Dear Diary 2

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" Help!!!!" - I heard a loud scream from somewhere. I look behind me but no one was there. I take a deep breath and close my eyes thinking it was just an illusion. I'm sure of what am I going to do now.  "Help!!!! anyone!!!! please help!!"- I open my eyes. No, it isn't an illusion. It's real. Someone is asking for help. Someone is in danger.  I start walking trying to find the voice. There are no houses in this part of our town and there are no people walking at this time of the night. Who could it be? I walk and walk. Where is it?   The voice is getting louder and louder. It means that I'm near to the person that asking help. I can hear sobs. quiet sobs.  " If you have one wish before you die. What would it be?"- I stopped from walking when I heard a deep round voice of a man. I walk quietly near the park this is where I hear the voice.I can see them slightly. They were in the park with the large tree in front of them. If I'm not mistaken this is what the people call in my town "the forbidden park". They said this park is haunted. so, people are avoiding this  park. There were lots of suicide incidents happened here too.  I tried to hide as much as possible. I need to think a great plan to save the guy. I tried to peep between  the big bushes in front of me. It's so dark. I can't see them clearly, but I think they are about 30 steps from me. I can see a man wearing a black hooded robe like those in cult and holding a candle. In front of him is a guy who is tied up and crying. He was wearing blue polo and black slacks. His hair is so messy and there are mud all over his muddy looks like he was been dragged from somewhere. "I don't want to die."- The guy said in shaky voice.  "Ah. no no. It's your time to die."- He started laughing like he was insane. What's with this guy? Who the f**k is he to tell if it's someone's time to die. "Please, don't kill me.Please" - He started to cry again. He was begging for this person's mercy.  "Please? Oh. A big word. How dare you to say that after----------" - Before he continue I throw a big rock in other direction to make him think that someone's there. He stopped from talking. They both look to their left.  "HEEELPP!!!!- The guy shouted. The guy wearing a hooded robe gets a handkerchief and put it in his mouth. He still trying to shout as much as he can. The robe man started to walk away from him. I started to move forward towards him. Slowly and surely.  The guy saw me. His eyes widely open looks like he has  a chance to survive from this. I make a quiet sign and point my finger towards left? He looks at the robe man's direction first then look at me again. He shake his head. I immediately go to him. Remove the handkerchief in mouth and tried remove the rope around him. I can hear his continuously heavy breathing. He was still looking at the robe's man direction. "Thank you. Thank you. " - I successfully remove everything. He stand up and hug me. "Thank you. How did you find me here?" - He asked. "I heard someone is screaming. C'mon! We need to run now before he comes back!"- I said. We are about to run when ... "And you bring a friend" - Said the deep round voice behind us. We want to run but it seems like our feet is glued to the ground. I can't even take a step. My whole body is shaking.  "Is this the girl? Oh. She's different. So, you have another girl? "- I don't have any idea what he is trying to say. Girl? Another girl? What? he sounds like a jealous man. "If you both have one wish before you die. What would it be?"- I hear footsteps walking towards us slowly. My body is still shaking. I'm still trying my best to run, but why I --- someone grabs my hand and we started running. The guy! we as much as we can. I look back and he is trying his best to catch as up. I can't still see his face for it was covering with the hood. I look to the guy. "Where are we going?" - I tried to say while we're running. We're both catching out breath. We can't stop. "I don't know! Just keep going" -My heart pumping too fast. I'm so tired. I look back and I can't see the robe man anymore. "Wait!!"- I said and tried to stop.  "Waittt! Stop!" I look at him. He looks at me. He looks so scared. "Why? we need to run and ask for help"- He was about to grab me again and run but I didn't let him. "He isn't here anymore. Look!"- I pointed.  He looks at the direction I pointed.He deeply sigh. He sits on ground still catching his breath. I look around no robe man's sign. I just realized we are at the bridge again. I sit on the bridge and gets more oxygen as much as I can. I get the phone in my pocket and look at the time. It's almost 2 in the morning.  "Who's that?"- I asked him when I notice that he's calm. "I actually don't know. I don't remember anything. The last thing I know is I was dancing in the club after the show and I fell asleep after that I woke up being tied up there" - he said. I stand up and face the bridge. "I'm going to call for help. I should have thought of this earlier. Sorry I got panic when I saw that he was about to kill you and I tried to be a superhero. I know that I shouldn't have done that, but don't worry we are safe now." - I am dialing the help hotline. When I heard footsteps. Similar sound of footsteps.My body starts to shake again. I can't move (Hello, this is help hotline.) . I can't even speak. I'm just looking at my phone. (Hello? Is someone there? ) . I want to ask for help or scream but it he might hurt me or the guy. *toot* The call was ended. Wtf!!! Whyyy!!!??? "Miss" -The guy said. I can hear the his shaky voice again. The same voice I heard earlier.  "You mess with my plan! After him I'll kill you" - I don't know what to do. I don't know what's happening in my back too. Is he holding him? Is he still holding the knife? I don't know. I can't think of any.  "Look at here!!!"-- The robe man shouted. I swallowed every courage I have in me and slowly look back. The man is holding the guy and there is a rope in his neck like it was ready to hand him up. He is so near to me. He is tall. Taller than the guy. I think he is like 5'10 or something but I can't still see his face. "If you have one wish before you die. What would it be?"- He looks at the guy. I'm trying to signal him to fight back but he was shaking his head. I saw his tears flowing in his eyes. Is he accepting his fate? He just look  at me straightly. His eyes are saying good bye. No, You can't!!! "What is your wish? "- The robe man asked again. "Julia use mayonnaise pizza"- The guys said. The robe man laugh at him and slowly tighten up the robe. The guy isn't moving. He's still looking at me. What is he trying to say? " Julia use mayonnaise Pizza.JULIA. USE .MAYONNAISE.PIZZA!"- He shouted while he was tighten up the rope. I look around. No people here. I can't shout no one will hear . It is dark only the light post beside us. No CCTV. too far from houses. What will I do? I started thinking what he is trying to say. JULIA USE MAYONNAISE  PIZZA. I look back at him. he was catching his breath. He can't even fight. Why he didn't fight? I saved you! Don't save me! Save yourself ! I want to say all of this to him but I can't speak. He nodded one last time before closing his eyes. Someone was killed in front of me to save me. Someone gave up their lives for me! ..again... The robe man laugh. The laugh echoed the place. He looks at me. He is about to grab me when I jump. I closed my eyes. I don't know if I will be alive or I'll be drown. This was my plan few hours ago. I should be the one dying. Why other people always need to sacrifice and suffer. I should be that. I should be that.  Is it just a dream? I hope this is just another bad dream. *** I opened my eyes. It was a white room. Where am I ?

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