
My Brother's Best Friend, My Boss, My Bewitching Night

one-night stand
office/work place

When Livvy finds her boyfriend in a passionate embrace with another woman she decides a fresh start is needed and heads back to her home town to drink her sorrows away with her best friend. To bring a chance encounter with a tall, dark, handsome stranger...

Livvy's big brother, Noah, disappointed she didn't turn to him for help in her time of need offers her work in his flourishing business. The only downside? The tall, dark, handsome, stranger, and the one Livvy has struggled to get from her mind is her brother's best friend and business partner, Gio. And now her boss...

The chemistry between the two is undeniable. But wanting your brother's best friend... his business partner... your new boss? That is just an unwritten rule you cannot break. She couldn't do that to her brother.

Can the two stay away from one another? And can they keep their previous indiscretion a secret?

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Chapter 1 - Livvy
I switched off my computer, not wasting a second longer than I had to. It was a rare chance I got to finish work early, normally being worked to the bone, and if anything, working later than expected each day. But today, the manager decided to close the offices early for her birthday celebrations. Ones I did not intend to join in with. Why would I want to celebrate her birthday with her? She was a total b***h to me and most of the others in the office too. So, I was making my quick exit. And I would be making sure it was as quick as possible. Terrible, I know. Such a wonderful part of the team. But what can I say? I hated my workplace, and it was just somewhere to work until I found something better. Though, I have been saying that for the last year… It had been convenient when I had finished college, a lucky find I had thought, a job in the business sector linked to my degree. Everything I had dreamed of… Oh, how wrong I had been! But it had been a job that had allowed me to gain experience in the sector my degree was in, while allowing me to stay in the city where I had attended college, and more importantly, stay in the city where my boyfriend was staying too. Meaning we got to be together. Theo and I met in college, at one of the many parties we would attend within our first year and have been together ever since. Four years now. Four years of being by his side. My first serious boyfriend, and wow, he was everything I could have hoped for. Handsome, kind, caring, loving. Admittedly a little moody, and a little bit of a ladies' man, but he swore he was always mine and had never needed anyone else after finding me. And I had no reason to doubt him. He was tall, with the most beautiful green eyes. Eyes that could make a girl’s knees go weak… Hair the color of honey, with a gorgeous curl to it, curls I loved to play with when we were laid in bed together. Curls many girls would be jealous of… And he had the body of a god… though maybe I was biased. He was tanned and muscular, spending a lot of time working out, as well as running at the beach nearby. Something we both enjoyed doing together. In my eyes, he was perfect. I think he knew that too… Our eyes met at that party, and I was done for. He smiled at me, and I swear my heart stopped for a moment. Such a soppy thing to say, right? But he came over with a drink, we got talking and that was it. I think I was in love. He knew all the right things to say. He made me feel good. He put a smile on my face. He made me feel wanted and loved. He made me happy. And that never stopped. Our relationship went from strength to strength as we went through college. Us choosing to find somewhere to live together when we graduated and found jobs in the city. It was perfect. The life I had hoped for. I had my perfect man, and I got to escape the boring old city I grew up in too. Theo was amazing, making my life fun and interesting. So not like the guys back at home. Everything a girl could dream of… I was not going to complain at the chance to go home early, as I knew that my man was working from home today. I rushed to my car before my boss had a chance to change her mind and decided to keep us all in work. She seemed to like seeing us all disappointed or frustrated, like she got a kick out of it. She probably did, she was sick and twisted like that. The sun was shining brightly today across the city, making me feel in a good mood. Though the good mood was likely more because I got to go home and see Theo. I bet I could convince him to be distracted from his work. I was good at that. I pulled into the parking lot of our apartments, hating that I had to park all the way over to the other side from our block of apartments because other people kept using our spaces. But I guess we couldn’t complain too much, we were lucky to have an apartment so close to the city and such a good price to rent too. All thanks to Theo’s connection in his new job. I grabbed my purse and walked absentmindedly through the parking lot toward the stairwell, daydreaming of the things we could be doing when I got inside... I reached the front door of our apartment, looking forward to being able to kick off my heels and relax for the afternoon. Looking smart for work could be such a pain in the ass sometimes! Though I know that Theo loved seeing me in heels too, and I liked pleasing him. I am surprised to find the door already unlocked, but dismiss it, assuming Theo must have forgotten to lock it, and walk inside, gently closing the door behind me. I throw my jacket on the coat rack to the left of the door and drop my keys on the counter next to it. I am just about to call out to Theo to let him know I am home, when I hear a muffled sound coming from down the corridor, puzzling me… I was expecting him to be working hard, sitting at the office desk in the lounge, overlooking the window and the view of the park below. A great place to work from, and where he always sits to do his work when he was working from home. But the lounge is not down the corridor. I began to walk down the corridor, my heart racing and a sense of foreboding filling me. Something does not feel right. The noises became louder and as I approached our bedroom door. Noises I recognized only too well. The foreboding sense I had been feeling was now making sense. With a shaking hand, I pushed open the door, dreading to think what I was about to find, and what this would mean for me and my future with Theo… With a pounding heart and shaking