Chapter 4

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The snow fell heavily from the sky, adding layer after layer of snow already blanketing on the she-wolf in just seconds, only for the strong wind to blow it off. Nearly two months passed since she was taken. When they brought her to this camp after hours, upon hours of driving she was dragged out of the cage by poles and ropes then chained to a pole in the middle of the camp. The leader, Killigan, as she learned his name was, would come out of his tent that faced her every day and dumps the scraps of food from his meals in front of her as she lunged and snapped at him then walk away. After the first week of refusing food eventually her instincts took over and she ate, she didn't want to die after all. She still growled and snapped whenever a wolf went by her, killing anyone who wandered too close to her jaws. As a result after losing 5 wolves to the she-wolf, Killigan muzzled her, only taking it off so she could eat food as she wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds her, that was a wolf's basic instincts, trust the one providing the food. It didn't matter to her that he was the one that put her in this position, chain to a pole like a rabid mutt, he fed her so he was tolerated by her. Killigan was happy as well, it seemed his plan was working so far. If the she-wolf could obey and train then she would be sent to packs in the spring and tear them down. He knew she had it in her, for some reason it was like her power was locked uptight. She just needs a push to unlock her full potential, a little nudge to truly awaken the instincts inside of her and he knew just how to do it too. "John, prepare some of our more...brutal wolves. Let's see if we can beat those powers out of that wolf" Killigan said grinning darkly. His second in command nodded his head and turned to find what his leader requested, he felt bad for the she-wolf, she didn't deserve this, no-one did. The she-wolf watched warily as five wolves approached her with Killigan leading them. Cautiously she stood up and eyed them. They were large males, littered with scars and missing chunks of flesh. One was missing an ear, another had its tail torn off. They looked every bit of what a true rouge fighter was. She didn't like the gleam in their eyes, promising her pain and death. She stiffened and growled lowly as the first male approached her, only for Killigan to yank it back by the scruff. "Do not kill her, we need her alive for now, I have no use for a torn-up rug." He said walking up to the she-wolf. She ignored his presence and she bared her sharp canines to the wolves readying to attack her. She felt the heavyweight of the chain and muzzle come off her neck and she looked up at Killigan in surprise. "Run little wolf, you have a head start before my wolves tear you apart," He said giving her a rough kick to the side. She turned on her heels and bolted off into the dark forest, trying to block out the excited cries and howls of the wolves behind her. It was hard for her to see in the storm and she wasn't familiar with this strange territory. The weeks of the captivity made her weak, she was already tiring and she didn't even run very far. She weaved through trees trying to find somewhere safe to hide until the storm ended. Her lungs burned with exertion and her legs ached with every step she ran. As she crossed a small creek she saw the first of the five wolves. She bared her teeth and snarled at him. He stalked her slowly, taking his time to get near her. The other four wolves surrounded her from behind while her focus was on the first wolf, blocking off any escape route. She lowered herself down in a fighting position and waited for the male to make his first move, she wasn't foolish, she knew not to make the first move as an inexperienced fighter with a wolf on wolf combat. Finally, no longer patient the male lunged at the she-wolf. She dodged him and snapped at his shoulder only succeeding in grabbing air before he twisted around and grabbed a chunk of her side. She gave out a pained yelp exciting the other wolves further as they closed in on the fighting duo. She snarled viciously and twisted her body to grab the male's shoulder, biting down with all her strength. He gave a pained snarl and shook her side in response, tearing her skin from her body. The others rushed in, grabbing at her limbs and any part they could get ahold of. The she-wolf twisted her body and snapped at the males the best she could, ignoring the burning pain of her wounds and the sounds of her own flesh tearing from her body as she fought to survive. She grabbed a male by the neck and yanked hard, his blood spilled everywhere and drenched the she-wolf in it. All it did was cause the other to go into a frenzy over spilled blood, they tore into the weakening she-wolf. Now no longer caring if she was even alive when they dragged her back to their leader. They would get justice for their fallen brother. Again the she-wolf grabbed one of the males firmly in her teeth and shook and pulled on his shoulder. One of them grabbed her leg and bit down hard. An audible crunching sound filled the air amidst the snarling and growling blur of fur and blood. A pained howl came from the she-wolf's mouth as she struggled to stay upright on three legs, her back right leg was hanging limp at an odd angle as she tried to back away from the males, knowing she wasn't going to even come close to winning this fight. The wolves gave off an almost laughing like sound at the scared wolf, her tail was tucked underneath her and her ears pinned to the side as she tried backing away. They didn't let her, instead, they pushed harder and continued to shake her around like a rag doll. Coating the snow-covered ground with her blood and taking turns grabbing at her side only to leap away as the next one took his place. The she-wolf snapped and grabbed at anything her teeth could hold, her instincts forcing her to survive, to fight and kill the wolves attacking her. She was growing outraged at the audacity they had to attack a wolf higher than them. A wolf created by their Goddess herself, a wolf so powerful armies would fall with a single command from her. Something in her snapped, and the males attacking her noticed. They