Chapter 6: all hope is lost

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Turning left we made our way to the lit up area ahead of us. Even though we had been quiet and knew nobody was alive that had seen us Belials voice boomed out, “come in children, no need to hide.” And cackled manically. We were f****d. Taking deep breaths I led the way and entered. There were about thirty of his f*****g legion each one more grotesque than the other. There was no way we could fight them all and win. Jake must have known what I was thinking because he gently took my hand and squeezed reassuringly. “How sweet. Amelia has found love. Come wolf, let me take a look at you.” Belial didn't bother with a glamour to create fear, he didn't need to. He was in his real form, blonde soft curls, high cheek bones, rosy lips and almond shaped light green eyes. He was built like a warrior and yeah, f*****g beautiful, but don't be fooled by his anglic looks, he would use it to draw you in and snare you, before you know it you'd be his plaything to torture and with his power he could keep you alive for as long as he wanted until he grew bored. There was nothing really to do as the demons circled us only providing space to meet Belial where he was sat on some f****d up throne he'd made. It was made of twigs, bones, dead animals and trying not to gag I realised human body parts. Jake went over and stood before him. My heart was pounding as I saw Belials smirk, he was going to do something nasty and damned if I was just going to stand here and watch. Jake fell to his knees hard and growled, his body flung back and slammed onto the concrete floor as he convulsed and writhed, I went to go over to him but the demons closed in on me, blocking the way and the last thing I heard was Jake scream before dead silence. Rage and fear took me over and I didn't care how many there were anymore, I withdrew my sword and swung hard and fast, cutting off as many f*****g heads as I could, I kept hacking at everything blindly as fury controlled me like nothing I'd ever felt before. I got hit, punched and kicked, my hair was pulled, claws drew blood and deep gashes down my cheek, my hip, my stomach and legs along with bites from those weird teeth in the palms of their hands and still I didn't stop or slow down, I needed to get to jake. Somehow I had managed to kill them all as headless bodies piled around me and still I kept hacking at them for keeping me from Jake. Only when Belial started to laugh did I come back to myself and stop. I ran over to where jake had been forced into his wolf form, his white furred body still and unconscious on the floor. I checked his pulse and relief flooded me, it was slow but steady, he would heal. Standing up I looked at Belial. “What was the f*****g point of that?” I yelled. He smiled sweetly and answered, “I've never seen a werewolf before, I wanted to watch what happens.” I kept him talking as I slowly reached behind my back and into my backpack grabbing a bottle of salt and hiding it behind my back. “Why didn't you just ask him to change for you. Fuckface.” “And what would be the fun of that? A little pain never killed anybody.” I pretended to circle him warily while trailing the salt along with me. Demons were so damn prideful and arrogant that it wasn't hard to keep him talking about himself and his powers. Which I learned was a hell of a lot of power. He even told me how he fell from heaven. Apparently lucifer had tricked them all into believing they would have no master to bow down to and no restrictions on what they could and couldn't do, only, when they were cast into hell lucifer being the strongest angel of them all took over and became master, demanding the loyalty and services of them all and that's as far into the story as I got because by some freaking miracle I had poured the salt all the way around without him noticing until I'd gone quiet and by then it was too late. “What have you done you stupid girl.” He yelled, it was loud enough that the whole place shook with his rage. Then like a f*****g split personality he smiled sweetly at me. “Now Amelia, haven't I been nice to you, sharing stories? Even though you killed half of my legion? Well I guess an eye for an eye aye?” What was he on about I thought? Then I realised as he grabbed Jake who was still by his feet by the scruff of the neck and held him up outstretched like he weighed nothing, I quickly grabbed the incantation that Lisa had given me to open the portal and read it out, it was all gibberish to me and I couldn't tell you what it said or even spell it, but I did my best and knew it worked when a huge looking black hole appeared behind him. He roared with fury as wind swept out of the hole and whipped around the room as the hole tried to suck him in, he dug his feet into the floor and looking up to smile at me he grabbed jakes neck and twisted before dropping him into a crumpled heap on the floor. I fell to my knees and screamed, grief overtaking me. I didn't care that I cried like a baby in front of the laughing demon. I didn't care about anything except Jake right then and I ran into the circle and knelt beside him. Checking his pulse I wept uncontrollably and held him tight, his wolf body still warm and soft even though I knew he was dead. Eight minutes must have passed as I cradled jakes body in my lap whispering how much I had loved