My Children

2149 Words
Lina's POV When I get home, I see the housekeeper next door leaving Marcus' house with at least a thousand yellow roses in her hand, and I wonder what she did to deserve such a great present from her boss. I see two naughty little faces peeking out of the study room, and I wonder what happened today. As the two see me driving him, they quickly close the curtains and disappear from my view. What did they do now? I wonder as I look at Marcus walking out his back door, looking like he is sick or something. His eyes are watery, and it seems like he can not stop sneezing. I take the bunch of yellow sunflowers I bought from my car as I get out. "Well, bloody hell, at least the little s**t did not lie about the colour of the flower she likes," I hear Marcus mumbles. "Did you say something?" I ask. "No, nothing," Marcus says before he let out a sneeze again. "I guess you are allergic to roses like the twin? Is that why your housekeeper just left with a bunch of yellow roses?" I ask. "So they are allergic to roses! I should have known it was too good to be true, and here I thought Lucas was trying to make friends with me," Marcus says. "Don't tell me they send you the yellow roses?" I ask, and I wonder where they got the money from to pay for so many roses. "You can say that, and he made me pay for it," Marcus says. He keeps sneezing, and I can not help to laugh. "They made you pay for your own misery?" I ask. That's my boy! "Well, the roses were meant for you, and they send it to me," Marcus says, sneezing again. "Oh, so you send me the roses, and they send it to you? Damn, I have never been so proud of my children as I am right now!" I say, laughing. Marcus glares at me while he keeps sneezing. "Glad you find it funny. I was only going to say I was sorry about what happened at the restaurant yesterday," Marcus says. "Well, it treats you right for trying to humiliate me in a public place," I say "Oh, me kissing you on the head is a humiliation?" Marcus asks. "Well, yes!" I say. "Good to know," Marcus says, and I can see he is angry. He sneezes a few times more. Then he walks into his house. I can not help but laugh. My children have declared war on Marcus Green, and I will not stop them. I do not want a man in my life as I promised myself I would never be humiliated and hurt by a man again. A man like Marcus Green is dangerous for a woman like me. He is handsome and well built, but he is a billionaire, and I know rich men only want good-looking women hanging on their arms as ornaments. Look at my ex-husband. He took an older woman just because she was good looking, wealthy and successful, unlike me. I am too much of a plain Jane for the rich and famous men, and poor men only want you for your money. I have no illusions of myself. I know I am not as attractive as the women Marcus Green can get. He only wants to know me because of the children, and I can not allow that. Once he has and changes their surname to Green, I will be thrown out on the street again for a younger, more attractive woman. I will not go through all that again. That is one thing I promised myself. I take out the rest of my bags and walks into the house. I want to cook for the children tonight. One thing I have learned over the years is that I can cook. My ex-mother in law made me cook all the time as she saw me as her servant. She never wanted me to look good for Jack, and she always said I was trying to get my hands on both her sons, only because Fred always tried to get in my pants. Fred would try to get in any woman's pants, and I wonder if he and Angelina did something, and that is why Jack left the family business. Angelina would do anything to get her hands on the Adams family money as that was the only thing she was after. She never loved Jack. I know that, and I tried to warn him, but he laughed at me and told me I was just jealous of Angelina as she was beautiful and I was ugly and plain. She will make trouble between the brothers just to get some of the Adams family's money into Summers inc. I guess she got Jack out of the family business with his money. I do not care as I have no feelings left for Jack, but that does not mean I will not let him and his family pay for the past and what they have done to me. I want into the house with the shopping I have done and go straight to the kitchen. I put the flowers I bought myself in a flowerpot and put it on the table in the dining room. I will cook the children's favourite dish as they played that trick on Marcus Green. I do not trust Marcus as he is involved with the Adams family. Spaghetti bolognese is what I am cooking, and I know that two hungry little lions will be coming down the stairs in a while as soon as they smell the food cooking. I smile as I think of my children. I know they love me as much as I love them. I wonder if Marcus really didn't know who I was that night he slept with me. I wonder since he is involved with the Adams family, but back then, he was not. And why would he pay so much just to live next to my children and me? Surely not for a small business like the