The Attack

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Alex: The weekend with Kenzi was pure bliss. We fell asleep in front of the TV, after eating the now lukewarm casserole. I woke up in the middle of the night with my arm numb and my neck all cramped up but I didn’t dare move, she looked so peaceful, curled up against me, her mouth slightly ajar. I leaned my head against hers and drifted back to sleep, waking up slightly after sunrise. She was still sleeping peacefully so I took the time to stare at her features, trying to memorize every little detail. She was perfect, from the light freckles on her cheeks and her cute button nose. Her lips are of a natural pink color, and from my angle I could was able to catch a glimpse of her ample breasts. I slowly inch my arm from under her, leaning her head against the arm rest. After a quick trip to the bathroom I prepare toast and eggs. “Wake up sleepyhead” “urggg… what time is it?” “It`s almost 7, I made you breakfast” “Why are you up so early, it’s not even a week day!” she grumbled “Habit I guess” I chuckle as I bring a plate over to her. She sits up, her eyes slowly waking up fully. We spent the day lounging around watching Netflix and making out like horny teenagers. I couldn’t keep my hands to myself, letting them roam all over her body as our mouths crashed onto each other. The weekend ended way too quickly and we had to get back to reality, facing the outside world. Kenzi: Monday morning rolled around I was sporting the biggest smile ever. This weekend was magical and I was falling in Love with Alex. I hadn`t told him that though. It was too soon and I didn’t want to scare him away. It took months before Steve opened up about his feelings and look were that got us. I wonder if he ever truly loved me. Enough about him, I can`t let sperm donor ruin my day. A child comes in with a broken arm after falling from a tree, making the day go by quickly as I had to help out with his cast and pain management. That little guy was one tough cookie. Only 6 years old and he barely fussed when Dr. Sam realigned his arm. Lunch came around and I was expecting to see Alex leaning up on the maple tree like always but this morning there was no one around. I couldn`t help but be disappointed. I know he didn`t specifically say he was going to be there but I had come to really enjoy or lunch dates. I get back inside. Lexie comes rushing by me. ”Thank god I found you! You have to stay inside Kenzi, It`s not safe out there” “What do you mean? I was just outside eating my lunch and everything seemed perfectly fine” “Please Kenzi, just stay inside and get ready, we are about to have an influx of patients” I look around, everything else seemed normal, other than Lexie being frantic of course. I wonder what’s going on. I head over to the storage cabinet and start filling up my cart with everything I’ll need to put in I.V`s, start saline drips and bandage up wounds. Sure enough, Lexie was right. Not even 15 minutes later, men starting filling in with hug lacerations to their torso and arms. Did they get attacked by wild animals? It’s becoming a jungle in here so I do my part. Installing patients on stretchers and cleaning out their wounds, wrapping them up in gauze and letting Dr. Sam know which ones would be needing stitches. This is a hard landing back to reality after such a dream weekend. Alex: I get a mindlink that we are being attacked by rogues on the southern part of the pack lands. I was already on duty, patrolling the east end. Chase takes control, ripping my cloths in the process and we dash out to help my fellow warriors. The rogues were fierce but I was ruthless, ripping their heads off left and right. Those mutts were not going to get the upper hand! It took over an hour but we were finally making progress, and the rogues were starting to retreat. “All those severely injured make your way to the clinic, everyone else fan out and make sure the rest of the borders are secure” I order my men though mindlink. I was going to have to figure out what to say to Kenzi after she treats my men. How was I to explain a rogue attack without outing myself in the process? We were progressing nicely but I wasn`t ready to rock the boat. I needed more time. I`ve only had a week with her. I needed to make sure she loved me and wouldn`t reject me as soon as she found out I was a wolf. Kenzi: I lead yet another injured man to an empty exam room. There were over a dozen that showed up. What was going on? This one has a huge gash along his back and puncture wounds around his shoulder. I would need to lie him down to be able to clean his wounds, they looked deep. I could see the bone in certain areas. He would definitely need an IV with a saline drip and a bunch of stitches. He was barely conscious, having lost lots of blood due to his injury. I unexpectedly jump in fright, the sound of glass shattering making me turn my head in time to see a huge wolf land not too far from me. I scream, backing up against the furthest corner. He was all mangy and had foam coming out of its mouth. Patches of fur were missing and he was missing a part of his tail. He smelled almost worse than he looked. I think I might puke. This wolf looked deranged, this didn`t bode well for me. Just as I think my days are numbered, another wolf jumps through the window. This one had grey fur and was covered in blood. He looked ferocious. He had to be at least a head taller than his opponent. I couldn`t tell if he smelled any better as all I could smell was the stench of sewage coming from the brown wolf. The grey wolf took a defensive stance right in front of me, ready to attack. His position made it seem as if he was trying to protect me, with his back shielding me form the brown wolf. How weird. