Family supper

1345 Words

Kenzi: Chelsey decided to get a ride with us so it was the three of us on the drive to their parents house. Chelsey was quieter than usual. She must sense that there is something going on, but she kindly doesn't bring it up and I am very grateful for it. As we arrive, I put on a fake smile and mentally try to drown out my afternoon and focus on tonight. I am in no mood to socialize but I am not going to let my ex ruin my attempts at getting Phil's approval. If putting on a mask and pretending everything was ok for a few hours was what I needed to do, than so be it. I know I didn't need Alex's dads approval, he wasn't the one I was dating after all, but it would make life easier if he could at least tolerate being in the same room as me and being civil. I, in no way, wanted to stop Alex f

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