felt the sudden change in her and the forest grew deathly still. Their own instincts suddenly turned on them, urging them to run while they still could. They stopped attacking her and slowly backed away, hackles raised and watching her unmoving form warily. Suddenly the she-wolf snapped her head in their direction and snarled and snapped her jaws in the air. The sound she made caused the wolves to freeze in fear, suddenly they regretted even considering attacking this she-wolf. None of them actually their leader when he said this weak, pathetic, she-wolf was actually a prophesized wolf, a legend passed down generation to generation by the Elders. She stalked the wolves, prey turned predator as she eyed the wolves with a feral hunger that no other animal could compare too. She would show them, she would show these stupid wolves who they were messing with. She would tear them apart and any other wolf who got in her way. She would show them why she was blessed by the Goddess....she would show them. Lunging forward she grabbed the closest male by the scruff and shook her graceful head back and forth. When she heard a snap she dropped the dead wolf and charged after the remaining three males as they ran from her. The smell of their potent fear and the thrill of the chase caused the she-wolf's instincts to take over completely, locking her inside her mind her vision went dark. ----------------------- Killigan waited patiently outside his tent for his wolves to return, his patrols spotted them tearing into the she-wolf only 11 miles from camp, they were positioned carefully and armed with heavy sedatives in case she tried to escape. She would probably kill most of the males, then pass out from her injuries and then the remaining live males would drag her back. If his plan worked like he thinks it did then before tomorrow he would have an unstoppable, aggressive, mindless, killing machine to unleash on the packs. It was only when the scent of blood and fear filled his nose did he actually smile. He couldn't wait to see the she-wolf. The other rouge wolves came out of their tents or stopped their work as a sudden hush fell over the camp. A thick blanket of pure, untamed, dominance filled the air. Many of the wolves dropped to their knees and bared their necks, confused as to why their instincts were screaming at them to submit. Killigan fought his own instincts as well, he felt like a giant force was pushing down on his shoulders until he submitted. Looking around he saw many of his wolves already in a submissive position, some visibly shaking as whatever was coming got closer. The scent of blood filled his nose, causing him to grimace at the thick scent. Slowly he saw a dark shape emerging from the forest, it moved with a graceful power that had him in awe. As the shape got closer he saw it was a wolf holding a dark mass of fur in its mouth. As if sensing his eyes on it, the wolf stopped and stared into Killigan's eyes. He felt as if his soul was being bared to the world, his instincts pushed even harder for him to submit, causing his shoulders to droop down and his feet to be unsteady. The wolf growled as it started walking again, it made its way to Killigan and he suppressed a delighted smile at the realization that the wolf was his she-wolf. In her mouth was a mangled and bloodied pelt of one of the wolves he scent after her. He had no doubt that the she-wolf absolutely destroyed the others, this was better than he could hope for. This meant that he wouldn't need to repeat the beatings until she snapped. "Hello female, glad you survived this." He rasped out as she stopped in front of him. She growled and dropped the mess of pelt at his feet. "You tried to kill me." A growling voice boomed in his head. He winced at the noise and looked at the she-wolf in surprise. "It was necessary. I am sorry for the female." He said kneeling. "You think I am a fool!?" She roared, baring her teeth. "You think I did not know your plans for us!?" She growled lowly as she stepped over the mangled remains. "I do not know what you are talking about wolf." He said, his voice wavering as she stepped closer, only inches from his face. "Do not lie to me mutt. I am not stupid. I heard your plans, I can feel your poisonous soul leaching into the wolves. Corrupting them. I am not a simple she-wolf you can beat into submission. I am a blessed wolf, I am a Queen, I am the Wolf of Wolves. I submit to no-one!" She bellowed. "I know that your highness, my Queen. We only needed to release your powers. The weak human side of you was locking it away" He tried to reason frantically as he scrambled back from the she-wolf. "The human side and I are one and the same, two sides together balanced out to create perfect harmony. She wasn't ready to have full power. Now, now you foolish wolf nearly killed the child. Nearly destroyed the one born to lead. Your punishment for daring to harm us, for corrupting innocent wolves, for murdering the innocent, and for harming the innocent is cleansing by death. You shall be sent to the hellfires for your crimes. The ones who follow you shall be sent to the moon as they have no crime other than following you." She said as she snapped her teeth near his head. "W-wait, please! I was trying to help!" He yelled trying to run. The she-wolf was on him in an instant. Heavy paws pinned him into the deep snow tearing into his flesh. "You helped no-one but yourself in your life. Now I shall cleanse your pitiful existence off this earth." She rumbled snapping her teeth around his neck. She ignored his screams of fear and pain as she pulled on his neck, ripping his head from his body. "I am sorry my wolves, you do not deserve this fate he brought upon you. I shall make your deaths quick" She said sadly as she eyed the wolves on their knees. She was caked in blood, silver fur matted down and injuries causing the she-wolf to limp. She stared at Killigan's body with sadness, he could've been such a good wolf if he hadn't chosen this path. He could've been a good warrior. Now she had to release the other wolves from their corruption. With a heavy heart, she lunged at the first wolf. AN How's this chapter? Leave a comment if you have any suggestions on a name for the she-wolf.
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