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. The brown wolf jumped at the Grey wolf, trying to bite at his ribs, but the grey wolf was faster and latched his teeth into the wolfs neck, snapping it in 2, discarding the body on the floor. The whole thing must have lasted less than 2 minutes but it felt like forever. The triumphant wolf then turns to face me. I’m trembling from head to toe. Will he finish me off too? Alex: I’m helping some of my men in the aftermath of the attack. There was a lot of clean up to do. I`m picking up body parts and piling them up, ready to burn them to ashes when a partial mindlink comes through. I can`t decipher what is being said at first, and then my heart drops. “Rogue…clinic...”I can barely make out “Matt, is my mate ok?” “Come quick” he croaks out “Matt! Matt! What’s going on?” No answer. Damn it! I run at top speed to the clinic. She has to be ok. I can’t lose her, not now that I have her in my life. How the hell did rogues make it all the way to the clinic? Someone was going to answer for this. My left over warriors should be patrolling looking for any lingering rogues. This can`t be happening. It took me less than 2 minutes to get to the clinic. Chase was zeroed in on Kenzi`s sent, jumping through a broken window I assume the rogue used to access the clinic. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kenzi, backup up into a corner. I let out a deafening roar, that mother f*****g mutt better not have touch a single hair off her head. I WAS SEEING RED. This asshole threatened my mate. MINE! I keep my back to Kenzi, trying to keep that waste of space rogue`s eyes off of her. He launches at me but he is sloppy. I can anticipate his moves easily. I intercept his attack and counter with one of my own, biting down hard on his neck. It makes a satisfying crunch. Hasta la vista Asshole! I whip him off to the side, wanting his foal smell as far away from me as possible. I turn my attention to Kenzi, who by now is shaking like a leaf. My poor mate. This wasn`t how she was supposed to find out. I was supposed to bring her out for a picnic by the waterfall, and then I was going to tell her how much I loved her and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was supposed to tell me she loved me too and we would kiss. I would bring up the topic of werewolf’s, telling her they really exist and that I was one of them. She wouldn`t believe me at first, she is human after all and has grown up thinking we were only fictional characters like in twilight. But then I would shift into Chase and she would be in awe of him. Chase would crouch down to her level so as not to be so imposing and she would pet our head. She wasn`t supposed to find out by getting attached by a rogue!!! I rapidly sweep my eyes over her body, at least she doesn’t seem injured. I feel a stabbing pain in my heart as I look at her in the eyes. All I see is utter terror. She is scared of us. How can I show her we mean her no harm? I would never hurt her. She was my whole life. I would die before anything happened to her. Chase lies down a foot in front of her, whimpering. We must`ve just laid there for over 5 minutes and she still hasn’t moved an inch. Resigned, Chase lets me take control over our body and I shift back into my human self. “Kenz, are you ok? Did he hurt you?” I take a step towards her. “Kenz, look at me babe. I need to know you are ok” “Stay away from me! Don`t come any closer!” she yells, tears flowing freely. I take a step back. I don`t want to overwhelm her, though I think it’s too late for that. “Please baby, I think you’re in shock. At least let me get Dr. Sam to check up on you and the baby” “You…wolf…” she looks back and forth between me and the dead rogue on the other side of the room. “Don`t look at him Kenzi, look at me” She turns her head towards me. She looks like a deer in headlights. She is looking in my direction but it’s like I wasn’t even there. “Kenz its ok, I won`t hurt you. I promise I`m still the man who made you breakfast over the weekend and who you had lunch with all of last week. Please babe, don`t look at me like that.” I didn`t know what to do. She looked so lost, her eyes were blank, void of their usual sparkle. My worst fears were coming true. My heart was heavy. My mate was scared of me. She was going to reject me. I sigh and leave the room, defeated. Kenzi: I felt as if I was in a nightmare. The big grey wolf turned into Alex, my sweet and funny Alex. If this wasn`t a dream then that means I must have lost my mind. I could see Alex`s lips moving but I couldn`t hear what he was saying. It was like watching TV on mute. He started approaching me. No! I didn’t want to get touched. I needed to be alone to figure out what just happened. I couldn`t make sense of anything right now. Did he really just magically appear in the place of the wolf? That was impossible. Werewolves only exist in movies. Yet there was a dead wolf lying on the floor and I sure as hell didn’t kill it. What do I even know about Alex? We only met a few weeks ago. I had felt an uncanny attraction to him at the coffee shop that day. I couldn`t really explain it. Things had progressed rapidly between us since I moved to this town. We had just spent an amazing weekend together. And I couldn`t forget about how he had found that apartment for me and set up the nursery. s**t. The baby. I need to make sure my peanut is ok. The wolves never got a hold of me but I was still definitely in shock and I knew stress was not good for the baby. I felt more than saw Alex leave the room. The air suddenly got colder and I couldn`t control my shaking anymore. I slide down the wall and huge my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I would get up and seek Dr. Cassandra in a minute but for now I needed a moment, just let everything out.
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