Chapter 3: Cold to the bone

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I was trying not to visibly shake as we left the house, Jake following behind me. Pulling the car out I headed in the opposite direction of prairie path. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? Prairie path is in the opposite direction.” Jake growled at me, obviously he was still pissed about earlier. “Yeah, I know that genius, but we need more salt, Lisa gave us some, but I want as much as possible to put in my bag, just in case we screw up first time round.” He reluctantly agreed and so I stopped at the nearest food shop. Heading in, the first thing I saw was a jewellery section and seeing cross necklaces I thought ’f**k it, what the hell’ and grabbed two before looking for the salt. With an armful of salt each, we made our way to the checkout point and received some very strange looks, but thankfully nobody said anything. As we unloaded into the boot Jake suddenly rugby tackled me to the ground just as a lightening bolt rattled the car two seconds later. As I looked at him lying above me, I noticed for the first time how truly beautiful he was. The ice blue of his eyes as he looked around us, the high cheek bones and Cupid bow lips, hair so thick I was tempted to run my hands through it, and with these thoughts I quickly Pushed him off, got onto my hands and knees and made my way to the other side of the car with Jake in tow, where we would be shielded. “What the f**k was that?” I panted, while at the same time withdrawing my sword from my back. “A witch.” Great, looked like our demon had gotten himself some help, no doubt knowing me well enough to know I'd be coming for him. Slowly I got onto my knees and looked over the car bonnet only to be knocked with a spell that froze me to the bone, literally. I collapsed to the floor as cold, ice cold seeped through my whole body, the feeling of actual ice racing through my veins making me convulse but otherwise unable to move. The pain was horrific, if I could have screamed like a girl I damn well would have, but my joints were frozen stiff and all I could do was watch as Jake shifted from man to wolf in a heartbeat before rushing out and straight toward the woman in black by the silver sedan. I swear I was getting colder by the second and I could feel myself slowly slipping into unconsciousness, with all my effort I focused on the white colored huge wolf as spells hit him but didn't seem to affect him. Odd was my last thought and wolf boy tearing into the witch’s neck was my last memory before I slipped into darkness. I woke to the feel of my whole body shaking, but also to the feel of somebody's arms wrapped tightly around me. They were boiling and when I slowly opened my eyes, I was looking into the concerned ice blue eyes of Jake. Sitting up slowly his arms slid down around my waist as I looked around. We were no longer in the parking lot, but a hotel room, looking out the window I noticed that it was dark out, and then I realised we were cuddled up on the bed. I pushed him off me and sat up straighter, “where are we? How long have I been out for? And why aren't we on the way to Belial?” I snapped. I didn't mean to, but I hated feeling vulnerable. Jake sat up beside me, “we’re in a hotel only a mile from prairie path and you've been out for five hours. We go for Belial first thing tomorrow, you need your strength back and I'm also hoping daylight he won't be so powerful as he rules in darkness.” He growled back. A slight shiver ran through me and it wasn't the cold. Oh f**k no, I did not want to be getting a crush on anyone during a case and definitely not for someone who hated me as much as I hated them. The shiver although not from the cold seemed to set the spell off again and I found myself trembling and shaking as though I were in the North Pole, it wasn't as awful as before so I assumed the spell must be wearing off though my teeth were chattering so hard I was afraid they would break. “You need to keep warm if you want the spell gone by morning, otherwise you'll have to battle it out for the next forty eight hours, go sit by the fire.” jake’s deep voice rumbled. I wanted to so badly go and do just that, but my body was shivering so much it just wouldn't co operate with me. Jake sensed this and coming around to my side picked me up as though I weighed nothing and set me down in front of the fire place. I'd never been in a hotel that had a fire place before and even though it helped a little it wasn't enough and much to my embarrassment and sore pride, I grabbed jake before he could walk off and pulled him down next to me before shakily climbing into his lap and wrapping his arms tight around me, the warmth of his wolf chased most of the chills away. It seemed he knew me well enough to understand how difficult it was for me to show such vulnerability because he didn't say a word, not one smart remark like I thought he would. He just held me tight until finally I fell into a fitful sleep. When I opened my eyes the next morning to find myself still in jakes lap, to say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. He was somehow asleep in this awkward position. Very slowly I slid out of his lap and breathed a sigh of relief when the chill didn't take me over, I was back to normal. I found my stuff tucked into the corner by the bed and grabbed it. Once sheathed and ready to go I pushed Jake forward almost making him topple over, I didn't want things to be awkward so I acted as though nothing had happened. He snapped his eyes open and turned to growl at me. “Woman you are a huge pain in my f*****g ass.” He got up and grabbed his stuff, ignoring him I left the room knowing he would be right behind me. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket just as I started the engine and I answered on the first ring. “Yes?” I tried not to snap but I hated when numbers I didn't know called, it put me on edge. “Hello Amelia, it's me, Lisa.” I tried not to sound surprised as I answered, “oh, hey, what can I do for you?” “Well, if you’re not there yet, I would like to give you a necklace each. They will protect you both from becoming possessed by any demon he summons including himself, it's not much but...” She trailed off sounding almost guilty. “Lisa that's amazing, it will help a great deal thank you, we are on our way to you now.” I hung up and started heading to her place. Jake didn't say anything, being a werewolf and all he didn't need to, he would have heard everything she had said. This time when Lisa opened the door before we knocked it wasn't because of our fighting thank god, she just knew we were sensed we were here. “Come in.” She beckoned us to follow her as she led us down the hall. “Jim is so lucky, I wouldn't mind a piece of that.” Jake whispered never taking his eyes off the beautiful witch. Was that a pang of jealousy I just felt? Nah. I pushed him forward making him trip and snarl at me and wouldn't deny it made me feel better. Sitting at the kitchen table again we waited as she left the room to go get these necklaces. Jake waited patiently never taking his eyes off the door she went through, like a f*****g dog in heat and I decided to tell him so. “You're a f*****g pervert you know that? Like a dog in heat, try to calm the f**k down and not embarrass me.” I snapped, I had no idea why it pissed me off, nope not one clue. Jake looked at me and growled menacingly and il be damned if it didn't send a shiver through me, and not from fear, oh s**t I had a horrible feeling I was falling for this alpha wolf. “f**k you b***h, I'd like to see you go four years without s*x-” “Try six,” his eyes widened and I tried not to blush. “Fair enough, but still, there's a hot woman so forgive me if I appreciate that, I bet you'd be the same if she were a hot guy.” He snapped just as she came back into the room with two black velvet boxes. “Still bickering?” We both remained silent and just looked at her. Sighing she sat down, “alright you two lovebirds here you go.” Lovebirds? Why did my heart speed up at that comment? Jake glared at me and f**k if I didn't turn away and blush leaving him giving me a slightly confused look. I took the velvet box and opened it up. Inside was a crystal I'd never seen before, it was rainbow coloured and shaped as a heart on a silver chain. Jakes though was a black crystal on a silver chain and we both slipped them on. I trusted Lisa with my life so I didn't ask about the difference, I knew nothing about crystals anyway. Again Lisa surprised us with new information. “There's been a shift between the two worlds, ours and the spirit world, a demon shouldn't be on earth in flesh and yet Belial is it seems, the full moon tonight won't happen, nobody knows why but whenever there's a shift it changes the cycle.” We both looked at her with wide eyes. “s**t, what do we do now?” I asked. “Don't go there today his too powerful to fight, and technically his not alive so he can't be killed. I've dealt with one case before and if I'm correct then the next full moon will now be in two days. I know what you’re like Amelia, please don't try and go before, you can't send him back until the full moon.”
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