him. When the demon laughed again I snapped my head up to look at him, even though he was struggling and using all his power and strength not to be pulled back to hell he was enjoying this. Rage took me again and with nothing left to lose now I ran at him and wrapped my arms around his waist throwing us both through and into the portal. I crashed to the floor hard, I don't know where Belial had gone but I was alone when I looked around at the horrific place called hell. Down to my right there was a huge pit of flames full of screaming people. One of them looked up at me with melted flesh and reached a hand out. I stumbled back and tried to remind myself that these people had been awful in life, murderers, rapists, peodophiles. Looking around horror filled me. People were chained up, naked and bloody, flesh hanging off, others were still being tortured by demons and they looked anglic here, no need to scare the already broken and terrified. They were slicing into people and I realised they were skinning them alive, being dead the souls wouldn't die nor could they pass out, instead they were forced to be tortured over and over again, reknitting Back together just to go through it again for all eternity. I shuddered and crept away until I found a long tunnel and went inside. It was dark in here only lit up by fire torches along the walls. Cages ran along in here full of people, they were bloodied and naked and started screaming at me that they were hungry and thirsty and trying to grab at me as I went by. One cage I saw eight people begging and crying while two others had begun to eat one another. I ran and ran not sure where the f**k to go or if I would ever leave this place. Finally I came out of the tunnel but it wasn't any better, people were being tortured or tormented everywhere I looked. I saw what looked like a pond in front of me and went over to look in though I know I shouldn't have. Souls were in there screaming and crying, swirling around with no actual real form, it was beyond despairing and as I was about to pull back I saw Jake in there. He whispered my name and begged for release, asked me why I'd done this to him. Tears trailed down my cheeks and I could feel myself leaning closer in to the water, I wanted to fall in and be with him even if it had to be like this. I closed my eyes and fell, waiting for the water to take me. “You don't belong here.” A voice full of serenity spoke and grabbing me around the waist yanked me back from the water and up into the air. I opened my eyes and looked to see that we were flying up high and then through another black hole where I found myself back in the cave on my knees gasping for breath. I looked up and gasped. An angel that was at least seven feet tall looked down at me and smiled sadly. I knew this was an angel of light because of the soft glowing gold aura around him and a love and kindness in his eyes that was absolute and pure. Getting up off the floor I went over to where he stood. “Who are you? Why did you save me?” “I am the archangel Raphael, you are not meant for hell Amelia and had I not come sooner you would have been trapped in the lake of despair where I wouldn't have been able to save you. It shows you your deepest grief and lures you in, that wasn't really Jake you saw in there.” A shiver raced down my spine at the thought of how close to madness I'd come. I turned and looked to where jakes body still lay and ran over to him. He was slightly colder than before and I buried my face in his fur smelling that musky scent of his that I'd grown to love. My tears soaked his fur and I barely heard Raphael as he said, “sweet Amelia, why are you so sad?” I glared at him and snapped, “because my soulmate is dead!” Shocked by my own outcome I looked at Raphael. Smiling he knelt down beside me, “yes, he was your soulmate but you shouldn't be so sad. He was on he’s way to heaven but it seems he is a strong one, he is refusing to cross over.” “What!” I grabbed his arms and begged, “you’re archangel Raphael the angel of healing and health, You can bring him back!” Smiling that sad smile he spoke, “I'm afraid it isn't upto me.” “Who is it upto?” I asked exasperated. “It is upto God. I am so sorry.” With that he got up and went to walk away. I screamed abuse at him, didn't really care about the consequences. He ignored me and kept walking, but when he reached the tunnel he stopped in his tracks, turning his head as though listening to someone. He walked back into the room and past me to jake. Laying his hands on him I watched as a soft white light emanated from them into jakes body until it grew so bright I had to look away. He stood up and smiled at me brightly, “it seems you are in luck. Your wolf wants to live and God has granted him this.” With that he left before I could thank him. I turned to look down at Jake still in my arms but warmer now. Nervously I put my fingers to his pulse and felt it beating strong and steady. Ecstatic I grabbed his head and kissed his nose before wrapping him in a tight hug. When I let go he opened his eyes, looked at me and licked my cheek. I laughed and got up and watched as he got onto shaky legs. “Too soon to change back?” I asked. He couldn't answer so gave his head a nod and came over to stand beside me. “Let's get the f**k out of here.” I said and led the way back.
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