Chapter 9

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I never imagined bumping into him after all these times and that too, not in this place. I couldn't find any word to respond. I felt pathetic, really. He was still waiting for me to say something. I raised the back of my hand and wiped off the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, "I- I" I sputtered, glancing behind to see if that disgusting man is still following me, "There's a man-" I sobbed out, turning my face to peer up at him again. His demeanor hardened, and he darted to the right meaningfully. I followed his eyes and the man who I didn't see standing there with him walked away in that direction. The green-eyed man's gaze fixed on me again, "Let's take you somewhere else" He declared, putting his hand around my shoulders and tugging me with him. This is what exactly the man who had violated me did, but with this guy, I somehow felt protected. I know he wouldn't harm me and I will fine as long as he is by my side. The man led me through the crowd, but no one bumped our way. People parted like the sea when he advanced, giving him space so that he can stroll freely without any interferences. He pulled me to a private room and shut the door behind him before dragging me further into the room. He made me sit on the armchair, "Stay here" He commanded before skipping away from me. I was still trembling from what had happened earlier, so I adhered to him. I peeked up at him to watch what he was doing and found him by the fridge in that room. I scanned around the place and understood that it was an office. He came back with an ice pack in his hands. He dragged up a chair in front of me and sat on it, his tender eyes never leaving mine. "Did he slap you?" He asked me in a quiet voice, but the fire in his eyes was hard not to notice. I shuddered and gave him a nod. He cursed under his breath and reached out to put the ice pack on my cheek. I whimpered, moving away from the freezing pack, but he seized my head from escaping, "It will swell if you don't let me do this" He spoke quietly. My eyes shot up to greet his then and noted that they were gentle now. "Thanks," I said, "I can do this by myself" I added, placing my palm over the ice pack, so he didn't have to hold it for me. "Okay," He answered, pulling his hand away from me. I shuddered again and this time I didn't know if it was from the ice in my hand or the fact that I am still nervous. Whatever it is, it didn't go unmissed in his eyes, "Are you cold?" He asked, his eyes held concern in them. I shook my head again but shivered then. He shook his head at me in disapproval and shrugged off his coat that he was wearing, "I am not cold" I spoke, but he ignored me, putting the coat over my bare shoulders. As he did that, his eyes moved to my neck, and he made a noise that almost sounded like a growl to me, "Did he do that as well?" He spat through his clenched teeth. I knew what he is referring to and hung my head in shame, too embarrassed to look at him in the eye, and gave him a curt nod. He sprang up to his feet in an instant and grabbed the armchair he was sitting on just now and hurled it flying across the room. The chair landed on the ground with a resounding crash."f**k" He growled, startling me, "I will kill him for this" He swore, his eyes flaring in rage. I watched him with wide eyes, not knowing how to react. Why is he getting so worked up with this? I am not even an acquaintance to him. Someone knocked on the door, causing both of us to look at the door, "Capo" Someone called from the other side, "Lo abbiamo" They added, making me snap my eyes back at the green-eyed man in panic. I know little in Italian, but I can make out what he said. His jaw was clenched and he balled his fists, "Come in" He granted permission to enter the room. The ice pack slipped from my grip and crashed on the ground. I heard the person on the other side twisting the doorknob and I sprang to my feet. I rushed to shield behind his back, frightened for my life. The man stiffened, but he didn't push away. Instead, he let me hide behind him. The door screeched open and two tall men were towing the guy who had abused me. I gasped and clung to the back of his shirt in my fists. "Is that him?" The green-eyed man inquired. "Yes," I confirmed in a small voice. They came to stand in front of us. That horrible old man looked terrified when his eyes landed on the man who is now standing protectively in front of me. His eyes flickered towards me, but I hid, feeling disgusted to even let lay eyes on me. "What do you want me to do with him?" The man who was standing in front of me asked in a low voice, "It's your call" He added. I fell silent at that. I don't know what he can possibly do to him. There's no point in hurting that old man as well, it wouldn't make me forget of the vile thing he did to me." Just let him go" I finally responded, finding my voice again. He went rigid against me but nodded his head, spinning to face me again. He smiled down at me but it didn't reach his eyes, "Fine" He exhaled, "Stay here until I come back" He ordered, sweeping my hair to the side. I nodded my head at him, not knowing what else should I do. He nodded his head at me and bent down to pick up the ice pack. My eyes landed on that old man and I averted my eyes, hugging myself to prevent myself from shuddering. "Trascinarlo fuori" The green-eyed man bellowed and the men in the room dragged the old guy out from the room. I peeked up at his green eyes, "My name is Dimitri, in case you're wondering" He declared, before leaving me alone in this office, locking the door after stepping out from here. Ah, so that is his name. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. My heart was flying against my chest. I looked around the room again, trying to see if I can spot something to drink. I felt parched. My eyes flew to the refrigerator and I sighed. I absolutely need some fluid in my system now so I trudged towards the refrigerator, hoping he won't mind if I have something to drink from there. I half-heartedly opened the refrigerator and scanned through the contents of it. My eyes settled on a transparent bottle with water in it. Without thinking much, I spotted a glass next to the refrigerator and poured myself some water. It stung me to even move my jaw, but with enormous struggle, I made myself sip the water. It tasted a little funny, but I didn't pay attention to it. My throat felt blistered. I don't know how many minutes have passed in this room, but Dimitri walked in just when I thought I should leave this room as it was getting late. My eyes flew up to find his green ones when he planted himself in front of me, a modest smile was dancing on his lips, but it faltered when he caught me shivering again, "You're still shaking" He grimaced, "Let's get you something to eat" He said, capturing my wrist and pulling me along with him. But I tried my best to stand in the same position. He glanced at me confused when I refused to move, "That's fine" I said, "I have to find my friend and get home" I told him. Everything should be fine if I get under my duvet. He frowned again, this time disappointment colored his face, "Why the rush?" He asked in a soft tone, "The night is still young" He continued, almost in a persuading tone. I gave him a wry smile, "I have already had enough of the night" I replied. He puckered his lips at that, but his calculating eyes never left mine. I felt his eyes once again on my cheek, "It's going to feel worse in the morning" He cautioned me, letting go of my hand. It was already hurting me so bad. I nodded my head at him in answer. "I guess I can leave now" I don't why it sounded almost like a question. He exhaled and let go of my hand, "You mentioned you need to find your friend" He reminded me, "I have already sent someone to look for her" He informed me before I could say something to that. That sounded a little strange to my ears, "How do you know how my friend looks like?" I asked him in skepticism. He never saw her before this, so how he requested someone to get Mindy who he has never seen. "CCTV" He answered with a shrug, "I ordered them to look into it, so they can find her" He said that I nodded at him. Still, something didn't add up to it. I racked my brain to know what I was missing and my eyes widened, "But I only told you I am looking for my friend now" I started in almost an accusing tone, "How did you-" He took my hand and led me towards the desktop, "I saw you and your friend coming into the club from here" He announced, pointing at the live CCTV footage, "I was going to come and talk to you, but I thought someone going to sit by your side" His tone turned bitter towards the end of his speech. The hair on the back of my neck raised, "Did you see what he did as well?" I asked in a small voice, looking away from the desktop, my vision blurring a little, but I blinked my eyes a few times, so I can fixate on him. He shook his head, "No, I was already making my way to you I didn't see that" I felt tingly and tipsy, but I brushed it off as nothing, "Okay" I nodded my head at him. "Thanks, Dimitri. I don't know what would have happened to me if it wasn't for you" I told, "Do you own this place?" I asked him without thinking. This was not my usual behavior. I normally do not ask many questions to anyone. He nodded his head at me with a cocky smirk on his face. "Okay," I said to myself, feeling my vision blurring again. What's wrong with me? This place was giving me a headache, just like the owner did a few months ago. "By the way, I hope you don't mind. I drank some water from your refrigerator. I know it was rude of me to go through your refrigerator without your permission, but I was parched" I blurted out everything in one breath before I can forget it. His eyes widened in horror at that, and he dashed to the refrigerator and pulled out the bottle that I had drunk from, "Did you drink from this?" He asked, and I nodded my head at him, suddenly feeling like I have done something wrong. He cursed under his breath and put the bottle back in and flung the refrigerator shut. "How much did you have?" He demanded and at the same time, I felt like it was hard to even stand on my feet. Something was compelling me to let go of everything for once. "A few gulps" I answered him, "Sorry, I should have asked" I added stepping aside from him, my legs feeling wobbly. "Rayna, let me take you home" I frowned, "How do you know my name?" I demanded. Why was I suddenly feeling like he knows more about me than I told him? He stiffened, "You told me your name just now," He said, coming to my side to grab me. I moved away from his arms, "No, I didn't tell you my name" I slurred, not knowing what I was saying. For a few moments, I could only see darkness and I felt my body swaying a little. "Rayna" I blinked my eyes open and found him an inch away from me, looking at me in worry. My eyes widened at our proximity, but before I can say something, I noticed my body crumpling towards the floor, unable to hold myself any longer. The last thing I remember is Dimitri's arms going around my body just before I hit the floor.
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