
3721 Words
‘I want you to be my way like the sky, I looked at when I was tired and worn out' 'Look at me now... Our eyes are meeting, focus on us and no one else' “Hey JB!” the soft yet loud voice that greeted him made him shut his notebook in an instant, shuffling to keep it inside his side bag, his action didn’t go unnoticed by her though. “What are you hiding from me?” she pouts as she attempts to pull his bag yet he only held onto it as if her pull wasn’t effecting his strength. “Let it go, Angie, you know I hate it when people try to pry,” he yanks the bag away and she glares at him, giving up as she slumps next to him. “Whatever, you’re acting like I’m a stranger,” she huffs as she takes her notes out, the rest of the class was just starting to pile in. Since when did Jaebeom become an early bird? She thought as she realized there were about five more minutes before the bell rang. “You’re not, but there are some things that I cannot share with you,” mostly my feelings for you, well, maybe not now, but soon, I hope… He thought sadly as he observes the browned haired girl sitting next to him glare at nothing in particular, possibly killing him in her head because he was being too secretive these days. “Chin up, stop scowling, you’ll look like an old lady,” he flicks her forehead, causing her to squawk in surprise, and out of reflects she threw the lid of the pen to his face, hitting his nose, making him stare at her blankly. “That didn’t even hurt,” “But you hurt me!" “Don’t shout i***t, aigoo, we’re at the back of the lecture hall but you still attract attention to you,” he didn’t mind tho as he flicks her for the second time and she repays by hitting him repeatedly on the chest, irritated by his behavior. They ignored the looks from their course mates, as they continued to bicker and tease. Someone clears their throat, making them stop. “Settle down kids, I was just a few minutes late,” the voice of their professor stops Angie from continuing her assault on him. Acting busy as she takes her notepad out. Her action caused him to laugh at her annoyed expression. It was probably because he didn't feel hurt by her hits, as he kept laughing. “I’ll get you for this,” she stuck her tongue out and starts to focus on the lecture at hand. “Let’s see if you can hurt me, Angie,” he laughs at the quick glare she threw his way and decides to focus in class as well. Only you can hurt me Angie... if only you know it... After the lecture ends, “Angie can I see you for a second?” their professor stops right in front of Angie and Jaebeom just as they were descending the steps. “Sure Prof Tuan, Jaebeom you can go ahead,” she gestures to him and he gave both his friend and professor a quick glance, then with a non-noticeable sigh, “I’ll wait for you out front,” and he left her. ‘You make me a teenager, I can do anything if you tell me “good boy”,’ Jaebum laugh to himself as he wrote it down, finding it silly that Angie bought out the best in him, made him feel alive since the day he gave in to his feelings for her. He never wanted to admit it because he was scared, but as the time passed, the more they spend it together, the more he felt them growing, yet just recently he gave into it with the help of his best friend. When Jinyoung told him to confess to get it out of his system, he held back and ends up writing these notes, these small short things, his hidden feelings which he wished he could tell her if he ever had the courage. He’d write in this special notebook which he preserved the notes just for her. Rather than telling her in person how he feels. Writing them down was easier. “What’s taking her so long?” he frowns when he noticed it’s been more than twenty minutes, what were they talking about? Curious, Jaebeom slowly makes his way to the lecture hall, he peaks like a stalker by the door and felt momentarily frozen with the sight he saw. Angie was in the arms of their professor, Mark Tuan, the older male pats her back while obviously whispering words into her ear, she looked so tiny in his arms, but why is she in his arms? He could not see her face as it’s hidden in the male’s chest and he could barely see the male’s face either, just his side profile as partly it’s tucked into her neck and the view only made his heart burnt in jealousy. Before he could get caught staring at something he shouldn’t, he hastily makes way to where he came from, deciding to just wait for her without question. But he couldn't help it. The image of her and their professor, mocking in the back of his mind. He tried to recall if there were times when she claimed to like the male. Were they secretly seeing each other? I get those other girls find him attractive... But I didn't think Angie would too... A few moments later she emerged from the lecture hall, looking a bit distracted but nerveless she offered him a small smile, “I’m