Twenty Two

2054 Words

Billie thinks I'm a brainless bimbo. That's why she walks all over me. That's why she makes fun of me. That's why she says the meanest things in form of jokes. That's why she tries to take every man I'm interested in, not because she wants them. But because she wants me to know that she has the power to take them. I see all that. And I ignore it. I lied to Jack yesterday - I don't see Billie as a best friend. I see her as a stepping stone. She thinks she's using me but I'm the one using her. Sometimes in life, you have to use people to get to where you want to be. I want to be an award-winning actress someday. Billie is already a great singer. She has all the connections I need to get to where I want to be. She gets me small roles on TV. She bought me an expensive penthouse. She spoil

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