II : Pink

1066 Words
This story takes place to where Peter announced who he really is already, (based on civil war comic) he's now 21 y/o and is the CEO of Parker industry. This is long way after homecoming. . . . Don't blame me' love make me crazy' If it doesn't you ain't doing it right. . . . There I was in front of the Parker Tower. It was tall and all the window were crystal clear as if it was built yesterday. I breathed in and out, telling myself to keep it nice and calm, I made sure I got all the paper they'll need then I walk in. As expected, everyone here dressed so luxury. Men wore a suit, Women wore heels. Their hair was either tied up so neat or curled up. I looked at myself and thought I should have worn something better. "Um... excuse me." I talked to the lady with lipstick even redder than Charlene's. "Did you have an appointment?" She asked without even looking at me, I guess whatever she was doing in her computer must be so important. "No..." She stopped typing and glanced at me. "You donn't?" "I've heard that Parker industry is having a scholarship for a students. Here are my grades and my personal background--" "He's here!!!" Someone shouted behind me, and suddenly, every single one of them panicked, from the woman at the front desk I was talking to, other employees, and the janitor. "Oh shit." She panicked, starting to clean things on her table, I thought it was already clean. Everybody panicked and didn't listen to me, I asked if they want me to come back later, or should I wait here, but no one bother to care. Couple seconds later the elevator door opened, a woman walked out. She was wearing heels, wearing a tight, black dress. Piles of files were in her arms. "Get in shape!" She yelled strongly, everyone listens to her. Everything about her is perfect as a working woman. Yet I'm still confused, what are they doing. Is this some kind of fire Fighting and Evacuation Fire Drill Training? "10 seconds left!!" She yelled again, everybody walked to their place and stand as if they were a statue. It took them to realize I was the only person standing in the middle of the hall confusedly. The reception girl tried to tell me to come and stand with her. But it was too late. I heard footsteps, it was getting closer and closer, finally, it stopped right behind my back. Oh, no. It's Mr.Parker isn't it? . . . Peter Parker's pov : "It got out of control, sir." He replied with his head down, I know he was scared, and he probably should, because I am not satisfied with the answer. "I don't like things that are out of control," I said sharply. They gulped as I sighed. "Don't let it happen ever again." I told them. I'm too tired to play the role of the intimidating CEO today, even though they work very badly, maybe I should fire them all and hire a better whole team. Well, today is not their bad luck. Since the expo is having a problem so let closed it. I'll be heading back to the tower sooner than I supposed to. My bodyguard drove the car, I was in the back seat, dealing with the hologram data, my company is doing just fine, we took a turn from Stark industries, selling weapons to his clients since Tony felt like he wanted to retire, this way it's good for both of us. New York is still New York, the view is just the same since 6 years ago. Only this time I look at it through Bugatti and not a school bus. We arrived and I hope that the rest of my employees won't piss me off even more than I already am. The guards walked in line to give me to say welcome, I just nodded. The guards were doing well, Nora, my assistant was waiting for me, she was doing well too. The janitor was also alright, this place looks clean as it possibly could, everything seemed perfect enough to make up could mood. Except for one. A girl standing in the way, each of my employees knew she wasn't supposed to be there, her (H/c) hair was tied up, even from behind she looked confused. I walked behind her, as everyone stared at us. She's doomed, they must be thinking that, she must be thinking, I almost did too, if she hadn't turned around to look at me first. Her innocent eyes look into mine. For once it almost felts like she can see my heart through it. Damn it, Parker. You can't just let her in like that. "I'm sorry.." She panicked and stepped away, I stopped her. "Name?" I asked with a cold voice. "...(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." She seemed distracted and terrified by me, which she should be. "And you're here for?" "I-- was hoping for, um, a scholarship, but I think my friends tricked me here, I--um." She struggled through her words, looking down, deniying to look at me in the eye, she wouldn't even dare to look at my feet. Interesting. She's pretty. The shades of her cheek were the same pink as the roses. The kind of face I like to stare at just to please myself. But that dress looks terrible on her, I can tell that it's cheap, she has no idea how to dress. She would be fantastic if I tame her right. Stop it, Parker. Now is not the time for such stuff, don't you beware of how distracted you'll be when she's around you? "Go." I gave her an order to move since she was dying to get away from my sight, I watched her walking with her head down away from my tower. Should I? I shouldn't. She's definitely better off without me. But those eyes though. Oh, holy s**t Parker, don't. "Nora." I said don't you son of a b***h, Peter. "Get her back, I want to talk to her in my office." I've done it, I couldn't help it. I walked away from them with the same face which they could never tell what I was thinking. They wouldn't even know what I had imagined about her. --------------
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