02| Temptations

2028 Words
....The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes disguised as everything you've ever wished for... ... Sweat rolled down my brow, stinging my eyes and causing my uniform to cling uncomfortable to different parts of my body. The hot Chicagoan summer heat was insufferable and today the rush hour had me running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I nearly tripped as I maneuvered my way around a customer, a plate of chips balanced on my left hand and two dirnks on ny right as I walked over to table five. The young couple that sat there barely spared me a glance as they stared at each other, I placed down the shared chips and colas before I walked back to the counter. Jack, my manager stood by the door, nervously tapping at his watch as a group of workers from the insurance company next door walked into the restaurant. I breathed in hard and placed on a smile, after months of doing this I was practically an expert, I grabbed a few menus and my little book to write their orders. Sally's was located in the heart of Chicago, that allowed the small dinner to get a lot of business from the surrounding customers. It was one of those ancient buildings that hadn't been knocked down and exchanged for a company or parking lot. Something I was very greatful for, though the hours were long the pay was reasonable and the big shot customers that came here knew how to tip a girl if she played nice. "Good afternoon gentleman," I smiled as I reached table seven, three man sat there all of of which worked for an insurent company around the block. They were frequent customers, I could already predict what they were going to have. "Afternoon there Talia, Well have our usual please," Tom, the one who spoke the most in the group said, pushing the menus back to me. I nodded and turned without another word. After finishing with their orders i quickly ran to wipe at a vacant table, clearing it for the next customers, as I walked back to the counter I felt a stinging pain in my butt, my footsteps halted as I turned sharply to the culprit, humiliation burned my face as I turned, facing the man had slapped me. He was old, presumably in his mid forties and gave off the hold my creeper vibes, his wide smile had my stomach turning as he have me a slow dilebarate wink. "You looking good there cutie, but how about you come serve me alone." I licked my dry lips slowly, the sting on my ass made worse as he grinned and winked at me. I inhaled hard, my jaw clenching in irritation as I turned sharply, the last time if given a customer what he deserved for slapping my me I had been suspended for three weeks. I was broke and needed to pay my rent, I couldn't mess up again. I grabbed my dignity off the floor and hurriedly walked away from the table, sure that if I stared at the man any longer I would forget my job and teach him a lesson he wouldn't forget. I went behind the counter, nodding to my co-worker to take the tables as I worked the cash register. At sally's there was no fixed job for anyone, someday if be the cashier, waitress and chef if it meant I got a good pay. My feet hurt from the constant standing and I was tired of the disrespect but I had nowhere to go. Aftern three years training to be a guard this wasn't where I had pictured myself in all honestly. But when life gave you lemons...you know how it goes. I tied my hair into a tighten bun and fixed my shirt, smiling at the next customer to stop by the till. I quickly took the cash and gave him his change. Five minutes of cash register duty and I was at an easy rhythm. Greet, smile, take cash? Give change and repeat. I brole my rhythm as I ducked under the counter to empty out the tip jar given it was full. As I rose back up the smile on my face wore off as I faced a familier face. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Luther Williams. The man gave me an unpleasant smile as I frowned facing him. He hadn't changed at all after four months without seeing his horrible face. Still the same black hair, blue eyes and unwelcoming frown as always. How I had it in my mind this man was perfect I had no idea, I suddenly felt very happy I had shredded all the little notes with his name on them inscribed with little hearts. Talia Williams, what was I thinking. All manner of pleasantries left my voice as I placed the now emptied jar on the counter, "What do you want?" I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back slightly, shifting all my weight to my left foot making sure to angle myself so my boss wouldn't see me. A frown tilted down the corners of Luther's lips, his eyes shinning with the same malicious intent that lived in them. "Is that any way to treat your former boss?" He curved a mocking brow and I couldn't help but scoff, rolling my eyes to add a bit of drama. I increased my hands and leaned onto the counter, facing him with the full glare of my anger. "Order or leave, you're blocking my line,"I hissed, motioning to the two other customers behind him. He tilted his head over his shoulder and I caught the snake tattoo on his neck, I bit down on my lower lip as he glanced back at me. "Right,"He muttered to himself, opening up the the side of his expensive leather jacket and pulling out a blood red envelope. "This," He motioned to