If Only

3893 Words
A busy day in December 2019, in Johnson's & Co. Family's main building, “Mr. Johnson, you have a phone call,” Devon’s secretary starts. “Who is it? If not important-,” His words get cut as she continues. “It’s Mr. Samuel Wright, regarding a Raven Mitchell,” Raven? As in my Raven? How.... Devon’s fingers stop moving, the familiar name quickens his heartbeat. Even after all these years, just hearing her name still makes my heart flutter... “Leave me,” His curt words are obeyed. “Hello, Sam?” “Hello, old champ,” *** “What happened to her?” Devon inquires worriedly at Raven’s situation, strapped to the hospital bed, wires and tubes attached everywhere, her beautiful face used to shine even in sleep, now pale as paper and even her shiny black hair lost its glow. This is awful, what happened to her? How did she get in this state... My god Raven I... I didn't expect to see you again in this state... His fingers itch to touch her skin, to see if she's real yet he felt afraid if he did, this would all be but a dream, and he didn't want that, not when it's been years since he last saw her. “It was a hit-and-run, police are still searching yet no news, and through this, we found out she has leukemia,” Devon didn't hide the gasps from escaping his lips. She's sick? How can that be possible? She used to be so healthy and rarely get sick... “How... How long?” “A few weeks perhaps, I'm not sure... Her condition is only getting worse and the doctors are preparing her family for the worst-case scenario,” Samuel informs with a heavy sigh, eyes mirroring his vulnerable state, and Devon feels the same, she was an important friend to them. Not as she is to me... Oh god I miss you Raven, please wake up, I never got the chance to apologize... The only sound filled the room are the beeping of the machines and water drips, both Samuel and Devon seemed to be lost in thoughts. Devon silently observes his old friend, Samuel looked unkempt and haggard with the situation Raven's in, and as much as he is grateful the male contacted him, it was still a puzzle on how he was here. “Raven she... She wrote this for you... She wanted to give it personally to you at our reunion next month but seeing her condition... I’m afraid it won’t happen,” Samuel hands Devon a letter with his name and it seems like his friend had a hard time to form words before giving it to him, he could see a few teardrops on the piece of paper, making him wonder what she wrote. With trembling hands, he stands by the window and he begins reading. *** To Devon, my old best friend, Hey slacker, remember your nickname? Then again, seeing how successful you are, it seems unfitting now, the name slacker may sound like an insult don't you think? I hope you are eating well and taking care of yourself, I see you every day in business magazines as they love to feature you, you haven't changed a bit, you've matured but it's like you’ve never aged, that’s not fair you know. It’s not fair how you’re okay after what happened between us, didn't I mean anything to you? Why do you look fine when every day I fight against my hidden feelings for you, as I have back in high school. Yeah, you’ve read it right, I have feelings for you, i***t!! Have you never noticed me being coy with you? Yet you never saw the signs I gave you, why? Or did you choose not to? I..... Am I too plain and unfashionable? Or not smart like Veronica? Not flashy enough like Briana? You always liked Briana, no matter how much she mistreated me... She was your favorite toy, right? Laugh as you read this Dev, I'm sure you think this is a joke, how I wish it were... But it's not... And I'm not sure if I’m able to give it personally, but I hope I could, if I couldn’t, maybe something happened to me. Weird huh? What could have happened to me? Can I predict the future or something? Well, Devon, I was diagnosed with leukemia after my last check-up in June, yet I couldn’t bring myself tell anyone, not even my own family, I know they’ll fuss and make it a big deal, I’m letting the fates decide what happens to me next... I guess you can say... I feel like I've given up on life... *** 8 years ago... Two weeks before graduation, “You’re coming to my party right?” Devon leans on the locker next to Raven as she stuffs her things into her backpack. “No Devon, no parties for me, need I remind you of my parent's reaction coming home drunk, all because you left me alone?” She skeptically raises her brow, as if to challenge him otherwise and forget about it. “Oh come oh! It’s a one-time thing and I didn’t mean to leave you alone! Can’t they let you have fun once in a while? You deserve freedom,” He puts his hands in the air, exasperated and he didn't mind the students who gave him strange looks as they pass by him down the hallway. “Freedom as in getting drunk, get wild and get laid with guys? A drunken teenager? You want me to be that?” Devon’s bright and amused face turns dark at her choice of a joke, but Raven walked away from him, heading towards homeroom. “That’s a peculiar way to state freedom, you know there are many ways for teenagers to have fun, being one who likes alcohol isn't just it,” Hands behind his