Chapter 6

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Nathalie POV Thank goodness it's WEDNESDAY! I am off from both jobs until Friday, Yass! I finished work at the restaurant later than usual, Jessica held a last-minute meeting. She was informing us about a wedding the restaurant was going to cater and the menu switch for the week. We were switching to Caribbean style. She said it might stay on for a month wanting to touch all the cultural cuisines of the Caribbean.  Luckily I had asked Kristy to stop by my apartment -she has a spear- to get me something to wear, being that I wouldn’t have time to do it myself. Unfortunately for me, she chose the most revealing lingerie that I had! Like there was nothing left to the imagination. This is what I get for sending her. I should have called Emily and asked her to drop something off for me. I wore strappy white hallowed lace lingerie, a floral pattern that at least covered my n*****s and v****a. My name was called, and I stepped on the dance floor. They played Try Me-The Weeknd. My hands slide over my figure, and I made my ass cheeks clap. I dropped down, arching my ass in the air and clapping my ass as I moved back and forth. Well, I hoped it looked like I was making my ass cheeks clap. I made my way to the pole on my hands and knees. I hoisted myself up, twirling around, and moonwalked my way down. I held myself up, one hand above my head and the next below (human flag), and rolled my waist. I slide down slowly, going into a split. I rolled over, giving the men and women in the club a view that they wanna f**k but can’t. Haha, I'm cruel, I know. They flashed their money, and I crawled my way to the paying customers. A few slapped my ass, others just watch, and a few caressed my ass. They stuck their money in my straps. Near the ending of the song, I walked to the pole and lifted myself to the ceiling. I positioned myself for deadman’s drop. Once I was certain I wasn’t going to break my ass doing it, I released and stop near the floor. More money was tossed on the stage. I bend over, bowing to my supporters, and went to collect my money. Walking off the stage, I high-fived Diamond as she walked onto the stage. Kristy came up to me all giddy. She even squealed. I shook my head, putting on my robe. “Your boyfriend is here.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows. “Not my boyfriend.” “Sure, whatever you say.” she rolled her eyes at me, putting air quotations around sure. She waved her hands dramatically and went about her business. I took up his gift, which I bought for his birthday, but he never came by. I'm not sure what I am to him or what he is to me to be honest. All I know is that the relationship is weird. I do most of the talking, and he listens.  We meet on a Tuesday night here at the club. I had finished my dance, but I was so tired, so I sneaked off to one of the private rooms to get some sleep. When I got to the room, I hadn’t seen him sitting on the couch. Naturally, I went to go lay down on it. The sound of someone clearing their throat is what took me by surprise, and I screamed a bit. He wore a red neon mask, a voice scrambler, or whatever you call it. He asked me if I shouldn’t be working, and I got nervous. All I did at first was nod. I got up to go, but he stopped me and told me I could stay, and he promised not to fire me. After that, it happened again, and this time, we sat and talk. Reds, the big mafia Red Devil. Came to visit me whenever he could, and I began to like it. I got a chance to relax and get my feet rubbed, sometimes even a back rub. We got cozy and comfy with each other. But he never answered my questions, which annoyed me, but that was made up for with foot rubs. We’ve known each other for nearly 3 years, and I still don’t know how he looks without the mask or his real name, or where he works when he’s not being Reds, or what he sounds like. I hadn’t seen him in four months, so I was kind of excited to see him. I was even surprised that he replied back to my text message. I entered the room to find it empty. I stood there in the middle of the room, looking to see if I didn’t miss him. I tend to do that a lot. I sighed. Now I gotta kill Kristy for playing with my emotions. “Caio, mia regina,” a distorted voice whispers in my ear. I screamed and swung the bag around. He laughed, and I took one of my slippers off and threw it at him. “You play too much Reds!” he continued to laugh, picking up my slipper. I flopped down on the couch, and he followed my movements. “Missed me?” he asked, turning off his neon lights. I just wished he would turn off the box to finally hear what he sounds like. “Not in the least bit,” I told him, with a shrug of my shoulder. “Your smile says otherwise.” I rolled my eyes at him and put my legs up on his thigh. He removed the other slipper and began to rub my feet. It felt so damn good. I moaned at the feeling, and he chuckled. It sounded weird with the voice box. That’s what I’m calling it, people! Once I was over my foot orgasm, I rested his gift that I attacked him with on his lap. He looked at it and sat up a bit. “What’s in the bag, Princess,” he asked. I couldn’t tell if he was serious or had a smile on his face. Nor could I tell it by his voice. f*****g mask and voice box. “A bomb,” “Guess we dying tonight.” I shook my head at him. He pulled out two boxes from MVMT. He opened one that had a slate black rose watch, the dial is black, and the details are black as well. The next box had a white rose watch, the dial is white, and the details are rose gold. “Thank you so much, Princess,” he took off his Fossil black watch and replaced it with the all-black MVMT watch. He reached in the back of the couch and pulled out a big gift bag, I c****d an eyebrow, and he shrugged his shoulders. Reaching in, I pulled out 4 bags from Pandora and one box from Anne Klein. One Pandora box had in a black leather choker necklace, another had in a Shine Necklace, a next one had in a Shine Crown Ring, another one had a Modern Lovepod bracelet, another a Shine bracelet, and the last three were from Dinsey collect, a two-tone Minnie rose charm, and Mickey Mouse, along with a chef Mickey Mouse. The Anne Klein box had a rose gold watch. All of them took me by surprise, and they are so beautiful. My reaction was a little confusing, but I had to ask. “Are you insane!?” “What?” I hated that mask. I couldn’t see his facial expression! Or his face, for that matter. “Why did you buy me all of this?” “Cause I can, and I wanted to. Why did you buy me the watches?” “They were your birthday gift, you i***t!” “Oh well, no takebacks, stores closed, and you, mia regina, would just have to deal with it.” I sighed, I said thank you, and we sat in blissful silence, with just the music playing. I thought to myself about all the new jewelry that I would have to hide in my safe spot behind my dresser. I also had 300,000 dollars stash there as well. That’s the money that I will use to buy myself a new place—a condo, to be exact. The Weeknd -Call out my name, was playing. I don’t know what came over me, but the next thing I know, I found myself straddling him, slowly grinding on him. His hands trailed my figure, resting on my ass cheeks, and he squeezed them gently. My mouth began to water, and I had to swallow the spit that wanted to drown his d**k. My body went on overdrive. I unbutton his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders, my fingers caressed his arms. That’s when I noticed that he had a sleeve tattoo on one arm and a few across his chest. He held me closer to him. I could see his Adam's apple bob up and down. Clearly, we’re both feeling a crazy vibe. Or it could just be the music. However, his left hand undid a black strap. I stared at him intently, wanting more from this. I rested my hands on his mask, sliding my hands to feel for a strap. I felt the material of the strap and wrapped my fingers around it. He cleared his throat, and I licked my lips. I was finally going to see his face. Well, that’s what I taught until his phone began to buzz. We stood in that position for what felt like 2 minutes. His phone began buzzing again. He strapped the voice box back on and spoke in his native tongue. He sighed, he caressed my ass cheeks, and I bit my lip. Whoever it was that interrupted us, best be in some serious need of assistance. I climbed off him and handed him his shirt. He stood up, taking his shirt and buttoning it. He took up his gift, pulled out his gun, and strolled out of the room. There goes my once-in-a-lifetime chance to view Reds' face.
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