The Clash - Part 1

1088 Words

Neither Sario nor the blonde haired king who went by the name Naron were unable to sleep that night since both of them were furious. They were waiting in order to find the one who had done the bad things to their respective children. Sario was after Vars, whereas Naron was after Shiro. No matter what happened they wouldn't have been able to let go of this matter and a clash was sure to happen but it was good that the arena was opened to since if they were to fight, they could do that in arena. Soon it was a new day and Shiro due to his habit woke up early and stretched his body after getting up from bed when he found Sario still sitting in the same pose which he had seen before falling asleep. He could see that Sario was still quite furious, in fact his anger had increased a lot so he

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