head, he walks in pace with her, his face scrunch in annoyance as she didn't glance back to him as he spoke. “But I thought your definition of freedom and fun was that, as I recall you said, we are young and free, we can act wild as we want to be,” Raven shrugs without care as she sits down and she missed the look on Devon’s angry and annoyed face, at that moment, he felt angry at himself because she sees him no more than a wild teenager, and angry at her for being oblivious of his feelings, regardless of his endless trial to show her. Later that day, “Fine! Fine! Fine!!!! I’ll come to your stupid pre-graduation party! Gosh, who knew you could be so whiny and annoying!” Raven shove Devon’s silly face away from hers as he burst into laughter, happy after countless of begging and annoying her till she caved in. Yes!!! She won't regret it... It'll be a night to remember... “Yes! Thank you Ravesss!!! You won’t regret coming,” His hand raised in boy scout manner as he winks at her and she giggled at his attempt to look cute, his manly figure contrast to his action, hoping it made her heart flutter. The other hand, playing with a small black box inside his pocket, picturing Raven with the promise ring he had gotten for her. He was out with her the other day and saw how she was attracted to this particular ring, a simple white gold ring, embedded with tiny bits of diamonds around the side. She had the dreamy eyes as she stared at it, at that moment, he knew he had to have it, and it'd be a perfect way to propose to her to be his girlfriend. “Hey, Dev!!! Come on, coach’s calling!” Samuel called from the far side of the field while watching with amused eyes. “Is he planning on doing it?” his teammate asked curiously. “What?” momentarily confused, Sam required. “Confessing, they like each other, can’t you see?” “Yeah,” Sam agreed as he remembered the s**t Devon gave him when he flirted with Raven. I wasn't even serious... Dude can't take a joke when it comes to her... He's whipped... “Dude’s smitten by her, and she likes him too,” “I don’t think Briana would like that,” I’m sure she won’t... *** “What do you want, Briana?” Devon’s irked expression was ignored as her long slender hands slides over his crotch while her lips assaulted him, making him backed up the janitor’s closet, taken aback by her. The heck this b***h?! I can't believe I tolerated this before... And she's not that good... Ughhh!!! “What I want? Isn’t it obvious?” she purred “When was the last time you touched and sunk deep in me?” “I don’t give a damn! Let me go, b***h!” he snapped after pushing her away. “Ouch,” she exclaimed dramatically “Fine but you’ll thank me later,” she said with a smug look on her face, which gave Devon a bad feeling, but he won’t back down. “I won’t thank you for anything!” This b***h is crazy... “Really? What if... I have information to stop yourself from confessing to Raven tonight,” Her fingers dance on the skin poking out from under his tight shirt, nail tracing the lines of his neck as she kept her demeanor. “What are you talking about? Confessing what?” Devon asked, annoyed but curious at the same time. “Oh honey, it’s clear you like her, yet she doesn’t feel the same,” Briana spat the words disgustingly like it burned her to say it aloud, and for a moment, Devon liked it. “What are you talking about?” “Oh, you didn’t know? She confessed her true feelings when we asked, claiming to feel nothing for you,” She innocently blinks her eyes, her fingers now tracing his cheek and Devon moved slightly, trying to not let her assault him any longer. “And you expect me to believe you?” He tried to walk past her but her nails dug into him, smiling like the maniac she is. “I thought you would say that,” Briana smirked as she let go of him and pulled her phone out, playing a video of Raven talking with Briana in the library. He could see and hear the teacher faintly in the background possibly during class discussion. When was this taken? She never told me Briana still bothers her? I thought Briana stopped harassing her last summer... “Raven, do you like Devon as a guy?” Briana asked straightforwardly, not bother to hide her annoyed tone. “Who!? Me?!” she pointed to herself in shock, eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape. “Yeah, who else is Raven here?” Briana answers with a 'duh stupid' tone and Devon could imagine what was going through Raven's mind, annoyed probably. “NO! Why would I like him?” Raven scoffs, like the idea disgusts her and it broke Devon at her expression. You wouldn't? Why not? “Then what do you see him as?” he heard Briana insisted and the only thing Devon focused on was Raven’s explanation. “Oh god! How else should I see him as? He is my best friend! We met since we were in diapers, he is nothing more but a brother to me!” She huffs, throwing her hands upwards as if giving up, her expression clear with annoyance at the questions being thrown to her and the video continued yet Devon had pushed it away from his line of sight then he left, feeling furious. After a few feet away from the empty classroom, he threw the promise ring which he had been carrying around for days, into a nearby trash can, not