Chapter 3

1472 Words
Lily could not get Niles face out of her mind and caught herself smiling like a fool a few times.  Lily did not join the kids her age because Randall unsettled her, she wasn’t ready for his snide comments, she heard how he belittled unranked members kids enough to know he would be gunning for her as soon as he had an opening. She caught Nile looking at her at lunch service, and she noticed Randall had seen him too. Not only had Randall seen him but her Mom had seen her looking at Nile. This was so crazy, no he can’t like-like her, he is ranked for Goddess sake and the other popular girls always hung off him and Randall hoping they’d end up mates someday, she thought. Lily tried to ignore Niles eyes following her as she did little tasks for her Mom and the 2 other cooks who she now realised were called Bella and Nancy. Nancy was the older, Grandmother type, chubby lady who had set up with her in the morning and Bella was around the same age as Helen, slim and tall. Once Dinner service was over and everything was finished it was finally time to go home, home where Niles beautiful, ocean blue eyes couldn’t find her and make her heart race. ‘’Ready to go home Lily?’’ Helen asked, snapping Lily from the memory of Nile. ‘’Yeah Mom, just going to grab my cardigan’’ she replied Nancy smiled and nudged Helen. ‘’she’s a good girl your Lily, you’re a lucky Mother.’’ Helen smiled and Lily said ‘’Thanks for reminding Mom of that Nancy, I will drop you a chocolate bar off later in payment haha’’ they all giggled. ‘’Come on you little rascal’’ Helen laughed and stroked Lily’s hair. The walk home was pleasant as the rain had stopped and the air felt fresh. ‘’I am so proud of you little lady, you did so well today. It is good you are trying to talk to people. I know it doesn’t come easy for you… I saw you and Nile giving cute looks at each other too! Someone crushing?’’ she teased. ‘’Mom seriously stop, no he was just nice that’s all’’ she lied, blushing feeling her face burn with heat. Helen laughed hard. They reached the cottage and shouted through to Oscar who was sat with a mug of tea at the table while a lamb stew was simmering in a pot on the stove. Helen had prepared it and gave firm instructions to Oscar of when to put it on so it would be ready in time for when they were home. Helen gave Oscar a kiss then headed to the bathroom. Lily poured a glass of cold milk and drank it while stood by cooker watching her Dad reading. He read quietly but you could tell when he got to a good bit as his expressions would show on his face, a look of surprise or a frown would show and the off chuckle would pop out. ‘’This stew smells good’’ she finally said. ‘’Yeah, I’m bloody famished. I’ve had to have that wafting up my nose and hitting my hungry belly for hours’’ he did fake puppy eyes ‘’Dad, that means absolutely nothing, you are hungry no matter when you last ate. As mom says, you got worms’’ they both laughed at Mom’s usual jokey comment. Lily put her glass in the sink and left her Dad to read heading to her room. Lily took her Diary from the bedside table and opened it. She took her pen and wrote: Dear Diary, WOW what a day! Today I helped Mom all day, it was busy but the most amazing day. Randall is still horrible, and now has a new name ‘Alpha Arsehole’ His gorgeous brother gave it him. Nile is dreamy, I seriously think I have a crush on him. Yeah I know, I’m almost 13 I have a long long time before I run away into the sunset with anyone, and I know it won’t be him being Alpha blood but oh he makes my heart sing, and my stomach butterfly’s dance.  I swear I saw him blush when he asked me to join him, well join him and his friends for a game of cards. I didn’t go, I wasn’t brave enough. But I did speak to a few people today and they were all really nice actually. Well, all but Alpha Arsehole. That i***t actually expected me to apologise for him knocking me over! Nile put him straight though. I had lied when Nile asked if I was hurt, my hip was throbbing. Bet I have a bruise tomorrow! Diary... can you love someone at almost 13? I think I could love Nile; his eyes are like the ocean. Nah, I’m being silly. I can only ever love my mate, and I can’t find him until I’m at least 16 or 17 or whenever my wolf decides to tell me. Well next week I will be a year closer to finding out, I will be a teenager. I liked talking to people today, I think I will talk to more tomorrow. Especially Nile! Lily [Age almost 13]   ‘’Lily, I’m dishing up sweetheart’’ Helen’s voice broke her thoughts of Nile. ‘’coming Mom’’ She called back, as she tucked her diary safe in her bedside table. She joined her Mom and Dad at the table and saw the large steamy bowl of stew and her stomach grumbled in appreciation. ‘’Someone’s peckish’’ her dad smiled right before he loaded up a large spoon and rammed it into his mouth humming in appreciation. Lily’s parents talked about their day, and she ate quietly. Nodding in the right parts and smiling when expected. ‘’You ok flower? You’re quiet this evening.’’ Oscar asked lily. ‘’Yeah, I’m great just a bit tired. It was busy wasn’t it Mom’’ she said trying to turn the conversation back to just them two. ‘’Oscar, Lily was such a help today. Service was rammed with the bad weather, no one left the main house like they usually would for trips and such. Lily had some nice chats too; I was very impressed’’ Oscar shot his head to Lily ‘’Way to go Flower! Did you talk to any kids?’’ Lily rolled her eyes at her Dad, he was forever trying to get her to make friends, but she really didn’t mind keeping herself to herself. It was much more peaceful that way. Before she could answer Helen jumped in ‘’She spoke to Nile A LOT!’’ and she gave a knowing nod ‘’Seriously Mom, you can stop whatever nonsense is going on in your crazy head. You are making it weird’’ Lily knew she was blushing as she said it, and her Dad trying to hide a smile was not helping. She stood up and took her bowl to the sink and ran the tap to fill the sink. She looked out the window as she always did and saw a dark shadow in a doorway. It made chills run down her spine… was that someone staring into the window, staring at her? ‘’Lily, Dad can wash up tonight sweetheart you worked hard today’’ her Mother said gently. Lily had turned toward her to smile in thanks and when she looked back to turn the tap off, she looked out the window, the shadow figure now gone. Did I imagine that? She thought. Lily went to the bathroom and did her usual bedtime routine. She took a book and sat on her bed and started to read a few chapters. Her mind wandering between Niles eyes and the strange shadow figure in the doorway of her neighbour’s cottage. Perhaps the light played tricks on my eyes, or im just tired she thought. She snuggled down into her cosy bed pulling up her blankets and closed her eyes with a small smile on her soft face until sleep came for her. 
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