Grand Ball Part 1

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“Hurrah for Granzreich!” “Hurrah for Granzreich! Hurrah for Emperor Winchester!!!” The entire street was festive. The citizens of Berlun shouted happily at the free meat and alcohol the Imperial Palace had provided. “Everyone seems to like it.” “Since it’s a happy day. Anyway, Albert, you’ve worked hard for this.” “It was nothing. You’ve done more. The Bureau is in a frenzy over the Tauric Expedition. Everyone depends on how the Francoine Republic is supported.” “Alright.” And the father and son spoke about politics in the carriage. The stepmother looked at her daughter worriedly. “Catarina, are you alright?” “Yes, mother.” “After the Emperor reads his announcements, come back right away. Let’s come back together.” “You should stay a bit longer. You were looking forward to it.” “No, it’s okay. You’re this sick, a ball is nothing.” “I’m really alright. It’s just a cold, so don’t worry.” The carriage arrived at the Palace. Catarina got off the carriage with her brother’s escort. She felt dizzy when she touched the ground, but she didn’t let it show. “Catarina, you can’t overwork yourself, alright?” “I will. Don’t worry about me and take care of your business.” “My business? What?” Catarina smiled. “You’re always by yourself. This time, work hard to meet a nice Lady. Even though mother and father don’t say anything, they’ve been waiting.” “Catarina!” Albert’s face turned red at Catarina’s advice. But her mother stepped in. “Yes, Catarina is right. You and Nathan aren’t interested in girls. Others were interested in dating and romance from when they were young. Work is nice, but don’t do just your work.” “M-Mother.” “Ahem, yes. I agree with that. When I was your age, I was so popular.” Her mother narrowed her eyes at what he said. “Honey!” It was hard to imagine, but they said Marquis Nix was quite a womanizer when he was young. Of course, she didn’t know if it was true. “Ahem. Anyway, you and your brother have no interest in dating… just when will I be able to see grandchildren?” “Yes, sir.” Albert replied in a depressed tone. Everyone held back their laughter and entered the ballroom. “The Marquis Eisenberg family!!!” “…!” The servant announced their arrival in a loud voice, and everyone turned their heads to look at the greatest family in the empire. “The chancellor has come.” “The boy next to him must be the nominee for the next vice director of the Bureau. But who’s that beautiful lady?” “It’s Lady Catarina.” “Ah! The person who’ll be the next great beauty in the empire? She’s as beautiful as I heard.” Everyone looked at Catarina. She really was beautiful. Her soft hair, white skin, and blue eyes were like jewels. An elegant but no extravagant dress. She looked like a doll even when she wasn’t dressed up, but she looked like a manifestation of a fairy now. Her face was pale because she was sick, but it added to her weak charm. “…” Everyone just stared at her. Catarina smiled in reply. It was a shy and beautiful smile. Receiving everyone’s gazes, she thought to herself. ‘I want to go back. I don’t like balls. Laboratory rooms are way better.’ She experienced so many balls in her old life that she was sick of them. Food, drinks, conversations, boys, and dances! It was all useless. Drawing schematics was more fun and helpful to people. No, to the Empire. The development, and the pride of making your creation to life. Those are the things she could never let go of. A middle-aged man approached them and started speaking to the Marquis. “It’s been a while, Marquis. I’ve been hearing many things from Wale.” “Ah, Your Grace the Duke.” It was Duke Harver, from the rural Harmocht. “Greetings to Your Grace. My name is Albert and I’m the second oldest in the Eisenberg family.” “I heard a lot about you as well. They say you’re an important person in the Bureau.” The two offered a separate conversation with the Duke. They realized he had something to say to them about Harmocht. The Marchioness was pulled away by her friend, and Catarina was left alone. She gripped her head and looked around the ballroom. ‘Is there a corner I can rest in?’ She wanted to enjoy the ball even if she was sick, but she wasn’t too interested in it right now. She wanted to sit outside, but it wasn’t polite to go back outside right as soon as she came in. ‘Oh, that corner. I can rest there.’ She moved towards somewhere that was partially hidden from view. “Haa…” She sighed. After the short walk, she was dizzy and her head hurt. Her body hurt like someone had hit her all over, and she wanted to lie down somewhere. ‘If only I can go back…’ But there was still a lot of time until the Emperor gave his speech. She wondered how she was going to be able to wait until then. At that moment, she heard the blaring of trumpets. “The Crown Prince!” “…!” Catarina was surprised. ‘The Crown Prince already?’ She knew her husband from her past life. He hated balls, so he only showed up right before it was over. But he was already here? “Greetings to the Crown Prince!” And that wasn’t the only thing that was different. He accepted greetings from everyone and started to look around. Like he was searching for someone. “…?” “Is there someone you’re looking for, Your Highness?” Everyone around him looked at him strangely. Catarina tilted her head in the corner she was in. Was he really looking for someone? Then, his gaze slid past the crows and landed exactly in the corner she was in. “…!” Catarina jumped, meeting his gaze. ‘Is he looking at me?’ Catarina thought it was weird. ‘No way.’ But she shook her head. It was a wide distance, and he couldn’t have seen it was her. Even if he did, why would he be staring at her like that? ‘Who’s around me?’She looked around her, but there were only a few servants around. ‘I don’t know.’ She looked away from him because she thought he wasn’t looking at her. ‘Now that I think about it, he’ll be at this ball as well. I wonder when he’s coming?’ Looking at the Crown Prince, she was reminded of him. ‘He always arrived early to flirt with the ladies. I didn’t see him today.’ She smiled thinking of him. Another member of the Imperial Palace. He was a complete womanizer, as well as her only friend in her past life. ‘It’s interesting. My relationship with those I should’ve been closest to ended in tragedy, but I stayed friends with him, who I should’ve stayed away from.’ She was now not related to the Imperial Palace in any way, but she still wanted to see him. It was a memory only she had, but her relationship with him was special. “Who’s this? Oh, it’s been a while, Lady Catarina.” Just then, a high-pitched voice addressed her. She turned her head to see a noble lady who looked slightly annoyed. ‘Who was this again?’ “Um…sorry…but who are you…?” “What? Are you saying you don’t know who I am? Ha! Outrageous!” Catarina didn’t know what to do. ‘I really don’t remember that well. What should I do?’ For the lady, it had probably only been a few months, but for Catarina, it was 30 years. But she managed to remember who it was. “Lady Mary Stuart.” “What an honor it is for you to remember me! Even though like you said last time, our family is really nothing compared to yours!” Catarina felt awkward. It was clear she was trying to pick a fight. ‘The Count Stuart family. One of the Noble Party families.’ They were clear enemies with the Imperial Party’s Marquis family. A family’s political stance affected the societal parties and such. Right now, she wasn’t that well known in society, because she wasn’t announced as the Crown Prince’s fiancee. She didn’t have her debutante ball yet, and she lacked charisma. ‘What did I do to the Vermont family in the past?’ After some thought, she was able to remember. It was too bad of a mistake. Just something that was unpleasant for the other person to hear. She acknowledged her mistake. “Lady Alice.” “Yes?” “I was wrong for speaking immaturely about your family. I sincerely apologize.” Catarina bowed her head. “…!” Lady Alice dropped her mouth. The immature Lady Catarina was apologizing to her? “This probably won’t make you forget about the unpleasant past…I’m sorry. It was because I was too young. I’ll be grateful if you forgive me.” “N-No. Since you’re saying that, I’ll look over it as well.” The surprised Lady Alice stuttered. ‘What happened?’ The Catarina she knew was definitely not one to apologize like this. Aside from her personality, she was extremely prideful of the Eisenberg family, and there was no way she would do this. But Catarina thought differently. ‘If I did wrong, it’s only right that I apologize. If I don’t know how to be sorry even after I committed a wrong, that’s a bigger embarrassment to our family name.’ She could apologize over and over again. She didn’t even consider it something that hurt her pride. Rather ignoring what she had done hurt her pride. It was then. Another person entered their conversation. “It’s been a while, Lady Catarina. Have you been well?” It was a confident and clear voice unlike the voices of other noble ladies. A face that she clearly remembered was looking at her. “…!” The height of a model, with a lean and ladylike body. Her skin was glossy white akin to alabaster, and she emanated a calm charm. Her lustrous silver hair glitters as extravagant lighting shines upon it. It was completely different from Catarina, who looked weak. “Lady Claes.” She was the lady of the seat Noble Party, the Claes Family. “It’s a relief that you remember my name.” Sophia Claes. It was the same thing Lady Alice had said, but the tone was completely different. Like it really was a relief that her name was remembered. She didn’t twist her words. Since Claes wasn’t that kind of person. ‘Lady Claes.’ Catarina looked at her with turbulent feelings. Unlike the Claes Family, she felt some affection for Sophia. ‘Although our relationship wasn’t that great.’ Claes and Eisenberg. There was a deep enmity between their families, and there was another reason why their relationship could only be bad. Sophia had loved the Crown Prince as she did. Only, she was a part of the opposing party, so it could never work. ‘We fought horribly.’ They almost fought to the death. At the time, she thought it was obvious…‘Was that necessary?’ Catarina bitterly thought to herself. On Earth, she sometimes thought about Sophia. Their political stance was different, and they loved the same person. However, that was it. ‘If she was the Empress instead of me, it would’ve been better.’ If Sophia had married the Crown Prince, the tragedy that happened to her wouldn’t have happened. And the Noble Party could begin to support the Imperial Family. ‘It would be nice if she was the Crown Princess in this life. Since she loved the Crown Prince so much.’ “What are you thinking about?” Sophia asked. Catarina replied with a smile. “It’s nothing. Nice to meet you, Lady Claes.” “…” Sophia tilted her head. She didn’t understand Catarina’s attitude. Aside from the absence of her horrid personality, her voice sounded like she was sincerely happy to see her. ‘What? Am I reading something wrong?’ But she wasn’t. Catarina was actually happy to see her. She was amazed at her own emotions. ‘We fought that much, but I’m glad to see her.’ Sophia coughed looking at Catarina. “You’re a bit strange today.” Sophia didn’t come over towards Catarina with good intentions. She was planning on scolding her for her attitude, but… it was like a lion had turned into a mild bunny. “…” “…” The two quietly looked at each other. Sophia with a searching gaze, and Catarina with a soft smile. And Sophia noticed that Catarina didn’t look too good. “You look pale, are you feeling sick?” “Yes, I have a bit of a cold.” “You should’ve been careful. I heard that colds these days are horrible.” Sophia regretted the moment she spoke. They weren’t close enough to be carrying light conversation like this. But Lady Eisenberg’s reaction was different than what she expected. “Thank you for your concern. You should be careful as well.” It was a polite thanks. Sophia looked at Catarina with strange eyes. Like she was asking just who this new person was. “You don’t seem good, so you should rest a bit.” And Sophia turned back. But Catarina spoke up. “Uh! Lady.” “Yes?” “Um…” Catarina hesitated. Sophia looked at her with a curious gaze, but Catarina just shook her head. “…No, never mind. Have a good time.” “…?” Actually, Catarina wanted to spend some more time with Sophia. With the woman who always kept her dignity and elegance until the very end. That was the Sophia she remembered. They both met unfortunate endings, but she was completely different from herself. ‘It would be nice to be friends.’ How nice would it be to have tea and cake with such a friend?’ But it was impossible considering their households. “Haa.” Sophia sighed. “Why are you looking at me with those eyes?” “It’s nothing.” Sophia gazed at Catarina like she didn’t understand her. Why was she looking at her with those eyes? Eventually, she spoke up. “It’s uncomfortable, so stop looking at me with those eyes, and let’s have tea if we get the chance.” “…!” Catarina brightly smiled at what she said. “Yes, let’s. Definitely.” The chance would probably never come for them. But she still wanted to have some tea with her at least once. “Then I’ll be on my way.” “Yes, have a good time.” “Oh right, Lady Catarina.” “Do you know who’ll be announced today?” “Hm? What are you talking about?” “The fiancee of the Crown Prince. After the Emperor made his speech, he said that he would announce who the Crown Prince’s fiancee would be.” Catarina shook her head. “I don’t know.” “Really?” “Yes, I don’t know.” But Sophia didn’t believe her. “Isn’t it you?”
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