Chapter 1

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Blake: People wonder why Monday's are hated. Beep..... Beep.... Beep. I groaned in devastation as my alarm clock rang and practically smashed the button on it. I hate Monday's and school, mornings and the monsters who invented alarm clocks... if you haven't noticed. I mean who doesn't? It's like completing a book or finishing a movie. Reality comes back to haunt you after the weekend. Despite being the soon to be Alpha, my father still wants me to continue school. Yes, that is correct I will be continuing school and all its demonic subjects even though I will not be needing them neither in the near nor in the far, foreseeable future. Its not as if my pack will be attacked through maths. I just wish that I could change the school's starting time, I mean who would want wake up early for Maths or History? Not me. I looked at the clock 8:30 School starts at 8:20 Shiitake mushrooms. Oh Moon goddess I'm going to be late. I quickly took a shower. Put on a simple shirt and pair of jeans and went down to make some breakfast for me and my sister, Elena. Since my mother's death, my dad hasn't been taking good care of us. So, me being the loving brother I am decided to start taking care of both my sister and the pack. For three straight years we've been living without our parents, since my dad is often passed out in his room thanks to his drinking habits. Sometimes he even leaves the pack to go who knows where. It's not that I don't like taking care of my sister but I just wish that sometimes he would actually notice that we were here. I don't blame him for feeling this way. He lost his mate, but I lost my mum too so I kind of know what he is going through. I turned my attention back to the now burning pancakes on the pan and watched it catch on fire. I cursed softly, put out the fire and flipped it quickly on Elena's plate. I afterwards put on a lot of chocolate syrup so that she wouldn't notice that it was burnt. No judging, I'm not that good of a cook. "Elena, come eat your breakfast, we're late for school!" I yell out. Not that the werewolf teachers would care. They know that I'm the Alpha's son so wouldn't give me detention or anything but the humans? That's another story. They have no idea of our existence. My sister instantly practically flew down the stairs once she smelled the scent of food. "Pancakes!" She cheered and sat down. After taking a bite of her pancake she glared at me, You know the type the, 'You traitor, there's a special place in hell designed for you'. That kind of happy glare. "You're a heart breaker Blakey, you know that right?" Elena announces. I pretended to be confused and played dumb (which wasn't that hard). "You get me all pumped up and happy because of the food but then betray me when it tastes horrible." I roll my eyes at the drama queen and tell her to hurry up. After my sister practiclly ate the pancake in one bite despite it being burnt. I get in my car and drive us to school already knowing we're about half an hour late. Maia's P. O. V. Pain. Pain is all I felt ever since I could remember anything. My childhood. My Pre-Teens. My Entire life. Pain, t*****e and anguish. Every hit, every slap, every kick. "Please stop!" I begged him but that only made him angrier. For someone who's never experienced it, it's easy to talk about a***e. It's much easier to discuss with your friends and say that you would beat the living Styx out of anyone who would ever think about hurting you. But no one understands. No one knows what it actually feels like. What I've been through. The cold feeling left from the slap you receive. Experiencing the full force of a kick jammed through your rib cage. The mental a***e it leaves you with, thinking that You must be doing something wrong for this treatment. Whether it's forgetting to do the dishes or breathing, it makes no difference. I've been abused all my life. Ironic isn't it?Humans are supposed to be the superior species, the most knowledgeable, the most sacred? And yet, they're the only ones who inflict wounds, who carve scars and destroy life. The people I live with aren't really my parents. My real mother and father left me on their door step when I was a baby with only a note saying that there are people after them and they couldn't put me in that kind of danger. If only they knew what kind of danger they did put me in. My step mom told me that the a***e is a punishment 'for ruining their lives' and 'wasting their money' as if it was my fault that I ended up with them. "Get up and get ready for school Skank!" my father screamed at my face and pulled me up from my hair. With me biting my lip to keep from screaming the whole time. With a kick to my stomach, he left. If there was something I had learnt since the beginning, it was that my screams were a type of aphrodisiac for him. It only made him want to hurt me more. As his footsteps echoed through floorboards, I couldn't help lay on the ground for a few more seconds. I continued crying softly to myself, afraid that if I was too loud he would come back. Why couldn't the dark come back for me? Just like old times. I was pretty sure one of my ribs was broken, not that my step father cared. Not that anyone cared, I was alone in this cruel and miserable world. Finally after about an hour of constant pain. I managed to get up and pack my bag for my first day of school with the few items I managed to buy. I put on some make up to hide the bruises on my body. I usually never had any bruises on my face though unless father was so drunk that he wouldn't even be able to remember his name. Despite my dad being a drunk, he wasn't stupid. He knew that people would ask questions if they saw any injuries. At least he had learnt after my junior school teacher, Mrs Hart had contacted them. Not to worry though, the bruises and scars he left on my body compensated enough for the lack of wounds on my face. I looked in the mirror one last time making sure that I didn't have any bruises showing. If I got caught, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me. I wasn't ugly, I mean nobody in the world is. (A/N- Yes people reading this story, all of you are beautiful even if you don't see it yourself) If it wasn't for all my injuries I could probably even look beautiful. My once sun kissed skin had faded to a lifeless colour. I was pale, paler than pale, I don't even think that this is normal. My once bright blue eyes are now dull and lifeless with dark eye bags. My body felt weak, my skin felt thin. I chucked darkly as I realised that I look like the walking dead. I turned away from the mirror and was about to leave but just as I was about to open the door, I felt Deaths' claws sinking into my arm. Causing my very soul to freeze. 