When she’s blushing

3204 Words
Ally Shit! s**t!. I'm late, I'm so fuckin late. I didn't sleep well last night because I had to take care of my mother until 3 am in the morning and I had to wake up at five but when I checked the time a minute ago It was way past seven. Now usually I wouldn't be going crazy like this but I have a new client that I had to meet about 30 minutes ago and since business isn't exactly booming I'm so f****d. "So f****d" I brush my teeth and wash my face, tie my hair up and shove it into my favourite cap then I rush to get into my work clothes and make a quick work of spraying myself with a perfume. I hope whoever the client is will wait for a little longer. I still have to check on my mom before I go and I hope to God Daniel has already left. I'd really hate to f**k up my day more than it already is. I pick up my phone from the night stand dialing one of my business partners. I hate that I didn't get the clients number instead we had shared everything via email but now I see I should have asked for their number. Sometimes I do stupid things I seriously don't know how I've survived this long. The phone rings a few times on the other end before it's picked up "Hey. What's up Matt, I need your help. Could you please take care of everything at the site I will be a little late" I jump up and down trying to put one of my boots on without socks because if I tried finding them now I'll actually lose my mind. I'm going to regret this later when the smell hits. The rest of the team is supposed to meet at the new site we are looking into buying just to make sure we won’t have any problems later on. And we’ve had a f**k ton of those so thanks but no thanks. "okay Boss. Is everything okay" his voice fills the room since I've put him on loud speaker, I need two hands for my boots. He still calls me boss even though we are equals and I’ve been telling him and Milly to stop but those two like busting my balls about absolutely everything but I wouldn’t choose better friends than them. "I'm late to the meeting I have with the new client, I'll call you later" I drop the call before he can answer, I'll have to take him out for drinks later in the week when I have time...and the money. I rush out of my room to my mother's, making sure to keep my steps light even though it's proves to be rather hard since I'm wearing my work boots. Fortunately she's still sleeping soundly. I place her water and medication on her beside table then open the windows for some fresh air, she will also appreciate the sunlight streaming in. I also make a quick run to the kitchen to get her fruits and snacks that she can enjoy later when she wakes up. Daniel is no where to be seen so that’s good, thank goodness for small mercies. I then write her a note like I always do, placing it beside her bed so she doesn't feel lonely when she wakes up. After I kiss her forehead lightly I quickly rush down to my pick up truck which needs to be fixed by the sounds it makes. I'm no mechanic but it sure as hell not supposed to sounds like that. "Please don't break down! please don't break down" Luckily it doesn’t even though it takes it’s time to start. I arrive at the address that was given to me by our newest client and I send a little prayer when I discover that theres still a Rolls-Royce packed outside of the luxurious house that is big and intimidating. it looks like it was taken right out of a fairy tail book with the trees right behind it which makes the vines that wrap around it look like they are a part of it. it looks like a mini castle just a little bit more modern, lived in. It has a steeply pitched roof, prominent cross gables, decorative half-timbering, and tall, narrow windows with small windowpanes. I would like to build myself something like this or buy it even. Maybe she'll be willing to sell once it's fully fixed. I couldn't afford it now but maybe I will be able to when things get better. I could finally get my mom out of that s**t whole we stay at. She'd love this house. I ring the doorbell then take off my cap just to be respectful. Fixing myself up because I don't want to look unpresentable or like I just woke up minutes ago. Even though I did. A young girl opens the door while she's on the phone. She gestures for me to get inside and I do so without question. She has blond hair tied on top of her head and she wears short shorts and a pink cropped top. She immediately forgets about me going about her day while letting out a chorus of 'mmhms' and 'ahhas' as she goes up the stairs. I make myself at home looking at the paintings that align the wall and on the other side of the room there are family photos but before I can go and have a look someone clears their throat disturbing me from my adventure. There’s a woman glaring at me and Oh my fucken balls in a nut sac she’s hot. Even her glare is so attractive. I’m so stunned by the way she looks I just stand the gawking at her with my mouth on the floor. I’m plain out staring at her until she seems so creeped out she starts looking around no doubt for her sister to come and get this crazy person out of her house. I pull my head out my awe struck ass before offering her my hand to shake. "Oh um good morning. I'm sorry I'm late." My voice sounds squeaky and not at all as sexy as I was hoping. f*****g hell. I'm truly amazed at how