first-degree burn, I frowned up at her accusingly, "We are awfully young to be like this. We have to go out and dance all night" She grumbled, oblivious to the fact that she almost made me make a mess. I exhaled and shook my head, averting my eyes back to the screen, "Okay" I said sipping my hot chocolate. Her face lit up at that, "Then go out and have fun" I continued before she can invite me as well. Yes, I dislike going out. Especially during the nighttime. The night is for slumber. "How can I go alone? You must come with me" Mindy tried to influence me. I didn't dare to move my eyes away from the TV screen as I knew Mindy will change my heart by giving me the most miserable puppy dog eyes. She is excellent at that. She knows that I will feel awful if she keeps begging me that, and ultimately, I would agree to whatever she says. That's her plan and it frequently works. But not tonight. She hopped in front of me, blocking my view from the TV. Looks like she wouldn't leave me alone that easily,"You have been doing that before I came here" I pointed out to her, cautiously looking up at her. There she was, protruding her lips at me and making herself look like a poor thing."Yeah, but that was before" She stated, moving to kneel in front of me, "We do everything together now" She said placing her palm over mine and looking up at me with hope in her eyes. I tried not to get misled by her pathetic face. I chugged down the rest of the hot chocolate in one go, "I am tired" I looked elsewhere. If I  keep up the eye contact, then I wouldn't be able to resist her off for too long. "No, you're not" She glowered at me and sprang to her feet, "Come, we need to find the splendid dress for you for your first visit to the club," She said pulling me up from my couch and dragging me towards her room. "I don't want to come" I protested, struggling to yank my hand away from her grasp. She only tightened her hold around my wrist, "Stop whining and come with me" She instructed, stepping into her room and going to her wardrobe. She flung open her closet and started to go through the clothes she hanged on in there, "Some of my dresses don't fit me anymore, thanks to you" She groaned under her breath, "I think some of it should snug to your body just right" She continued, picking out a black dress. Not only that, but she shoved the dress into my hands, "Go get dressed" She commanded, "No excuses" She glared at me when I opened my mouth to interject. I closed my mouth shut and studied down at the dress, my jaw slacking "You want me to wear this?" I asked, holding up the dress in front of her. She smirked and then took out another dress from the closet, "That or this?" She suggested, holding up a much revealing dress in front of me. My eyes widened, and I shook my head at her in frantic, "No this is fine" I answered, rushing out of the room before she pushes me into that dress. I stripped down and pulled the dress on, feeling uneasy in it. I have never worn a sleeveless dress before this and I felt insecure in it. The length of the dress doesn't make me feel great as well. I pulled down the dress, trying to lengthen it. Mindy started to pound her fists against the door, "What's taking you so long?" She inquired from the other side. I groaned and glanced at the mirror before leaving the room. "You're honestly coming down without any makeup?" Mindy asked as soon as I strode out from my room, "I mean you look pretty even without it but still, you could enhance your beauty" She added hastily, not wanting to upset me. I studied at her and noticed that she dressed in a black dress as well, but it was much more revealing. I wished I had her confidence. She even did her makeup in a short amount of time. I shook my head, "I already agreed for the night and the dress so don't force me anymore" I said, walking past her. "Fine" She grunted, rushing behind me to keep up. We exited the house and I started walking towards her car, waiting for her to unlock it, "I am not driving today" She spoke and twirled around to look at her. "You know that I don't know how to drive" I stated, staring at her blankly. "I know that" "I might get drunk, so I wouldn't be able to drive afterward. I have booked us a cab, and it should show up here in a minute" She stated, looking down at her phone. Just like she said, a cab pulled in front of us and I got into the car begrudgingly after her, "This is not what I have planned for the Saturday night" I groaned as the driver stepped on the gas pedal. "Quit complaining" She slapped on my thighs to keep quiet. I didn't say anything after that for the rest of the ride. I enjoyed looking out from the window at the city lights. I heard the deafening noise from the club before we even arrived at the club. As soon as we stepped out of the car, an icy breeze blew onto my skin and I shivered. Mindy paid for the ride before grabbing my wrist and tugging me towards the entrance of the club. The lights were flashing in various colors, and it gave me a headache. The punk songs that were playing in the