'Please let me go' I thought to myself. I didn't dare breathe, afraid that he might do something else to me, something much worse than physical a***e. I wheezed in pain and tried to hold back the tears as he increased the grip on my already bruised arm knowing that he was hurting me. Why is this happening? "You are not allowed to have any friends or boyfriends" he states. "If you ever bring someone in this house or tell them what I do to you, I will hurt you so bad that you wouldn't even be able to walk. I've killed before and you know it. One life has already been lost thanks to you." He yelled "You don't deserve to have a happy life, am I understood?" I managed a nod despite my fear of him and he let me go. "Good, I hope you have a miserable day" he said before literally kicking me out the door. We had this talk about six times, the exact speech took place every time we moved. I have no idea why we do move. The only time I asked him why we do it I ended up with three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a broken arm. It's amazing how my body has gotten used to the beatings, I usually take less time to heal. (A/N- No she's not a werewolf or a supernatural being. Maia is a 100% human) I got up and ran to the school, coughing and trying to catch my breath the entire time. The school was close but with all the bruises and injuries I have, it was hard for me to even walk, let alone run. As I arrived I immediately went to the secretary who was reading a book. Her glasses looked way to big on her but she didn't bother taking them off nonetheless. She didn't even bother to look up at me much less take off her glasses. "Um excuse me ma'am?" I was ignored. "Miss? Mrs?...... Mr?" I stutter, watching as her grip on the book increases. "I'm Maia Johnson. I'm new here, may you please give me the schedule for the lessons?" I asked her politely. She glares at me, puts her book down and roughly hands me the schedule. "Don't interrupt my reading next time" she warns before picking up her book once again. This is why I don't like people very much. I sigh as I look at the schedule. Great my first lesson's my favourite, Maths (note the sarcasm), I thanked whoever was up there that I had a map to get me through the school. About thirty minutes later I managed to find my first class, after realising that despite having a map, reading them wasn't my forte. It was a typical classroom. White walls, cracked ceiling, missing tiles, compared to my last prison of a school this new one looked like a morgue. Except I would have preferred the morgue since there would not be any live groups of people talking. I could hear the soft whispers about me as I went in. I go and sit on the last desk in the last row And trying to make myself as least noticeable as possible, I put the hood of my sweater up, and place my hands inside my pockets. "Sup loser!" A guy calls to me. I don't even bother looking up. It's ironic how people can judge you without even knowing you. "What's up nerd? Cat got your tongue?" His venomous voice calls. One more year Maia. "Skeleton a*s! I'm talking to you!" Really Bull head? Can't you hear me ignoring you? The guy moves to grab me causing me to look up and meet his black eyes, but he was interrupted by the teacher entering the class signalling the boring lesson is about to start. "See you at lunch" Weird dude whispers before leaving. "Okay students, please take out your textbooks and find page 180, we will be continuing algebraic graphs today" And I thought this day couldn't get better. Fate oh fate I looked out the window, onto a close tree where a birds nest with mother bird feeding her baby was visible. Just as I was about to drop dead due to boredom. The door burst open, and another guy my age enters. A cross between Damon Salvatore, Tom Holland, Percy Jackson and Chris Hemsworth could only describe what he looked like. I didn't know any guys but I was pretty sure he was one of the, If not the handsomest boys I've ever seen and read about. I may not be able to order from the menu of guys but I can sure as hell look at it. His hair was curly brown but not to curly and sea green eyes which made my heart flutter, a faint blush was seen on his cheeks but I wasn't sure whether it was due to running or because our eyes had met. Hail Mary and Joseph, he's a Greek god with a jaw line more structured than my life. That sounded weird didn't it? He made fictional characters fall to shame. I wasn't sure why I was feeling like this, it wasn't as if I knew him but I never was a liar. I knew what amazing looked like and was humble enough to admit it. Our eyes met it was as if we were the only two people in the world. My stomach was suddenly full of butterflies. My heart beat increased. (I also had this craving for chocolate chip cookies but I don't think that has to do with the guy. Please do ignore this) He was perfect. But as I thought back to where I was coming from, I urged my beating heart to slow. I could never, would never have a normal life with a person. As long as I live in this World, I would only cause chaos to those who would try to see the real me. Taking a deep breath, I looked away from his eyes and out the window Again. Seeing the small bird that was just about to take flight for the first time. And I wondered what that would feel like. What it would feel like to be free.
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