Having a talk

2032 Words

Marcus's POV So tomorrow my offices will be ready to move into. I know Lina is going to be angry at me for moving my offices next to hers. The thing is, I want to be close to her and get even closer to her. That is the only reason I am keeping my shares in A&G. I do not know much about telecommunications, and I want to learn. I also want to keep an eye on the Adams family, so they do not find out about Lina and her twins. I am sitting in my study when the housekeeper tells me two children want to see me at the front door. I am on my guard as I know it is Lucas and Melinda. I can not trust those two yet, although they have already stolen my heart. I consider putting on a helmet and protective closing before going to the door. "Marcus Green, you have never been afraid of anything. How the

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