envelope with his free hand. "Is your ticket out of this rat hole. I suggest you look at it very closely and listen to what I have to say, I'll be back when your shift ends at seven," He placed the envelope on the counter and pullrd out his sunglasses. "For once Talia, think smart."He slide his glasses on and sauntered out of the restaurant. I grabbed the envelope off the counter and tucked it into the pocket of my jeans, contemplating throwing it out before another customer reaches the counter, distracting me from my thoughts as I went back to work. My lunch break finally came and I couldn't be happier, I dragged my exhausted self to the employees lunchroom and practically fell onto the couch, closing my eyes as I savoured the feeling in my feet. I was exhausted, I glanced up at the watch, three more hours before I could go home. I shut my eyes and tried to get comfortable on the couch, letting out a deep sigh of relaxation. As I dozzed off I shifted and felt something poke my lower back, frowning I shoved my hand into my pocket and came out with the envelope I had completely forgotten. I ywaned, sitting back up and turning it around it was sealed with what looked like a crest, an eagle and swords of sorts. I broke it off and pulled out the letter, only it wasn't a letter. My might opened so wide I was surprised I didn't feel the cold hard floor touch my jaw. I had never seen so many zeros in my entire life. My mouth suddenly felt as dry as the Gobi desert, I wet my lips and blinked, willing the check to go away but it stayed in my hands. One million dollars. I tucked it back into the envelope and shoved it into the cut of my bra, sure itvwiuld be safe there. It had to be fake, Luther was obviously playing a prank on me. He was cruel enough to do that, he knew my financial situation and was probably making fun of that. I balled my hands into fists, but instead of tearing it up I sat there, numb and speechless. A million dollars, with that I could finally get out of the hole of debt I had buried myself in. Seven o'clock couldn't have come soon enough, I was ready for Luther, waiting along one of the tables fully changed and with the envelope now tucked into the pocket of my jeans. Though I was too lost in thought that when he slip into the chair before me I jumped slightly. "I take it you like my little gift" He smirked smugly, a bit of arrogance shinning in his eyes. I pulled the envelope out shoved it at him, leaning closer so the people next to our table couldn't hear me. "You think this is funny?" I hissed, pointing to the envelope, "Mocking me with this. Well I am not amused Luther, so how about you take your little joke and shove it where the sun doesn't-" He cut me off by raising his hand. Slowly he leaned into me as well, we probably looked like a couple of lovers. His minty breath blew onto my face as he spoke, causing a blush to curl up my cheeks. "This," He slid the envelope back to me, "Is not a joke, you know I don't joke around with serious matters. One million dollars Talia don't tell me you don't want it." He straightened back up, licking his lips as he did so. For a moment I was transported back to the time when I thought Luther was so great, I blinked and returned to present time. A frown now occupied my brow, I looked at the blood them Luther. Envelope then Luther and crossed my arms over my chest. "Nothing in this world is free Luther, you better than anyone else know that." "Yes I know that, I never said this was for free. You have to do something first-" I cut him off, my suspicion getting the best of me, all those times I spent watching Criminal minds and NCIS gave me enough knowledge to know where this was going. "You want me to kill someone don't you? s**t I knew you were a mafia, those tattoos just screamed it to me!"I grabbed my bag, ready to up and leave when Luther's hand curled around my arm. "I wouldn't do that Talia, I'm sticking my neck out for you with this and you are going to listen to me. I don't want you to kill someone so sit down." He hissed. Reluctantly, I sat back down. Luther looked exasperated at this point, he pinched the bridge of his nose and stared at me. "This is from my boss, a very powerful man who wants to have a little fun with the son of an old friend. All we're paying you to do is seduce someone," he spoke slowly, looking over at me. He raised his hand to silence me from speaking, I shut my mouth with a pout. "There won't be any violence that I promise you Talia and nobody is going to get hurt. You're going to cheparoen the guy around for a bit and pull out your feminine charm. Seduce him and then cause a scandal breaking his heart," He finished and shrugged as if it was nothing. "You're joking," When he made no move to take back what he had said I slowly licked my lips. Staring at the envelope, it sounded too good to be true. "Just that, seduce the guy and you'll give me a million bucks," He nodded slowly as an answer. I looekd at the little red envelope and though for everything I could do with a million dollars, the answer to my prayers sat right before me with a stipulation that I just had to win over someone. Was I really willing to throw away my dignity and self respect for money? Those were the only things I had left.
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