Chapter 2: bickering pups

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I hadn't heard a peep from wolf boy since he headed into the spare room and I’d almost forgotten about him the next morning as I dressed and packed my weapons. I sheathed my blade in its normal place on my back hidden underneath my leather jacket and long hair, and added two smaller blades either side the holsters on my thighs and added my small stash in my backpack in the small chance I might have time to actually get to them, not that I should need them with my favourite and main weapons of choice attached within easy reach on my body, the stash in the bag was only for if things got really bad. I opened my bedroom door and nearly s**t myself seeing Jake there and then I remembered I was working with the ass now. With his messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes, not to mention the flawless olive skin and big abs I couldn't deny he was a hot piece of ass to nearly every female that knew him, just not this particular female, there was too much hate and rivalry between us. I wanted to head straight out and look for the bastard demon, but the t**t at the table was casually eating my cereal as though we had all the time in the world. I leaned against the wall and gave my best b***h glare while he ate, hoping to make him feel uncomfortable. Nope, no such luck, he grinned at me and I swear he started eating even f*****g slower. Finally he finished and I'd lost patience by then so I made my way to the front door allowing him to catch up if he chose to. I bit my lip from smiling as I heard him panic not to be left behind again and rushed to his room to grab his own weapons before running to catch up with me as I made my way to my car. “You’re a b***h, you know that right?” He panted as he caught up and slid into the passenger seat beside me. “Oh, you love it really.” I smiled and batted my eyelashes at him while he glared back at me angrily. Oh well. I started the engine and turned the music up loud so I wouldn't have to converse in any way with him. Five minutes into enjoying kings of Leon wolf boy slammed it off giving me more hate filled glares. “What the f**k you do that for?” I shouted and went to turn it back on only to have him grab my hand and fling it away. “You may not have extra sensitive hearing, but I bloody well do and if my ear drums burst, it will be your own damn fault when you want me listening out for trouble.Where are we going anyway?” Fair enough, I didn't tell him that though. “I'm taking us back to the witch’s house.If she summoned him then she should hopefully have some background information on him, maybe give us an idea of where he might go.” For once he didn't argue with me, just nodded and laid back in his seat. Thank god for small mercies. Half an hour later and we were pulling into the witches place. It was small for a house with no garden, but she had lived alone by what I had read about her. I picked the lock and after a minute or two we were in. The place was immaculate, all creams and browns while the kitchen was cream and red. I made my way up the stairs and found her bedroom. I did a double take. The bedroom was painted baby pink with pink covers and a lilac canopy, clearly she had thought she was a princess and I had to swallow a gulp at the lump in my throat at the little girl in her that only showed in the privacy of her bedroom along with the cuddlies spread along her bed. Even I could have a heart from time to time. I focused back to the job at hand and started going through her drawers, nothing but clothes as I stripped the place bare. Jake came in five minutes later as I sat on the bed thinking. “Have you checked under the mattress?” He asked, his deep voice reverberating around the room. Before I could answer he stepped beside me and pulled me roughly of the bed, the slight smirk showed he enjoyed rough handling me. He lifted the mattress to reveal a small file. I grabbed it before he could and opened it up. It was all about the demon Belial, his rank, and how many legions he ruled and so on, including how to summon him and bind him. Obviously he was no longer bound now that she was dead. But that wasn't the worst of it. She had written notes to herself about how important it was to get the binding right for if she failed, apparently his sole intention would be to hole up somewhere dark and cold, surrounded by earth and dirt where he would plan to summon his legions and bring about the end of mankind. f**k, we were so screwed. Jake snatched it out of my hands when I’d finished and read through it his eyes going wide as he read the last bit. “f*****g hell, where the hell are we going to find him and how long do we have?” I tried not to gulp as I answered, “The only place around here that's closest to us and sounds most ideal for him is Illinois prairie path and if I'm correct, then we have until next full moon to stop him.” Jake stopped pacing and turned to look at me eyes wide, “s**t, the next full moon is Friday, we have two days.” Yeah as I kept saying we were so screwed. We made our way back to the car and headed toward Lisa’s place. Lisa was a witch that just happened to be married to my boss Jim who was a changeling. Lisa had saved my ass on more than one occasion with her nifty spell bombs and spelled blades, one which was strapped to my back, I called my sword