hungry,” she pouts as she reaches him, and instantly, the burnt of jealousy faded. Why am I so weak for you? “Let’s go and grab a snack and then back to my place?” he offered as he took her bag and slung over his shoulder, despite her protest. She jumped for her bag but he dodged to the side quickly, smirking at her huffed form. "Give it back Beom-ah! I can carry it just fine," "Nope! Now tell me what you want to eat," "Not until you give that back!" "Nope!" He sing-sang as he popped the 'p' making Angie roll her eyes. "Very mature JB, now stop it," She slapped his back, making him groan and laugh at the same time. Shaking his head, Jaebeom smiled like an i***t, looking down at her. I don't mind doing this over and over. As long as it is you... And what I'd do to see that cute face every day... "Come on. Aren't you tired that we do this every day? Like seriously, I know we have lots of time to spare, but let's be realistic here. You are hungry like a kitten, soon you will cry. Let's just get going and do this tomorrow," Narrowing her eyes at his choice of words, Angie stood akimbo. "I do not cry when I'm hungry," "Sure, but you do turn a bit aggressive... Like right now..." She knew he was teasing her, but she can't help but glare "Like you don't!" "I do admit that I don't act like myself when I'm hungry. But do you?" “Ugh! Fine,” she sighed, giving up trying to get her bag back and walks ahead. Yet not before flicking his forehead, or at least tried to as her height didn’t quite reach his. This, of course, made him laugh. “Wait up smally,” he cries playfully yet she kept going and even ran when she heard him catch up to her. *** The short drive from their college to their favorite cafe was filled with their never-ending bicker, banter, and laughter. It was the usual as Jaebeom teased her and she teased back, yet hers backfired and she ends up feeling irritated and annoyed. ‘When I become exhausted, please hold on to me… Please let me know about the me that I don’t know of… I pray to you…’ He thought about the note he wrote yesterday and smiles as she literally hops towards the cafe, probably happy to finally be out from his teasing range. The note suited her, he thought, as he watches her queue up. How sometimes she brings out the sides of him which he never knew existed, mostly his teasing and flirting side towards her. But I don’t think even you know that Angie… “Hey!! Angie and JB!!” the boy behind the counter greets happily as their turn came and Angie beams at his booming voice. “Hey Jackson,” she smiles and waves while Jaebeom just nods in acknowledgment, not many words needed as he just saw the dude a few nights ago for drinks. “What can I get you sweetheart?” he pinches her cheeks just as a sound of throat clearing could be heard from behind him. “Mr. Wang, what did I say about flirting with the customers?” “That I shouldn’t? But this isn’t just any customer, she’s my friend, I promise no more flirting after her,” he pouts to the cafe manager but the older male shakes his head in disapproval while offering an apologetic smile to both Jaebeom and Angie before disappearing to the back like he gave up. "He gave up without a fight! Assa!" Jackson fist pumps the air like he won the biggest game, making Angie laugh. “You’re not going to keep that promise are you?” Jaebeom asks bluntly and he got a cheeky smile in return, “Nah… so the usual?” The two chuckled in amazement and amusement, letting him take their orders. “I wonder how long is he going to keep the job this time?” Angie wonders aloud as she sips her mango and strawberry smoothie, her fingers absentmindedly tugs his sleeve. She didn't even mind that he was driving, but of course, he didn't mind as well. He was used to it. Her random and sudden tugs on his clothes. “I don’t know, but he has been working there for a few months right? I’m sure the manager likes him because he’s friendly, even-tho he’s super flirty,” he shrugs and the fingers that hung on his sleeve left him. “Yeah I guess,” she shrugs, dismissing the topic. Glancing her way. Jaebeom noted the way she looked, “Are you okay? Something bothering you?” she was quiet, too quiet to the point he thought she was sleeping but the constant sound of sips made up for the thought. “No… I’m just kinda distracted with something,” she rolls her bottom lip between her teeth and he knew she was telling the truth, it was an obvious act she does when she is. “You can tell me you know?” It came out like a question instead and she nods as she shifts in her seat to face him, he caught the emotion in her eyes when he glances shortly, weary and unsure. “If I tell you… promise me not to get angry?” she tugs his sleeve again with a tilt of her head and he nods, giving in. “I… uh, promised prof Tuan I’d get him a date,” once the words got out, both of them grew quiet, one anxiously waiting for