Chapter 24 Howard Was Overenthusiastic

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If so, when the strength in his body became stronger, would he get rid of gravity and fly?! Would he become a superman as well?! Vincent was excited secretly, but he was awakened by Clare’s soft voice. Vincent smiled, stood up, and picked up Clare’s tableware, “Let me do it for you”. He filled her bowl with the softest and tenderest lobster, and then put it back in front of Clare. “Thank you.” Clare flushed and nodded. “What a lovely couple!” Senior Mr. Quincy smiled. “Hey! I want it, too!” Natalie shouted at Vincent angrily. “You?” Vincent was stunned for a moment and joked with a smile, “I’m not your husband anyway!” “You! Humph! You are a rascal!” Natalie clung to Clare’s tiny waist in anger and tightened, “If you don’t do it for me, I won’t let my sister talk to you!” “Nat, Nat! How about I...?” Carl dug a spoonful of lobster meat and stood up, refusing to give up. “Huh, help yourself, and don’t drop it again!” Natalie waved her hand hurriedly. “Suit yourself, Carl. She can do it herself!” Matthew smiled. “Oh, alright.” Carl then stuffed the lobster into his mouth. But misery kissed him next. “Ouch!!!” Carl screamed in pain, bowed his head, and vomited. There was lobster meat mixed with saliva, blood, and a broken tooth. “What’s wrong with you this time?!” Senior Mr. Quincy was surprised. “What the hell? My tooth!” Carl looked up and explained. There was still blood on the corners of his mouth. “Oh, my gosh. Could you please stop the mess and eat?” Natalie covered her eyes and teased speechlessly. As she was talking, the box door opened. Chairman Martin came over with a wine glass in his hand. “Senior Mr. Quincy! Vincent! I’m here to propose a toast to you!” “Oh, son! I’m waiting for you, you know!” Senior Mr. Quincy stood up happily and grabbed Chairman Martin’s hand. The latter had bypassed the crowd before coming between him and Vincent. “Haha, now I’m here, mister! Right, brother?!” Chairman Martin patted Vincent again. “Chairman...” “Huh?!” Chairman Martin glared at Vincent. “Oh, Martin.” Vincent also stood up. “Now we are talking!” Chairman Martin smiled and nodded towards the rest. “Martin, I have to thank you!” Senior Mr. Quincy said with a big smile. “Oh? Why so?” Chairman Martin was stunned. “If it weren’t for you, how could I have such an excellent grandson-in-law?! What do you think?!” “Oh, right, hahaha! I see! I can’t pretend to take the credit! It’s your granddaughter who got lucky!” Chairman Martin paused and said, “Vincent may have just graduated from college, and he seems to have nothing or any powerful background now, but I bet he is a promising and excellent talent! We’ll see!” “Martin, I’m flattered. But talent?!” Vincent scratched his head. “Aren’t you?! A lot of kings and generals, oh no, they are too aged. Many entrepreneurs are not as good as you are at your age! When you got great achievements in the future, don’t forget me, brother!” “Martin, you are...” Vincent shook his head. “Haha, Martin, I’m afraid I’ll have to bother you to take care of my grandson-in-law and my son!” Senior Mr. Quincy was also grinning. “Oh, Uncle, that’s too early to say! I’m still counting on your family to lift me once Vincent achieved a lot in the future. And I’ll do my best to do anything for you.” Chairman Martin spoke highly of Vincent sincerely and might have the intention to honor Vincent in front of others. Anyway, Matthew, Karen, and their relatives all smiled nicely. It could tell from their expressions that they agreed that “The son-in-law appointed by Senior Mr. Quincy is not so bad!”. Clare listened calmly, while Carl was upset to hear this. “It’s good to see you here, cheers!” Senior Mr. Quincy, Chairman Martin, and Vincent toasted with each other before Matthew joined them, and Martin didn’t leave until he greeted the rest politely. Unexpectedly, right after Senior Mr. Quincy and Vincent were seated, the door opened again. And this time, it was Howard who came over, carrying a wine bottle and holding a wine cup. He flattered around before coming to Vincent, “Excuse me, Vincent, may I propose a toast to you?” “Of course, Mr. Clarke!” Vincent stood up with a smile, and introduced unhurriedly, “This is my grandfather...” “Grandpa, this is Howard Clarke. I told you about him before.” Vincent smiled. “Oh, Mr. Clarke! It’s good to see you!” Senior Mr. Quincy also stood up. “Hello, Grandpa! Hello, everyone! I have to apologize for what happened just now. It’s a huge misunderstanding. And I hope you won’t mind. To show my sincerity, I shall toast Senior Mr. Quincy first. Grandpa, please, feel free to drink.” As Howard said, he bottomed up the white wine in his cup. And then he filled his cup again. The cup was not big, 50 ml. But Howard’s red face had shown that he had drunk a lot upstairs. It was quite enthusiastic for him to come here to do this. “This is Uncle Matthew and Auntie Karen. They are my, well, my...” Vincent didn’t know how to introduce them. Senior Mr. Quincy who just sat down did him the favor directly. “Parents-in-law of course!” “I know! I got this just now! Toast to Mr. and Mrs. Quincy.” Howard drank it up again. Matthew and Karen were embarrassed somehow, feeling like they only had the honor because of their “son-in-law”. “Mr. Clarke, this is...” Vincent looked at Clare and was embarrassed to speak again. Senior Mr. Quincy continued, “Haha! This is my granddaughter, Clare, Vincent’s future wife, and this is my second granddaughter Natalie.” “It’s a pleasure to meet two beautiful girls at a time! Cheers!” It was already the third cup. Immediately afterward, Vincent introduced the relatives at a time to have a drink with Mr. Clarke, but he ignored Carl. “Hello, Mr. Clarke, I am...” Carl stood up awkwardly, pretending to introduce himself moderately. Howard suddenly looked at Matthew, frowned, and asked Vincent, “Vincent, may I ask what is your father-in-law’s name?” Everyone was confused, wondering why the rich in jewelry asked so. “Matthew Quincy.” Vincent nodded. “Matthew Quincy? President Quincy?” Howard looked at Matthew, who also stood up with a smile, “Mr. Clarke, what can I do for you?” “Oh! You are Matthew Quincy, the president of Greengrass Environmental Protection Company, right?!” “Yeah! It’s me!” Matthew thought he was famous as the boss of the company, so he nodded triumphantly. “You should tell me earlier!! With such bond, why do we bother to make it complex?!!” Howard patted his thigh as if he had just realized something. “The land and plant lease contract of your company! The site of your company! It belongs to me! The contract is still on my desk!”  
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