The Big Move

1679 Words
Kenzi: We walked over to the diner hand in hand. I wonder if that means he’s interested in me? He hasn't asked me out or anything. I hope he isn't a player. The diner has a retro feel but was still very homey. A bubbly redhead quickly came to get our order. I got a chicken burger and a strawberry shake. Alex went with 2 burgers and a chocolate shake. The conversation was easy between us. I was already falling for him. It felt like we had known each other for way longer than it had actually been. I notice the sun setting outside the window. “I should get going. Thanks again for everything Alex. It's been the best day I've had all month. Thank you” "Leaving already?" "I have some packing to do if I want to move in before I start work Monday" "When are you thinking of moving in. I could help you." "I was thinking on Sunday morning. I should be fine on my own. I don't have that much stuff to bring. I'll go shopping in the afternoon for whatevers missing" "Ok, well if you need help don't hesitate to call, even if it's just to have a shopping buddy" He say as he hands over the keys to my new appartment. I laugh. I've never known a guy who volunteers to go shopping. My dad would always whine when my mother dragged him along. "I might take you up on that though. I don't know where the stores are around here." "Text me when you're ready to go and I'll pick you up." "Ok, thanks Alex. I should get going now" “It’s my pleasure Kenz. Let me at least walk you over to your car” He paid for the bill and we headed outside. The walk back to the clinic where I had left my car was quiet. We were holding hands again. It felt really nice. I didn't want this night to end, but I knew I had to get home before it was too dark out. I still wasn't used to these roads and there's a lot of wild animals out here in the country. We reached my car and before I got in, he leans in and kisses my forehead. “Be safe Kenz. Text me when you get home so I know you made it safe and sound” “Ok” I answered, looking up at his eyes. I take a deep breath and go up on my tippy toes, leaving a short kiss on his lips. I think I caught him by surprise. For a second he only stood there, frozen to his spot.His shock didn't last long, as he grabs me by the waist and leans down, kissing me with a lot more passion. Damn he’s a good kisser. Alex: I can’t believe she actually kissed me on the lips. Chase is howling with happiness. “Kiss mate back! Quick! show her we want her before it's too late.” I do just that. I grab her by the waist and pull her towards me, minimizing the space between our bodies. Her lips are just begging for me to kiss them, I won't keep her waiting. I kiss her deeply, hoping she feels everything I feel for her. The tingling becomes flames on my skin. My mate is just so perfect. I move one hand to cup her face, my fingers getting tangled in her hair as I deepen the kiss even more. I lean my forehead onto hers and just stay there for a minute, both of us catching our breath. I take a big breath in through my nose, smelling her delicate lilac scent, trying to engrave it in my memory. It is going to be tough not seeing her for the next 2 days. “Goodnight Beautiful” She is bright red, it is just so adorable. “Goodnight Alex” And with that she heads into her car and leaves, waving at me on her way out of the parking lot. I adjust my pants, I'm going to need a cold shower tonight. Still looking in the direction she left, I sigh. 2 days, I can do this. And with that I head home. Kenzi: The drive home was uneventful, my mind constantly drifting off to Alex. I was going to have some good dreams tonight. He was on top of me, supporting all his weight on his forearms. He was wearing only a pair of faded jeans showing off his defined pecs and sculpted 6 pack. He leans down, kissing his way down my neck. He gently grabs my left breast, massaging it with his hands. Damn that feels good. His mouth keeps lowering until he gets a hold of my n!pple, swirling his tongue around it and biting it lightly. My n!pples are so hard. I'm ready for more. His hand leaves my breast and makes its way lower, stopping at my entrance. As his mouth finds my lips, his fingers enters me. I start panting, this feels so good. But I need more. I wrap my legs around him trying to unbutton his jeans and remove them. He gets the hint and quickly strips out of them. I am so ready for all of him. I wake up with a jolt, sitting up straight in my bed. Did I just have a wet dream? What the hell is this guy doing to me? This has never happened to me before, even when I was dating Steve. I mean, clearly we had s*x, how else would I have gotten pregnant? But I never dreamed about him in that way. I look over at the clock, its 6 in the morning. I might as well get up and start my day. Over breakfast I catch up with my parents, letting them know that I had found a new job as well as an appartment and that I would be moving out the next day. I promised to visit more often. I then proceeded to do all of my laundry and repack everything in my suitcase, leaving only an outfit for the next morning and a pair of pyjamas. My mom, as per her usual, decided to go on a cooking spree, wanting to make sure I would have plenty to eat for the upcoming days. She liked to remind me that I might not want to cook the first couple of days while I was unboxing and getting settled into my new place. Not counting all the stress that a new job might bring. I was very grateful for everything she did for me. The next morning arrived quickly. I had butterflies in stomach. I couldn't wait to see Alex again and make that appartment my own. Alex had done a good job with the nursery but the rest of the appartment missed a little bit of homeyness. I couldn't wait to add my little touch. I packed up the car and waved goodbye to my parents. I turned up the music and starting singing along. Nothing was going to ruin my day! I arrive at the appartment and let myself in. Slowly, I start unpacking, putting clothes away in the dresser and some artwork on the walls. I quickly send a text to Alex "Hey, almost done unpacking. Are you still available to show me the best stores in town?" It didn't take long for him to reply "I'll be over in 10. See you soon babe" Awww, he called me babe. Does he want us to be official? I sure hope so. Alex: I hit the gym early this morning. I needed to burn some of this pent-up energy. Chase and I couldn't wait to see Kenzi again. You hear about the mate bond but it's a totally different thing when it happens to you. I though Jackson was crazy when he marked Marie mere hours after meeting her. I mean, seriously, I didn't understand how he could know she was meant for him so quickly. Now I understood and I couldn't do anything about it. Kenzi was always on my mind and I knew I wanted to grow old with her. Jackson lands a punch right on my chin. "Dude, where's your head at? You've been distracted all day" "Sorry man. I can't get her out of my head" "Your mate?" "Yeah" "I get it dude, relax and let the bond do it's magic" "That's the problem, she's human. She doesn't feel the bond like I do" "I've been your friend since we were pups. You're a great guy. There's no way she doesn't fall in love with you" "What if she freaks out about the whole werewolf thing?" "Take it a step at a time. Have her fall in love with you and then I'm sure she will accept Chase. " "I sure hope so" "Enough of the pity party, focus! I want to get at least another 30 minutes in. I have to meet Alpha John after lunch. You know how much he gets on my nerves. I need to make a good impression, we need to strengthen our alliances. There are more and more rogues in the territory." "Fine" I throw a combination move, getting him by surprise in the ribs "Cheap shot" "You're the one who told me to focus" I laugh. Jackson kept me occupied for well over an hour and I was mostly able to get Kenzi out of my head. As soon as we called it quits, I rushed to my phone. No new messages. I can't help but feel disappointed. I really hoped she would take me up on my offer. I needed to see her soon, or else Chase might just force his way out. I head home to shower and change with a heavy heart, only to be surprised by her text as I got out of the shower. I quickly dress in my classic tee and jeans and rush out of the house.
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