his response while the other was too shocked to say anything. His silence caused Angie to shifts uncomfortably in her seat, slowly letting go of his sleeve and eyes darting around. “Repeat that again Angie…” he finally said as he parks outside of his house, turning to face the anxious girl. “I promised prof Tuan I’d get him a date…?” her eyes would not meet his and he sighs, trying to control his feelings, confused, slightly angry, and irritated. A date with who? You? He had wanted to yell, was that why he hugged her earlier? “Can you be more, precise? I don’t quite understand,” he looks away, just in case she turns to face him and told him something he didn’t want to know, then the expression on his face will give away his feelings for her. “Okay… I guess you would be confused because I never told you this but well… he and my older sister actually used to date and well, long story short, I promised him to set him up with her this Saturday,” he sharply turns to look at her and he found no signs of her joking, indicating she’s serious. “But isn’t your sister dating that guy, BamBam what’s his name?” he frowns although he so badly wants to smile as he felt relieved. She and the professor has no romantic relations whatsoever. There's still a chance for you!!! His mind cheered and for once, he agreed. His heart drummed loudly, wanting to know more. “She and Bambam broke up a few weeks ago, she said it was hard dating a business tycoon who barely has time for her,” Angie shrugs and Jaebeom nod, they both had a pregnant pause. Then as if realizing they are still inside the car, they exit and make way inside his place. “Hey Nora,” Angie coos and pick up the cat that greets her as the feline circle and rubs her head into her calf, “You didn’t greet your owner but you greet her? I’m the one who feeds you,” Jaebeom fake jealousy as he softly pinches the wet nose of his cat. “Meow~” she mewled and got comfy in the arms of Angie, making them laugh. As they settled down and Jaebeom set up their snacks as Angie busies herself with his cats, he could not help but observe her again, her high bun had started to loosen as a few stray hairs escaped and she seems more than comfortable to be with him in his place. It’s like you belong here, in my home, you’re my home… “So about earlier,” she bites her lips as she thought about the trouble she got into, “Go on,” he encourages her and she lets out a big breath as she began. “Mark found out and he wanted a second chance with her, and well, I kinda promised to help him, but I don’t know how to,” she pouts and frowns when Jaebeom wipes the cream from the corner of her lips suddenly, looking at him with narrow eyes. “They why did you promise him in the first place? Wait, why did they break up?” he shows the small but noticeable amount of cream on his finger and eats it after, making Angie blush. “Well… they broke up due to the long-distance when they got into college, but he never forgot about her you know, I cried earlier because he still remembers about the little things she likes,” “And why is that?” he can’t help but felt the twitch in his left eye as he presumed that would be the reason why she was in his arms earlier. “Well, I’ve always liked to look at them back then, they were so sweet, I wish a guy would be that sweet to me,” she gushes and he rolls his eyes, annoyed, “I can be sweet too,” he mumbles and Angie looks at him confusedly. “Did you say something?” but of course, he shook his head and continues to eat, stuffing everything inside, trying to imagine what it would be like to have her in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Not that he’s never hugged her, just not in the way Mark did. ‘Till I crash and burn, I constantly want you, no I won’t stop, I’m getting dizzy, dizzy, you in my head…’ Jaebeom thought about the notes he wrote in the pages of his notebook, one of which he states she made him dizzy, yet he wants her, and right now, it seems like the case. He’s burnt of jealousy towards the professor had changed from one to another, how could she say that in front of him when he’s been nothing but sweet to her? He’d always treat her right and put her first. Fine I always tease you but come on, you know I’m only like this with you… he had wanted to say aloud but held his tongue. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out for them, now choose a movie, I’m bored,” he spoke, not wanting her to think of the sweet professor and her sister anymore. *** “Nora! Oh my gosh! You are so cute,” she giggles as the image of the fluffy and big cat, jumping from spot to spot, trying to catch the toy dragonfly that Angie’s fishing her with. Nora’s leaping cause a lot of mess in the living room and it even made the younger cats ran away, probably surprised by their eldest feline being active all of a sudden. “Nora!” she squeals when the cat had bumped into the side table, which not only caused Jaebeom’s side bag to fall on to her but all of its contents out as well. “You silly cat,” she laughs as the feline took the toy away and began her climb into one of the holes in the cat tower. Angie leans down and began to rearrange Jaebeom’s stuff, “What’s this? ‘For Angie?’ For me?” she puts aside the already cleaned and arranged bag onto the couch as she sits down too. This was the last book she saw and when she read what was written on the cover, she grew confused, “What does it mean ‘For Angie’?” the notebook was small, probably the size of a man’s palm, it had a bright green color and it seems very new. I’ve never seen this before… She looks around to call out to the male, yet she could still hear the water running, indicating he’s still showering, so she sighed, feeling curious and intrigued. “Should I? I mean, it would mean I’m invading his privacy, but it says here on the cover it’s for me…” biting her lips, she turned the cover open, to read the 1st page. *** ‘Your mysterious signal, Missed it, makes me take empty swings’ She frowns as she read the 1st page, what does he mean by this? ‘1, 2, strike, if I lose you then it’s game over, I look for chances of a free spot’ She grew confused, free spot? What free spot? Chances? ‘I want you to be the one to pick out my clothes, That when I walk this path, you’ll be next to me’ Angie decided to skip a few pages, and she felt her heart skipped a beat, does he mean this? ‘Little more Little more I want you baby, Little more Little more one more step’ She could feel herself blush as she kept skipping, the book was slightly thick. ‘Carve all your feelings onto my heart, So it can never be erased, leave the marks saturated deeply, Your ink is in my every breath…’ “Who knew he could be so romantic,” she could feel the hotness of her cheeks, and in the next note she read, made her ‘awed’ as her heart swell at the thoughts of them together. ‘I have so much to write, there’s not enough space, Your charm is the weight of this page…’ “What are you doing!?” the book got snatched out of her grip just as she’s about to turn the page, revealing a very red Jaebeom, not sure if it’s from embarrassment or anger, standing in front of her. His damp hair had a few droplets of water dripping as it seems like he put on whatever in a haste after leaving the shower place. “You wrote those for me?” instead of taking note of his form, she stood up and smile, eyes going teary, feeling touched. “I… did…?” he stammers out, surprised by her reaction, “Why?” she tries to close their distance yet he backed away, making her follow. “Because I want to, for fun?” his eyes won’t meet hers, still stumbling over his words, too embarrassed to say anything. But she didn’t mind, she knew him. “I like you JB... no... I think... I think I love you,” she confesses suddenly after the pause they shared and saw the way his body stiffen. His breathing hitched before his eyes met hers as if in slow motion, a look of disbelief and shock. “You do?” she nods and takes a step toward him, rolling the bottom of her lips between her teeth again, “Ever since we became friends,” her cheeks pinked a lot more and he couldn’t help but grin stupidly at her confession. "I... I like... I love you too,” putting the book on the nearby shelve, he steps closer to her, drawing her in, “Not as long as you did, but… well, if you read the entire page, you’ll see the dates of when I began writing to you,” his cheeks too pinked and she smiles. “Can you kiss me now? Cause from what I’ve read, it seems like you’ve wanted to…” her words are bold yet her actions were shy as her head dips down to hide from him. “You have no idea how much I want that,” pulling her chin up, Jaebeom kisses her tenderly and sweetly. The kiss started out soft and gentle as if he was scared to kiss and hurt her. But she didn't mind as her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. They pulled back for oxygen yet Jaebeom didn't waste any time after his breathing stabilized. The second kiss was more, hungry, and fast. Angie kissed back in the same passion as he guided her and let her sit atop his table. "You have no clue how much I wanted that.." panting, Jaebeom softly pecks her now swollen lips. "I only kissed you, no tongue, and you're this swollen, what would happen once we go further?" Her face flushed, as she hides in the crook of his neck. "Stop... oh my god..." 'Dreaming of you tonight, every night I do about the two of us' Jaebeom wrote down, as her hands wrap around his neck. She had fallen asleep after he kissed and makeout with her. He knew she was an addiction, only he didn't realize it was so good. "I never wanna wake up if this is a dream... I love you Angie," As if she heard him, her arms wrapped around him tighten.
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