Chapter 5: Chaos

1768 Words
Next morning I woke up in jakes arms and smiled to myself, he was beautiful while he slept and I just watched him, enjoying him until he opened his and looked at me. Blushing I smiled and tucked my head into his chest and then felt awkward wondering if he even wanted me this close now it was a different day. He kissed me on the head and I relaxed. “Think we should make a move now?” I whispered, not really wanting to move from the warmth and strength of him. “Yes, we may have a better shot during the day, let's grab breakfast and we can go.” We got up and Jake dressed into a white t-shirt that stretched across his abs and muscles and then jeans and combat boots before moving onto his weapons. I left him to it and dressed and cleaned up in the bathroom. Just as I sheathed my blades into their holsters, a huge crash came from outside, it sounded like the hotel door had blasted open. I picked ruby up and made my way to the bathroom door and taking a deep breath I heard the sound of fighting before wrenching the door open and running towards the chaos. There were five demons in the room, one was now dead and headless, jake obviously having beheaded him with his own wicked blade that he was now using to keep the other demons at bay. These had glamoured themselves to look horrific, the one closest to Jake had orange eyes, no nose and no ears, it's body was awful, a mans body but looked like it had been skinned so that it was a bloody, ugly and grotesque mess, his jaw wider than humanly possible with sharp rows of teeth as big as a sharks but sharper, the other three looked the same as one another with no eyes that I could see, no nose and big jaws with snapping teeth like the first one. They looked f*****g horrific and for a moment terror overtook me not just by how they looked but also by their aura, they used it to project fear in victims so they would be easier prey, too afraid to fight back. I knew what I was dealing with though and snapped out of the thrall. I ran at the one that had joined the skinned one both snapping jaws and then the skinned one shocked me enough that I stopped in my tracks, he walked into jakes sword until it cut through his stomach and pierced straight through his back, cackling at jakes surprised face he inhumanly hissed, “earthly pains are nothing compared to the unimaginable tortures and suffering in hell.” I didn't notice the huge f*****g claws on his hands until he backhanded jack with inhuman strength sending him smashing into the far wall and crumpling unconscious on the floor, four huge claw marks were across his face and bleeding heavily. s**t, they hadn't even looked at me yet until I was running head on at the clawed fucker and, lifting my blade high I swung down on his neck matching his demonic speed with my half anglic one and drove it clean through until his head rolled across the floor. I turned to face the other three as they ran at me snapping their teeth, their disfigured forms making them move faster than should have been possible. I lifted my blade again but the fucker nearest me struck out a hand and I felt sharp teeth clamp down on my cheek. I screamed and pulled back, a big mistake as a chunk of my flesh came away and I almost tripped over myself. I crouched down low and got ready, getting a look at their hands I saw they had small f*****g teeth attached, snapping wildly, it was all glamour even though that glamour was f*****g deadly and hurt like a b***h. I swung my blade and sliced off another head before being knocked to the ground by the other two, one grabbed me by the hair the teeth clamping tightly and pulled me away from my sword. the other kicked my sword away where I'd dropped it and then came over yanking my trousers off and then my top. It took my blades from their holsters and grinned grotesquely. He slashed my thigh down to my knee and then slashed across my stomach, I tried not to scream as they tortured me, laughing and enjoying themselves as they cut me to ribbons, but when they ripped my underwear off and I realised they were going to stab me ’there’ I screamed, so loud that when my torturers head fell off and then my hair grabber was pulled away with a small chunk of my hair I thought my scream had a power of its own and done it for a split second. Nope, I'd woken jake up and he'd finished the job. He crouched down beside me and touched my cheek, “you ok?” I nodded and whispered, “it will heal in a sec.” The s***h across my stomach took longest to heal as it had been the deepest, but once I was healed up I pulled Jake Into a sitting position on the floor and climbed on top until I was straddling him. I kissed him long and deep until finally I stopped for air. “That was scary.” I laughed and he smiled back, his face also healed up. “Not as scary as us badasses.” He grinned. I stood up and he followed suit. Once I was dressed again I grabbed ruby off the floor and sheathed her. “What the f**k was that?” Jake asked as he cleaned his sword and sheathed it. “That was a few of Belial’s legion. Their lesser demons and what you saw was only glamour, they actually look like f*****g angels being fallen and all.” “f**k, if they’re the lesser demons I don't think I want to know what he’s going to be like. We almost lost that fight.” I nodded grimly in agreement and then headed for where the door used to be. “What are you doing?” Jake asked but still followed me anyway. “Ending this shit.” Without another word we got into the car and headed for prairie path to face down the fucker. When we reached our destination we climbed out and I grabbed my bag filled to the top with salt. We were thirty minutes into the path when we saw a crumpled bike and someone's shoe on the floor. “He’s nearby.” I said and rushed to where the bike lay. A thin trail of blood led into the wood on the left, I followed it while Jake followed me until it suddenly stopped in the middle of the wood. “It stops here.” I whispered as Jake came up beside me, kissing my cheek and setting my insides on fire at an inappropriate time, he stepped in front of me and shifted into wolf form. Jake was as beautiful in wolf form as he was in human, white coloured fur and lean muscles rippled as he moved ahead and sniffed the ground. I followed him for ten minutes when he suddenly stopped and looked at me. “What?” I asked. He whined softly at me and looked up at the tree above my head, following suit I looked up and clamped a hand over my mouth to stop the scream. Up hanging in the tree was the biker. His body was twisted at an impossible angle, from what I could see it looked as though his back had been skinned and laid neatly beside him on the branch. I threw up and took slow even breaths before looking again. His eyes had been gouged out and his scalp had been peeled back. This poor guy had obviously been tortured to death and I swallowed hard as I looked at the wrong angles of his arms and legs, seeing just how close I'd come to ending up like him if Jake hadn't of woken up in time. He must have shifted back at some point in my reverie because I felt his fingers gently on my back as he led me away from the gruesome discovery. “Don't look.” He whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. It seemed as though we were walking in circles as tree after tree kept passing by, each one looking exactly the same as the last. Finally though, I saw a small cave cold and dark looking and if I'd had any doubts they were soon gone when I saw the flicker of a flame and another skinned alive looking demon head inside. “Let's go.” Jake whispered and I followed his lead. We used the trees for cover, ducking and hiding and running to the next cover when we were sure no one was about. We made a slow descent doing this and when we reached midway jake stopped me. “What is it?” I panted. “Magic doesn't affect me, I get it from my mothers side apparently, but I can also detect magic too. They have a sensor spell reaching back here and reaching around the whole cave.” He whispered. Well s**t me sideways, what the f**k were we supposed to do. Then I remembered something Lisa had told me once. “Lisa told me that salt stops magic. If we use some of our salt to chuck in there do you think it will work?” I asked, already getting a bottle out. “One way to find out. You throw it i will tell you if it's worked.” He answered. I shook half of the salt onto the spelled area and jake gave me a thumbs up. Bingo! We made our way to the entrance undetected and crept inside the darkness. It was pitch black and cold inside and I had to use Jake as a guide as his wolf could see in the dark. After a while I started to see torch flames along the walls and no longer needed to rely on Jake. We must have been halfway there when a demon turned the corner and saw us. I ran to him and buried my sword into his neck severing it before he could utter a word and caught his body before gently laying it to the ground.
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