ruby, one because she had a ruby embedded in the blade and two because I bloody loved her, she had saved me from more sticky situations then I could count. An hour later and we were pulling into Lisa and Jim’s small mansion, yes I said mansion. The house was huge and white, picket fence and all, I also knew the house held ten rooms altogether, although I'd only ever been allowed in five. By the look on Jakes face, it was his first time seeing the boss’s place. “Please behave,” I warned him as we reached the door, “Respect her house more than you respect your own and maybe she won't turn you into a toad, I've seen her do that, you know.” Ok, so I was f*****g with him, Lisa was the loveliest woman you could hope to meet, but I was having fun scaring the alpha wolf. He must have seen the smirk I tried to hide though, because he suddenly stepped into me nose to nose, and looked down menacingly at my five foot frame, “We need to hunt one of the most dangerous demons and you have time for games? Quit f*****g around Amelia before I get really pissed off, I've had enough of you and your childish f*****g games.” I didn't back away, but no doubt he could hear the racing in my heart, he could tear my throat out in half a second if he wanted and there would be no healing fast enough to recover from that. I didn't like being intimidated so I did the next best thing and whipped the blade from my thigh and pressed it against groin, “Back the f**k of wolf boy, or you won't be a boy no more if you know what I mean?” Just to make my point I pressed harder into him until he hissed, no doubt I'd just nicked him through his jeans. I would like to say that being a witch and all Lisa sensed we would be coming when she suddenly opened the door, but unfortunately it was the arguing and raised voices that had made her realise someone was at the door. “Are you done bickering at my front door?” Lisa was beautiful, long locks of golden blonde hair cascaded down her back, dark green eyes along with sensuous rosy coloured lips and flawless porcelain skin, and the tight red dress that was thigh high only helped the rosy coloured lips and green eyes stand out more, and of course those perfectly sized breasts that Jake was trying his best not to stare at. We both looked to Lisa, obviously I wasn't the one ogling her, but neither of us moved, my blade still digging into his crotch, let's hope he didn't grow right now for the beauty in front of us. Tapping her foot, her hands on her hips, she looked at me firmly, “Amelia, please remove the blade from poor Jake, you need to learn to work with people more and socialise, so incidents like this stop happening, especially as this particular guy is going to become very important in your life soon.” Important? I could only assume she meant by helping me on this case and maybe saving my ass at some point, definitely nothing else. I lowered the blade and sheathed it and she beckoned us to follow her inside. I nearly smacked into Jakes back as he suddenly stopped, “what the hell are you doing wolf boy?” I snapped. Grinning, he looked back at me and whispered, “Damn, she is hot, how the hell did Jim get her?” With Jim’s balding hair, short height and pudgy belly I could only assume she was a woman who went for personalities rather than looks, but I didn't tell Jake that, I pushed him on until we reached the kitchen where she was already making us tea. “So,tell me, what brings you two here under such short notice?” Jim had probably already told her, but I relayed it anyway. “It seems the demon Belial has been summoned and bound to a witch, but now she's dead, he’s free to roam as he pleases and he’s going to try and bring about the end of mankind. If I had known before hand, I wouldn't have killed her.” I hadn't known until I'd stabbed her through the stomach and she lay bleeding to death, she had laughed as she revealed what she had summoned before choking on her own blood and then finally dying. Lisa visibly paled and started pacing the kitchen, finally she stopped and turned to look at us. “Exorcism won't work obviously because he’s not in possession of a body, killing won't work either because he’s not alive in flesh and blood. The only way I know would surely be the death of you.” I could see she was struggling to give me the information, but I had to know in order to stop the downfall of mankind, “Lisa, tell us, please. Either way we will die along with everyone else, we need to at least try.” Finally she sighed and slumped into the chair at the table. “The only way I know how, is to get him trapped in a circle of salt and you need to be near a ley line in order to open up a portal that will take him back to hell, but you will have only ten minutes to get him through before it closes again. He’s a powerful demon and he’s going to fight it, but you need to make sure he goes back because when that portal closes you won't be able to open it again, at least for another forty eight hours.” s**t, now I was the one to go pale, “how the hell are we going to get him in a circle of salt and open up a portal? And how do we get him away from Illinois prairie path if he’s there and near a ley line?” Lisa looked up sharply, “Oh he’s there alright, there's a powerful ley line that runs across that whole area and he’s going to need it to summon his legion.”
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