looking back once as the only thing clouded his mind was Raven's disgusted face. *** Devon, I wished someone dared me to confess my love, yet to this day I’m a coward who hides behind her words on paper. Remember the times I called you pretty boy? The times I say your blonde hair is what I like most? Or how your deep sea-green eyes have more depth than my all-time favorite kpop singers...? I meant my words, yet you never took me seriously, always regarding it as a joke. I thought you seriously liked me too because there are times where I felt like we're flirting as boy and girl, not as best friends... But during the party, you ignored me like the plague, making me felt confused, annoyed and abandon, why? I was utterly disturbed and upset with you... I got drunk even when you said I shouldn’t, heck you promised me you'd make sure no alcohol gets into my system, yet I was too depressed when you left me alone with Samuel... You never let any guy close to me yet you leave me with him all the time... I went upstairs to sleep it off but then I witness what you did, it felt like you purposely stabbed me, why Devon? What did I do? Why must it be Briana, the one girl who tormented me for being your best friend? And why did you smirked at me like you knew it’d hurt me? Was that your plan all along? Did you actually know I was in love with you? *** Devon remembered Raven opening the door of the room that night, frozen like a deer in headlights as she watched them, he didn’t know what came over him but he smirked as he sunk into Briana, deeper, harder, faster, continuously and the b***h scream like there was no tomorrow, adding fuel to their situation... He remembered the broken look she displayed by his live p**n, the color drained from her face as she witnessed him and Briana do the deed yet it didn’t register to him as he still felt angry from the video. I don't mean anything to you, right? So this shouldn't hurt!!! He remembered thinking that, he was furious and the only thing he wanted was to hurt her. Now as time passed, he regreted it. Regreted it more as he read her letter. “Are you leaving!?” Devon screams after Raven as she was halfway down the stairs, stopped when his voice reached her. “I see now I’m not needed, so I’ll leave,” they didn’t notice the house had quiet down abruptly. “Good, go ahead and leave, I don’t want to see you anymore,” “What did I do Dev? Why?” her voice breaking as she croaked the words out, slowly facing up to where he stood. “Nothing, I realized you’re nothing to me anymore, better cut you out before we part ways,” He lazily spat as he leans by the wall for support looking down at her in distaste, why are her eyes glossy? Devon's eyes narrow at the tears gathering in her lids as the view only made him angrier. “I’m nothing?” a sob escaped her lips but Devon could care less about it. “Yes, you are nothing,” Raven stared at him as their eyes met, no emotions displayed in her dark grey orbs, despite the obvious tears in her eyes. That's what I am to you right? Then she turned and left, never to be seen by him or anyone in school, not on the remaining days till graduation or during the day itself. Devon did question himself on graduation day, was he the reason she never came back? *** Devon, the day we fought was the day I lost not only you but also my family. “You knew...?” Devon’s hands trembles as the letter in his hands now wet with his tears and he accusingly stares at Samuel, shock, betrayed and confusion clear in his eyes. “What happened to her? Where, why... Why now?” He rubs his hands on his face, disgruntled and slightly annoyed to learn about their past like this. “The night of your fight, her parents were killed in their house by a group of robbers, Raven went away to live with her aunt and she decided not to come back, using your fight and her parents' death as reasons,” “What?!” Devon stares at Samuel then Raven, feeling perplexed. “Why didn’t you tell me!? There was no news!? Why didn't the teachers say anything!!! My parents said nothing about her parents!” Devon roars in anger and confusion as his hands itched to reach out and grab Sam by the collar of his shirt but he held himself back and thought if he had known back then, he could have done something for her, if only. “She didn’t want anyone to know, didn’t want their pity, she was already humiliated when everyone heard you fought, so she left, and she wanted to leave for good,” “Why?” Devon falls on his knees, his second round of unshed tears fighting to fall, guilt, frustrations eating him. If only he knew Briana’s lies earlier, knew she loved him as he loved her, if only he gave her attention at his party, maybe, she could have been in his arms and not suffering alone. Oh my god, I'm a d**k!!! What have I done? “How do you know all of this? Why are you even here, no offense but this doesn't add up,” Devon picks himself up as he exhales, trying to be calm as he needs to understand why and how Samuel knew so much about Raven's whereabouts. “I’m-,” “Mommy!” a girl around the age of 7 enters the room suddenly and run straight towards Raven, she sits by her side as she holds the pale cold hand and Devon felt confused with