Chapter Eight

701 Words
My senses were starting to come back to me, but I had no idea how long I was actually like that. I heard mumbling and talking. Unfamiliar voices all around me... And then a familiar one; 'Yes, She's fine thank you'. I pulled my head away and looked up. The person who had pulled me away from that horrible place, Held me while I screamed and cried and until I calmed down. Who shushed and comforted me, and held my head to their chest, protecting me... Was Michael. 'Michael?' He looked down at me and the second my eyes met those deep blue ones, Everything... EVERYTHING instantly felt better. 'Hey... Are you Ok?' I rubbed my eyes and looked around, some people were stood staring at me, it made me feel uncomfortable. 'Yeah, Can we move. People are staring at me?' He looked around, I didn't see what he did, but whatever it was, must have worked as they instantly started to scurry off. 'Thank you'. 'No problem'. He stood up and put his hand out to me, I instantly took it and he pulled me to my feet. 'What happened?' I shook my head. 'I don't know. I was fine, I was enjoying the walk back, and then... I saw the Alleyway and... It was like I was reliving that night. I was scared he was coming after me, and my body just shut down and... I don't know!' I started to get upset again, so he once more, Pulled me to him and ''shhhh'' ed me. Rubbing the back of my head. 'I'm so sorry, I should have walked you back to the hotel'. I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head, and one of his arms snaked around me, hugging me. 'No, it's ok. You've done enough for me'. Enjoying the comfort for a little bit longer, Until I had to move away. 'Thank you for everything'. He smiled. 'No need to thank me. Come on, Let's get you home'. We started walking the short distance back to the hotel, He kept his arm around me. I'm not sure if he was doing it to keep me comfortable or to make me feel safe, but whatever the reason... it was working. Walking into the building, still, with his arm around me, We went right over to the lift. Mike pressed the button and I half expected him to move away or leave altogether, but he didn't, He stayed with me. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. 'I'm walking you home'. I couldn't help it, the biggest smile I've possibly ever had, spread wide across my face. 'You're so sweet'. He just grinned back, Locking his gaze with mine. We just stood there, completely oblivious to the world around us... Until someone behind us started making coughing sounds. I just assumed it was someone wanting to get into the elevator, but when I turned, a Very angry looking woman was stood there. It was the woman who worked at the front desk. 'Sorry, Am I in your way?' I asked as I moved to the side, but she didn't move. At all. 'No, But I would like my boyfriend back'. Boyfriend? 'Mike. I've finished work. Let's go'. My god, What was it with the girls here? Are men not allowed to have friends? Why are they all such mean bitches? As soon as she said that, his arm dropped from around me. I looked up at him, but he didn't speak. 'Earth to Michael. I wanna go!'. Wow, Seriously? This was his girlfriend? How can someone so nice be with someone so... cunt-y? 'Sure. Go wait outside and I'll be out in a minute'. He told her coldly. It was so awkward, Being the in the middle of a couple arguing. Her eyes shot to me and then him, but she didn't leave. 'It's ok, I'll see you around'. I told him, sensing I was the cause of there little domestic. I stepped away from him and into the waiting elevator. 'Ellie-' 'It's fine'. I cut him off, and as the doors closed, I swear, I saw her smile, smugly...
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