Chapter 9

966 Words
A little girl stood in front of a burning house, crying. Someone who's face was covered was standing near the sobbing girl, trying to comfortably sooth the young girl. "I.. I killed them!" She hiccups uncontrollably. The other person said nothing. "I KILLED THEM! And they still saved me! Why? Why?! WHY?!?! Why....?" The girl slumped down. "I'm a monster..." tears flowed down her delicate face. "They saved you because they loved you." The cloaked person said. The voice was soothing and high, giving away her gender.  "But I'm a monster..." "You're their child." This caused the girl to start crying harder. "Come with me," the cloaked person said. "I'll teach you to control your powers... then you'll never hurt anyone you love again." "I've lost everyone I loved." The girl said. "Your heart stills beat, you'll come to love someone once more... I'm only asking you to come with me to travel this world. Come with us." Another person stepped out of the shadows. "We need another friend, it's quite lonely with just the two of us." The girl stood there wiping the tears that still came. She looked between the two before she slowly nodded. Clasping onto the outstretched hand. Ones that felt so warm, like her parents.  ********** "Poisoned by what?" Yukino asked inquiringly, the question obviously directed to Kami. "You mean coughing blood, blood seeping out of the skin, and crying blood?" Yukino's face blanked before it flared up, bursting into a crimson red. During Yukino's conversation with Kami in her head, Yukino and her parents as well as many others quickly ran towards Taiyo. The Fox King ordered for a healer at once. "Why is it ranked fifth? It takes three days before it kills, dont they have plenty of time to cure it by then?" "What?!" Yukino screamed this out loud as she stared at her brother. People then in turn stared at her, wondering what was with this late reaction of hers. Yukino's brows furrowed together. "Theres no way to save him?" "Give it to me now!" Yukino ordered. Yukino sighed with relief. "How did this happen?" Taiyo's father yelled at the guard. "We.. we were in the forest with and we saw someone running towards us, he asked for help but since his highness didn't know what it was he went to help.... that was when he got bitten and also when he also killed it." The crowd bursted into choas, a nine year old managed to kill a Winged Viper? He's a genius! "He's an idiot." A voice rung clearly through the commotion. Many heads snapped towards the voice, including Yukino's. The Prince of the Tiger Clan was leaning lazily on his sides his elbow held his head as he gave a lazy smile. "What did you just call my son?" An angry father glared at the prince, the prince however was not intimidated. "An i***t, while the father is deaf." Haruto said, his eyes glanced sharply at the king. The king didnt back down though. "Care to explain?"  "He acted as a hero, but all it would all end with him being nothing but a corpse." The prince said each word slowly, making sure everyone could hear him.  Yukino's eyes narrowed, she would not stand any of her family, or anyone she cared for to be insulted or hurt. She has always been very possessive and she couldn't sit still as her dear brother was being insulted.  "Well, at least my brother is better than the Tiger Clan." She spat out. This statement caused many eyes to turn to her. Yukino hasn't been the center of attention for a very long time was slowly losing her stage fright to her anger. They were surprised to see such a cold expression on the young girls face. Her icy crystalline eyes full of anger. "The Tiger Clan, known for its might, couldn't even protect their guests and instead decides to insult them. Truly disgusting."  The faces of the Tiger Clan members turned red with embarrassment when they realize the truth of the statement. They were suppose to make sure the hunting area was safe. Not only did they fail to do that, when someone helped kill the threat, they insulted them! Haruto slowly sat up, his face still held the lazy smirk but his eyes were cold as ice and filled with a dangerous glint. He stood up and slowly walked towards Yukino, the crowd parted ways to let him past. He stood in front of Yukino who was kneeling next to her brother's make shift bed. Yukino's parents, uncle and aunt, and Kaito quickly stood protectively in between the little space left between the two facing each other. Haruto started at Yukino as he chuckled. He glanced at the human wall that advanced dangerously. He then walked around them, not letting the people to react. He leaned near Yukino's ears as he whispered. "I will remember you." Cauing chills to go down Yukino's spine. The prince then quickly moved away as Yukino's father sent out a punch.
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