beautiful she is. Her shoulder long brown hair frames her face perfectly making her hazel eyes pop beautifully under her glasses. Her lips glossed and plump like soft pillows. All her features are perfect for her face right down to her perfect eyebrows. She wears slacks and a shirt that is barely containing her boobs, with long peach heels that make her longer than she actually is. She looks like she comes straight out of my fantasies. Even in this state of shock I don't offer an excuse as to why I'm late. if there's one thing Daniel taught me is that never offer an excuse or reason unless asked for it. Her hand is so soft in mine, her perfectly manicured fingers wrap around my callused fingers. I legit have to hold in a moan. That would be f****d up even for me. I let go of her hand albeit reluctantly. "I had to call in late for work I hope this won't be a daily occurrence because I take my time seriously and will not allow you to waste it" she says in a no nonsense voice not returning my greeting. I guess I deserve it for being unprofessional like this. She holds eye contact with me, her hazel eyes stern and unyielding but I see through her bravado. Her hands are clenched as if she's hoping I don't put up a fight and I might be wrong but I think she practiced every word she just said to me. I think our handshake got to her too. Interesting. "My apologies ma’am, I can assure you it will never happen again" I thrust my hand in my pockets giving her a smile "I'm Ally, your house needed some renovations?" "My name is Karma please don't call me ma'am" she sucks in some air like she needs to calm down before continuing "And yes, I saw that the reviews on your site we pretty good so I can trust you. Please check everything that needs to be done and I'll tell you my plans and we can see if you'll be able to get it done" she says. Karma. Even her name is beautiful. Shit I have to focus. I don't think she has to worry about me and my team not being able to do what we have to do. Those reviews aren't lies, we do a f*****g great job if I do say so myself. And since I've been doing this for over three years I think we'll be fine. But I don't tell the hot lady with brown hair that I’d like to wrap around my fist that. I don't want to come off as arrogant. We make our way through a hallway to a door at the end of it"This house belonged to my parents who gave it to me as a gift before they went to their retirement home. I need it refurbished and renovated for it to fit my style more." she pushes her glasses up then gestures to the bathroom, telling to enter. I do walking slowly and opening the door tentatively. This makes her roll her eyes at me making me grin. The bathroom is a mess. The floor is ruined and it looks like it hasn’t been used in a while. I wonder what happened. "My dad forgot to turn off the tap which made this bathroom a complete mess" Karma supplies helpfully when she sees the confusion in my face. "I bet your mom was not impressed" "She was not, infact she threatened to spank him. He left it on again the next week" she chuckles amused at her father’s ethics. "I'm sorry to tell you this but your dad might be a bit kinky" I tease wiggling my eyebrows at her. She lets out a beautiful little smile her top row of teeth peaking out. I mentally high five myself for putting it there. Her smile makes her whole face light up like Christmas. I should get laid this is not it. "I'll need you to fix everything else you see fit and I want the wallpaper removed and the ceiling replaced" I write everything in my notebook so I can go over it later. "How soon do you need this done?" I ask not lifting my eyes from the notebook. "As soon as you can get it done that'll be fine" she tucks her hair behind her ear. "Okay are there any rules maybe something that is off limits, will you be monitoring us as we work or will you just check in every once in a while.” "Please don't enter my room unless it's absolutely necessary. And I have work but my sister will be here until next week. "Got it. We'll start next week. I'll write down every thing you need to buy and send it you." She nods her hair bouncing up and down. I know it's not supposed to be s****l or anything but damn it makes me want to wrap it on my fist. Again. I clear my throat hoping it will also help clear my mind. I know too well I'm not supposed to be thinking like this with someone who I will be working for but let's be honest when have I done the right thing when it comes to these things. "I have to go to work but ah...I guess we'll talk. My sister is here so just... yeah " she mumbles "Can I have your number" I pull out my phone unlocking it and getting ready to put it in but I'm met with silence. I pull my eyes away from my phone meeting her wide panicked ones. Then it downs on me. "I don't mean it that way I just thought it would be better if we communicated this way instead of using emails" I explain but I can’t hold the smirk that forms on my lips. Her cheeks immediately turn a cute shade of pink. She pushes her glasses up again trying to hide her embarrassment. She is so cute when she blushes and I've decided I want to see her do it more. "No I was not...I wasn’t thinking that" she breathes loudly trying to calm down then takes my phone right out of my hands. When she's done dialing she thrusts it back to me with