Chapter 21: You're divine partners?

2075 Words

Leon - Earlier that morning I had just left Yesi at the Pomar household with her security detail and was walking back to her place when my phone chimed, signaling the receipt of a direct message on Twixie. Pulling out my phone, I swiped through until I found the message, a wrinkle forming between my eyebrows at the user’s profile. My frown deepened as I read their message. “I think it’s time we meet.” Following the message was a link to an address using Smancy, an occult search engine that has access to secret magickal locations around the globe. It didn’t take me long to figure out where the address would lead me. I took a screenshot of the one-sided conversation and sent that and the address to Mason in a text before calling him immediately after. He picked up on the second ring. “

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