Chapter 9

424 Words
Abbie could barely believe it when she saw her apartment: Rose petals shaped into a heart were placed on her bed and candles were lit all over her room. Amanda must have told him where she went. Damn her! She ignored all of his texts and phone calls until today. The paperwork was ready for her to sign, but there was a part of her that didn’t want to. At the end of the day, she was still in love with Josh Davidson. Her birthday was today and he somehow still remembered. She and Josh went through living hell for the whole three years of their marriage, but they worked their issues out. The next text message she received from Josh popped up on her screen: I need to see you, Abbie. I can’t stop thinking about you and I want to spend your birthday with you. You’re the only woman left in my life and I want it to be like this forever. She found it sweet, but she couldn’t stay in a relationship that was unhealthy and toxic. She had to put an end to their relationship for good. It sounded good in her head, but she deep down wanted to spend her birthday with him. Agreeing, she put on her best dress and met him at the fancy restaurant downtown where they went for one of their dates. “Josh, this is too much.” “Today is a special day, Abbie. I love you and I’ve never stopped. I want to be with you forever until the day I die. I’m still sorry what happened with our baby, but there’s always chances to try again. I want to be an amazing husband and father for our child or children and I will never leave you. Ever again. Since you took this off, I want to give it back to you.” He reached in his pocket and had her engagement ring in his hand. “Josh...” “I want this on your finger forever, Abbie. Please...” “Please what?” “Come back into my life. For good.” “Josh, I don’t know what to say but...” He sighed. “Is the answer a no?” Abbie shook her head. “No. The answer is yes.” He looked at her and smiled like a little boy on Christmas. “Really?” “Yes. I love you, Josh. Forever.”
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