hands, I pushed back the bedroom door further, to find Theo standing against the bed, his muscular body naked and on full display, a sight I would normally enjoy, but right now the sight turned my stomach. As I watched him thrust himself deep inside a woman on all fours, her ass currently in the air, his hands on her hips, pushing himself harder inside of her, making her moan… The sounds I had heard as I had walked into the apartment. The sounds I heard getting louder and more enthusiastic. The sounds I had recognized. The sounds I had known spelled trouble for my relationship. Clearly, they were so engrossed in their steamy s*x session they had not even heard me open the door, and walk in… “Mmm, does that feel good? You like it hard, Jade? Like feeling me nice and deep?” Theo said breathlessly as he thrust harder inside of her. “You feel so good. So perfect baby…” I feel myself gasping in shock as he uses the name he calls me, and suddenly Theo’s head is turning to look at me. His beautiful green eyes locking with mine, a look of shock crossing his handsome face. “Livvy?” he stutters. I find a cold chill passing over my entire body. Standing in complete shock at what was in front of me. Theo strangely hasn’t moved himself from inside of his s*x-buddy, I notice… I feel even more sick… The naked woman quickly moves herself away from Theo, trying to cover her body up with the sheets on the bed. Oh, how kind of her to save my bleeding eyes! My bed. The bed I share with Theo. My boyfriend. My cheating ass of a boyfriend. “Livvy erh…” Theo’s voice stutters once more. He appears to have lost the ability to even speak. I should hope so, bastard. Shame his d**k doesn’t fall off. How dare he cheat on me? Was I so worthless to him? I feel the shock leaving me slightly and suddenly anger is filling me, anger and pain. My heart feels like it is crumbling into pieces… I looked at him, wishing he would have the decency to cover himself up. I do not want to be seeing any of that now. “Yes, Theo?” I say bluntly. “It isn’t what it looks like…” he begins. I find myself laughing sarcastically. I probably sound like a psychopath. The blonde s*x-companion, Theo seems to have found himself while I have been at work, looks to the floor awkwardly, covering herself further with the sheets. Good, I do not want to be seeing any part of her apparently perfect body. b***h. “Not what it looks like? So it isn’t that you were in here f*****g some other woman while my back was turned? No?” I say, sounding surprisingly calm. “Oh, f**k off Theo. I am not that stupid. I was not imagining your d**k inside of her just then when I walked in. You disgust me.” “Liv, please…” he begged, coming toward me. Eww, as if I want that thing anywhere near me right now! “Oh, go to hell, Theo. I don’t even want you near me right now, and do you think for one second it is appropriate to come near me with your d**k still out? It needs chopping off!” I say with a dark glare at him, feeling full of fury right now. He looks at me in shock, but steps back. Clearly my suggestion of his genitalia being chopped off worried him. Good. Nothing more than the cheating bastard deserved. “Livvy, I made a mistake. I am sorry.” He begged once more. “A mistake?” I question. “So, it only happened this once?” Not that I care, once is more than enough. All trust is gone. He has hurt me beyond repair. “Yes” he says, just as blondie begins to speak… “No” she whispered. Theo’s eyes widen, and he looks to her with a dark glare. Ha, what a d**k. He was going to try and lie to me. Say it hadn’t happened before. I look to the woman on my bed, wrapped in my bedding, the bedding I had been wrapped in only hours before with Theo. She looks quite young, beautiful, with long blond hair, big blue eyes, and pale, smooth skin. I gave her an awkward smile. “Thank you, at least one of you chose to be honest with me.” “Liv, please. You have been so busy with work. Jade was just someone to keep me occupied when I felt lonely…” Theo said, reaching for my hand, like he hoped he could try to speak his way out of this. “Oh really? Thanks for that jackass. What about Laila before me? And Sofia before her? I am sorry Livvy, but your boyfriend is nothing but a man-w***e, hopping from one girl’s bed to another.” The blond girl, I now know is called Jade, says coldly. Likely hurt by the way Theo has spoken about her. But it is her words that hit me. Her words that hurt me further. She is not the only one. There have been others. I was never enough for him. He never changed. I looked at him, his beautiful green eyes filled with guilt. “Liv, please. You know I love you.” He says. Oh yeah, loved me so much. He loved me that much he was sleeping with anything that moved behind my back. How lucky was I to be loved like that?! “No.” I said, grabbing my case that was packed for my work conference I was due to go on in two days. “Go to hell Theo. That is where you belong. Burning in a fiery pit.” I storm towards the door. “Oh, and I hope your f*****g d**k drops off you filthy, cheating bastard!” I dash from the apartment, Theo running behind me, a towel now wrapped around his waist. “Liv, please, surely we can work on this?” “No!” I say, trying my hardest to fight the tears that are now threatening as the anger is beginning to dissipate and hurt is taking over. “You love me, I know you do. We can have everything we spoke of baby, marriage, a family…” he tries. “Why would I want that with someone I can’t trust? Someone who can’t keep it in his pants?!” I rushed down the last of the stairs and through the doorway to the apartment block. Theo grabs my hand, having to open the doorway, having stalled me enough to give him a chance to catch up, he lifts his hand to gently stroke my face. His big green eyes looking down into mine, as the warmth of his hand tenderly touches along my cheek. I bite my lip to stop myself from sobbing the tears that are so close now. I do not want him seeing me cry. “Liv, I am so truly sorry. You mean the world to me. I don’t think I realized just how much until I realized I could lose you…” he went to lower his lips to mine. The fucker was going to try kissing me? After everything, I just found out? I do not think so. I raised my knee swiftly and firmly… kneeing him right in the crotch. Making him double over in pain. “Oof! f**k, Liv!” he is grasping at his groin now, as I walk across the parking lot, pulling my suitcase behind me. Not a clue in hell what I planned to do…

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