Making Things Official

1574 Words
Alex: I head over to Kenzi's and knock on the door. She opens the door. I can't seem to breath, she is so pretty. She was wearing some fitted black jeans and a flowy pink top. She had a black leather jacket in her hands that she put on as she exited her front door. Her hair was up in a messy bun, exposing her neck. All that was missing was my mark on her neck, but I knew I would have to take it slowly with her. She smiles at me. "Hey Alex, thanks for picking me up. Are you ready to go?" She says as she grabs my hand and leads us back out. I love how confident she is. "This is me" I say, pointing to the Black Dodge Ram pickup truck. "Alright let go" She was awefully cheerful today and I loved seeing her that way. I hope one day I'll be the reason of her happiness. We spent a few hours going in and out of shops on the main street getting everything she needed for her new place. I never thought I'd say this but she was making shopping fun. "catch" she says as she throws a towel my way "You have some good reflexes" she comments as I catch it moments before it hits me in the face. I laugh. We move on to the bedding section and I can't help imagining how it would feel being tangled up in those sheets with her. Having her naked against me, brushing my fingers over her smooth silky skin... "Alex, you ok?" she asks, looking concerned. "Sorry, just zoned out, all good" I reply. Damn she caught me daydreaming about her. I need to focus. She just laughs and moves along looking at decorative cushions. At least she didn't notice i was sporting a hard on. Chase is finding it hilarious, rolling around in my head, laughing at me as I adjust my pants. I quickly catch up with Kenzi, putting my arm around her shoulders. This day was turning out better than I had hoped. We were heading out of the 3rd store when we bump into Monica. s**t, she always liked to stir up trouble. I can't believe I ever dated her. She was so high maintenance and self centered. I would be happy never having to see her face again, but in a small town like this one, it was quite unlikely. If only she could find a mate in another pack, then she would move away. That would be perfect. I really hope she will just ignore us but of course that was wishful thinking. "Hi Boo" she says in sickly sweet voice "When are you going to come over for some fun, its been too long. I miss you Boo" "Im not your Boo Monica" "Come on, we have so much fun together, dont we?" Can't she see i'm holding Kenzi's hand? I can feel Kenzi trying to move away from me but i hold her hand firmly. "Monica, this is Kenzi, she is my girlfriend. You and I are history. We havent been together in over a year." Kenzi's eyes go big. She stops trying to remove her hand from mine and surprises me by kissing me on the cheek. Monica gives her the stink eye and Kenzi stares daggers at her. "Come on Alex, we dont want to be late" she says as she gently pulls me towards the truck. "Goodbye Monica." i say as I mindlink her "You better stay away from my mate or else you won't like what I'll do to you" I don't give her time to reply, I climb into the truck. Ouff, that could've gone worse I guess. "You ok babe?" "So I'm your girlfriend eh?" "Well yeah, uhm if you want to be, I mean i would like for us to be together, if you want to of course" The words come tumbling out of my mouth quickly, total word vomit. How did i go from deadly warrior to an anxious teenager in a matter of seconds? She laughs softly, "I'd love to be your girfriend" I lean over to her and press a gentle kiss on her lips. Thank goddess she said yes. Kenzi: He actually called me his girlfriend. I'm doing a happy dance inside. Yeah! Monica sounded like a total b***h. I don't know what he could've seen in her. She was pretty of course, but she didn't look anything like me. However I was happy with the way he handled that sticky situation. It's not like i was expecting him to be a virgin or something. He is smoking hot, he must've had girls lining up to be with him. I couldn't be a hypocrite, I am pregnant with someone else's kid afterall. There was no way i was letting that b***h ruin my day. "Babe, did you need anything else or should we head over to your place and unpack?" "I think we got everything, lets head back to the appartment" Alex, ever the gentleman, helps bring all the bags in. I couldn't help but notice his rippling Biceps as he grabs the bags. Damn he was hot. I don't know if its the pregancy hormones talking but i want to jump him right this second! I want to tug at his hair and bite those plump lips... I shake my head, I need to clear my mind. Now is not the time, we're still getting to know each other. We start unpacking, throwing the towels and sheets in the wash. I get started with the dishes, Alex drying them beside me. It feels so natural being side by side like this doing something as mundane as dishes. He decides to slap my ass with his dishtowel. I get back at him spraying him with water. One thing leads to another and we end up in each others arms, making out like there is no tomorrow. Alex: As we were doing the dishes i couldn't help glancing at her ass. It looked so good in those tight fitting jeans. i couldn't wait to get my hands on it. This girl was sexy and she was mine. I couldn't help myself, I twist the dish cloth I had in my hands and snap it on her butt. She spins around, surprised, and then splashes me with soapy water, giggling. Oh she is a fiesty one, I like that. I grab her by the waist and pull her closer, bringing my lips down to hers. I lick her lips and she opens up for me, our tongues dancing in rythm. Its like time was standing still and all that existed was her. Grabing her butt, I pull her up in my arms, our lips never leaving each other. I sit her down on the counter and slide my hands up and down her body, enjoying the feel of her curves under my fingertips. Her hands are wrapped in my hair, pulling lightly on it. It feels so good. All too soon we pull away from each other, both panting lightly, trying to catch our breaths. I can't keep my eyes off of her. I've never met someone as beautiful as her. I could stare in her all day and I'd be the happiest man on earth. Her stomach suddenly growls and we both start laughing. "What did you have in mind for supper. I can call for delivery if you want" "I have a mountain of food in the fridge. I think my mom thought i was going to starve if I didn't leave her place without bags full of premade meals" She laughs lightly. Her laugh is like music to my ears. "How does lasagna sound? I could reheat it quickly and make us a salad to go with it" "That sounds delicious" She went about preparing supper as I set up the table. I was once again envisioning a future with her, where we would have supper as a family every night and have little ones running around the table. I can't believe we met just a week ago. Kenzi: We ate supper keeping up a constant flow of conversation. It was so natural between us, I didnt want the moment to end. I stiffled a yawn. This baby was just taking all my energy. "I should get going, you have a big day tomorrow" "Ok, when will I see you again?" He gives me a big smile "Whenever you want beautiful, you have my number" He leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips "Sweet dreams Kenzi" he says as he opens the door. "Goodnight Alex". And he was gone. I yawn again and decide to get ready for bed. Alex is right, tomorrow is my first day at the clinic. I need to be well rested if i want to make a good impression. Alex: I can't sleep. Kenzi is on my mind. Today was a big step. She accepted me, we are officially an item. Now I just have to figure out how to introduce her to Chase and not have her run away in fear. I head to the forest. A good run always helps me clear my head. I transform into my grey wolf, letting Chase take over as I take a backseat in my own brain, Kenzi still on my mind.
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