way more force than necessary. I save it putting a silly emoji at the end. Buy the time I’m done she’s no where to be seen. When she’s gone I get to work marking down what’s needs to be done and we’ll take measurements. Devising a plan for what needs to be taken care of. I also write an estimate amount and an estimated time even though she expressed she doesn’t really care. When I’m done I look for the blonde haired girl who’s supposed to be in charge to no avail. I decide to leave because I need to go and check up on mom. I’ll come back later with the rest of the team so the can give their options. When I arrive home my mom is already up and has eaten a little bit of what I left for her and now she is just staring at something outside humming in a low tone. “Hey mom. You look really good today” I kiss her cheeks. “Ally dear, you’re back” “I still have to go back to work mom, I left Matt in charge and you know he can be a duffus sometimes. I wanted to check on you” My mother has osteoporosis and since has become bedridden as it got worse. She was diagnosed when she ‘fell’ for the hundredth time and broke her hip. I take care of her because Daniel is an asshole and I don’t want him near my mom with all the cooties he has collected while sleeping around. “I’m fine Ally I can take care of myself. I can even talk to your father about getting me more help if you’d let me”she holds my hand in her bony one trying to calm me from the agitation I’m sure to have when she mentions asking for help from Daniel. “He is not my father!. We don’t need Daniel mom. I take care of you don’t I? Is there something you need me to do. I can’t take more time off work because I just got a new project but I’ll try to come back more” I plead. My mom is not all in on my anti-Daniel plan. She still has hope her family will be together again. Me on the other hand I lost that home the moment Daniel laid his filthy hands on my mom then me when she couldn’t take it anymore. Her hand shakes when she brings it to touch my cheek. “No. It’s fine sweetie. Tell me about this new project” she smiles in encouragement silently asking me to drop it. “It’s a house renovation project. It is owned by this beautiful woman.. she’s so.. I don’t know, interesting?.” I shrug like it’s no big deal but my heart is beating so fast I would be corcerned if I didn’t know the reason. “Ahh a beautiful woman. You like her then” “I think it’s too early for that besides she’s a client I don’t s**t where I eat” “Mmhh” “Don’t mmhh me mom I’m serious” She just smiles at me getting back to her humming. My mom is a romantic at heart so I don’t bother fighting with heron this. She is probably already planning our wedding in her head. We sit together for a while then I feed her help her clean up then leave her with a remote and a book she picked. I still have to go back to Karmas house to brief the team on what’s going to happen so we can get started as soon as we can. I call up the guys and Milly to tell them where we’ll meet. The small crew that I work with consist of a interior designer our stager Milly, Matt who’s a plumber, Cooper the electrician and two other guys Ben and Perry. They are all professionals but when I found them they were either unemployed or working a minimum wage job so when I proposed we do this together they were on board. They became my family as we bonded on hard work. Flipping houses them selling them or renting them out. A few hours later we’re still at Karma’s house. We got delayed at the other site because the guy who was supposed to come with all the paperwork couldn’t make it. Now we have been working on figuring out what we need for this house. Matt and Cooper are outside waiting on me and Milly. She got way too excited with this house she practically drooled I don’t blame her though I think I did the same. So I accompany her as she walks around looking at things while she talks animatedly about everything. That’s until this woman walks in a tight as f**k skirt that rides up her things as she takes determined steps towards us. I’d be really scared if it wasn’t for the fact that she is gorgeous. And I’ve seen her in the pictures around the dining room. “Is it weird that I already know who’s Ally just by looking at you two” is the first thing she says. Milly looks at me confused like I’m going to give her answers. And I give her the, b***h I’m confused as you are look. “Weird people are cool so.. .” Milly mutters to me “I’m Hope, a friend of Karma’s” “This is Milly, she’s a designer.” I introduce Milly because apparently she already knows me. “We have to take a look upstairs, it was nice seeing you Hope” She pulls me up the stairs before I can protest leaving Hope staring at us with a creepy smile on her face. After Milly is satisfied with her poking around her and the guys leave. I linger around trying to find a time to talk to Karma about something, anything. When my plans prove to be futile I give up because I have to go back to mom. I say goodbye and leave. Even though I didn’t have a chance with her before I left I’m in a good mood even Daniel and his ass face can’t bring it down. All night I can’t seem to stop thinking about Karma’s kissable lips and her flustered face. This will either go really good or blow up right in my fucken face.
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