background almost hurt my eardrums, but Mindy didn't look bothered with it. She swayed his hips to the left and right as she roamed through the party-goers. I could feel people's eyes on my exposed skin, and it made me feel unpleasant. I kept my eyes on the ground, shunning all those curious eyes as walked. "Pretty crazy, huh?" She asked, shouting loudly but still, her voice submerged in the loudspeakers. "I definitely didn't expect this" I shook my head. It seemed like she didn't hear that, but I didn't repeat that again. She dragged me towards the seating areas and pushed me down onto one of the seats, "I am going grab some drinks for us" She said, pointing at the bar, "You sit there here" She instructed, looking down at me. I nodded my head, "I don't want alcohol" I cautioned her. She didn't look happy with it, but she nodded her head, "Noted" She said before leaving me all alone, leaping towards the bar. I sighed, glancing around. There we people rocking on the dance floor. Some were sitting and chatting while holding wine glasses in their hands. Everyone looked like they are having a great time here. It seems like I am the only one who feels out of place now. Someone plopped down next to me and I thought it was Mindy, so I shifted my face to her, ready to give her an earful, but it was not her. It was a man who is probably old enough to be my father. He casually put his hand around my shoulders and tugged me closer to him, "Came alone?" He asked, his eyes roaming on the exposed skin of my body. I shoved him away, but he simply pulled me tighter to him, "Let me go" I hissed through my teeth, looking around to see if anyone would show up to help me. But everyone who is around me either was busy dancing or drinking. I didn't know what to do. My eyes flitted around the area, hoping Mindy would turn up in front of me now. What's taking her so long? The man squeezed my shoulders and I made a cry of disgust, "Ah, don't try to resist sweetheart" He spoke, talking in an inappropriate manner, "Tell me your price and I would give you double the money" He whispered into my ear. I have never felt this humiliated ever in my life. I shuddered and struggled to move away from him, "You must have mistaken me, sir" I said, not glancing at him, "I am not who do you think" I cautioned him, slapping his hand away when they tried to touch me in a place that he shouldn't. He snorted like I had cracked a joke, "It doesn't matter if you're not the person I am hoping for" He put his hand under my chin and compelled me to look at him, "Tell me your price. I am willing to pay any amount you decide" He said, his eyes traveling to my breast area. Okay, this is getting out of hand. With every strength that I could ever pull off, I shoved him away and sprang to my feet, "Keep your nasty hands away from me" I warned him before running away from there without a second glance. I moved through the crowds, skimming around the place in frantic to locate Mindy, but I couldn't spot her anywhere. Where did she go? Thinking she might have gone to the restroom, I made my way towards the restroom after asking around in my broken Italian. There was no one around that area, so I decided to leave, but before I could step away, a hand came from behind me and cupped my mouth. I tried to push that hand away, but I couldn't. The person who was assaulting me pulled me against their chest, "I like it when girls fight. It makes everything much interesting" My eyes widened when I realized that it was the man who had tried to misbehave with me. I trashed against him, struggling to free myself, but he locked me in the cage of his arms and started to drag me with him. He spun me around and slapped me hard on my right cheek after releasing my mouth for a split second. Pain seared on my cheek and I let out a moan of agony, but his hand came down to clamp my mouth again, and then he pushed me against the wall roughly. Tears started to burn in my eyes as I felt his disgusting lip against the side of my neck, sucking a spot. I tried to scream, but no sound escaped from my lips as he was still covering my mouth. A thought flashed in my mind and I kneed him right where the sun doesn't shine. He grunted in pain and let go of my body. "b***h" I hastily scurried away from there, my limbs trembling in fear. I dashed away blindly, wanting to leave this place. I have to find Mindy at once and get home safely. There's no way I am ever coming back here. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and my breathing was ragged. I was running so recklessly that I slammed into someone. The person caught me in their arms and steadied me. I wept and looking up at the person who was holding me now. A gasp escaped my lips as I stared up at him. His green eyes widened in recognition, and he sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes scanned my face, zeroing on my right cheek before they darkened in fury. "What the f**k happened to you?" He demanded, looking ready to kill someone.
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