Chapter 60

881 Words

They reached the car and Ricci opened the doors. They were inside in seconds and Ricci drove out of the compound. Siena was mostly quiet during the journey and she looked out of the window often. Soon, her eyes rested on Ricci. She studied the shadows the night played on his face. "Why did you not want to come to DiAmbrossi mansion for your birthday?" Siena asked then. "Your mother, your family, they were all so excited and happy. Why would you not want that?" Ricci did not reply for a while. He gave a sigh finally and said: "My father ruined birthdays for me," he stated plainly. "There were whispers but no one ever truly saw him cheat on my mother. But I did, one day-on my fifteenth birthday. He was having a quickie with Avena's mother at the kitchen store in DiAmbrossi mansion. He w

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