the sudden scene playing in front of him. "Mommy wake up, don't you miss Kayla? Mommy!! I miss you, please wake up," The girl looks like an exact duplicate of Raven, except smaller and more fragile. He observes the girl staring at Raven, then her eyes roam the room, her eyes, they don't have Raven's dark grey ones, the shade is pale blue and they land on Samuel, her tears fall as she runs. Pale blue? “Daddy! When is mommy waking up?” she sobs loudly as she crashes into his open arms, Devon looks between his two friends and the child, dumbfound. Daddy...?, Devon thought as he observes the little girl in Samuel's arm, realizing her eyes match of those with his friend. Samuel didn’t reply but press soft kisses on her head and rubs her back, holding onto her as his eyes didn’t break contact with Devon. Samuel gestures the door to his old friend as he leaves his sleeping daughter next to Raven. They left the room and Sam silently lead him to the coffee vending machine, making one for him and one for Devon. “I followed her that night, I was the one who took her home then to her aunt’s, I was with her the whole time, we see each other Devon, and I still met up with you from time to time, yet she won’t let me tell you, she didn't want you to know anything about her anymore,” Samuel begins explaining the past as they left the ward area, a cup of coffee in hand. Devon's face was blank as he's trying hard to digest the new information, he couldn't believe his two best friends are actually married and have a child together. I don't know whether to feel deceived or not... They've hidden this from me... The two stayed in complete silence as they drink their coffees, lost in thoughts as they sit by a scheduled longe area. "She was hurting badly Devon, she wouldn't do anything, would just stay in her room and not come out, her behavior worried both me and her aunt, she was devastated, to say the least," Devon still kept quiet as he listens to his friend's story, not knowing how to react or what to say, partly it's your fault... His mind mocked and he agrees. "You made your choice after you listened to Briana, I told you she lied when you came to me but you still went out and hurt her, I couldn't bear to see Raven hurting so I oblige to her request," "And not once did you think... That maybe you should invite me? To your wedding? Or were you even planning on telling me? Ever?" Devon finally croaks the words out, hating himself at how weak he sounded. Samuel looks at him long, hard in the eyes, then he sighs, his hands rubbing his tired eyes then they reach for something in his pocket. "I told you she didn't want you to know, I tried but she declined, saying you were the one who pushed her away," Samuel says as he places something on Devon's thigh, a small black, slightly worn out box and Devon felt his breathing hitched. "This is... This is..." He picks the box and stares at it as if seeing a ghost. "Yeah, the promise ring you said you'd give to her if she accepted to be with you," "Ho... How? I... I threw this away?" "I coincidentally saw you throw it out after you ran away from the empty classroom... I knew something was wrong when Briana left shortly after you, so I checked and I took it with me, I was thinking about giving it back, but the moment Raven stepped in your house you acted like an a**hole, I decided not to," "And you were right to do so," he shamefully hides his face in his hands, the box discarded on his lap. "Raven saw this box once, and I think she opened it, but never asked me about it, or who's it for," Before Devon could comment, Samuel adds. "I think she knew so she kept quiet, she didn't want to worry me anymore, because she had healed, she was happy again," "How did you two... When..." Devon didn't bother to complete his sentence, he felt no more energy to do so. “We started to spent a lot of time together, continued our studies in the same place and fall in love in the process of it, yet even as we got married and have a child together, she never forgot about you, never once,” "Why would you say that? She is married to you, not me," "Because I caught the look of longing whenever she opens this box in secret, yet she never said anything," "Are you... How can you live like that? Even if she did say in her letter she's in love with me, she's still your wife, the one who saved her, not me, I... I destroyed her..." "I'm not sure, maybe she loves us both? I don't really mind about that, because all I know if we had to go back in time, I'd do it again for her," "What do you mean?" "I mean, even if I have to be the guy who took and hide the girl my best friend loves, if it means I get to shelter her from the one who had hurt her, I'd do it again in a heartbeat because that would be my choice as you had chosen to hurt her," "If only I had known... If only..." My god, I'm such a jerk, a stupid f**king jerk...! I never deserved her!!! Devon looks down at his hands, at the small black box and forgotten promised ring, feeling miserable for he felt like he had lost his best friend and first love all over again. I love you Devon... I wish you and I had a chance...
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