A&G., I am confused. I look in the mirror, and the only thing that stands out to me is my green eyes. I am no beauty. I am just ordinary. I walk away from the mirror that hangs on the wall near the stove. I have been told my whole life how ugly and useless I am. I can not change my looks, but I can change my attitude and become useful, even if it is only for the sake of my children. "Mommy!! You are making my favourite spaghetti bolognese!" Melinda says. "Yes, I am! Where is your brother today?" I ask. "He is just finishing his maths, then he will be down," Melinda says as she looks into the pots. "Why is he not finish before you like he usually is?" I ask. "Well, he and the uncle from next door had a little war going on today. The war of the roses!" Melinda laughs and tells me everything that happened, knowing I will not be angry at her brother. "Oh, that is a funny trick he played on Mr Green," I say, laughing. "Mum, why don't you like Mr Green?" Melinda asks. I can hear the longing in her voice, and I know my children miss having a father in their lives, but I can not and allow Marcus Green into my children's lives. "It is not that I do not like him. I just do not trust him. What if he tries to take my two precious jewels away from me?" I say, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Mommy, nobody can take us away from you. We love you more than anyone in this world," Melinda says. She hugs me and kisses me. "I will not allow him to upset you, mom," I hear Lucas says from behind us. "He is not upsetting me, babies. As long as I have you, I am happy," I say. "I smell spaghetti bolognese! Mom, you just made my day," Lucas changes the subject as he does not want me to be sad. "It is almost ready. Why don't you two go and put the plates on the table, and I will dish up?" I say. We eat and talk about our day, and Lucas tells me how he tricked the housekeeper into telling the delivery guys that the house next door belongs to Miss Harrison. I laugh again, but again I can see Lucas feels bad about tricking Marcus. "He told me he was proud of me for taking such good care of mom and my sister and for always looking out for you," Lucas says out of the blue, and I am taken aback a bit as I can hear the pride and longing in my son's voice as well. "Okay, you two wash up the dishes, and I am going to do a bit of work," I say. The children do not complain as they know it is part of their chores to do the dishes. They do get pocket money, but only if they do their chores. I walk out, and I overhear Melinda and Lucas talk. "Do you think dad is very angry with me?" Lucas asks Melinda. "I don't think so. I believe dad longs to be with mom and us. I guess dad is in love with mommy. She is beautiful and has a body to die for," Melinda says. "Yeah, I also got the feeling that dad is very much in love with mom. No one spends two thousand dollars on roses from England if he does not love or at least like a woman," Lucas says. "He paid two thousand dollars for the roses? Wow, dad is in love with mom!" Melinda says. Since when are my children thinking of Marcus as dad? I hope they don't put their hearts on Marcus and me being a couple. I am not going to get married or even have a relationship ever again. I walk to my office. My heart feels heavy as I know my children need Marcus in their lives. I am just not ready to allow him into their lives just yet. I will see what Marcus Green's plan is before I react. My cellphone starts ringing, and I see it is an unknown number. Maybe a client. I answer the phone, and to my amusement, I hear my father's voice coming from the other side of the phone. "Lina, honey, dad needs some help from you. I am in deep trouble, and I have nowhere else to go," He says. "Where did you get my number?" I ask. "I got it from the attorney, the one that sold my shares to you. He told me as a friend that you bought the shares in my company," My father says. "First of all, Mr Harrison. It is not your company anymore. It belongs to me now. Secondly, I do not have a father. I never had one. Do you remember the time you put a five-year-old little girl in the hospital? Well, you lost the title of father that day," I say. "I have changed, Lina, and I am sorry about the past. Can't you get it in your heart to forgive an old man for his mistakes?" My father asks. "Sorry, it is a little too late. I do not care about you. You never showed me love, and I will never and can never forgive you," I say. "I am about to lose the house, and I have nowhere else to go. I am desperate. You owe me for all the school fees and university fees I paid for you! You ungrateful b***h! I looked after you for years! You have not done one thing for me!" He shouts at me. "A father must look after his child. I will never ask anything from my children! Oh yeah, you don't even know you have grandchildren, do you? So go to hell and never call me again. As I said, I never had a father, only a cold drunk of a man that loved to hurt me and tell me how useless I was all my life. Sorry, Mr Harrison, you do not have a daughter that will ever help you in this life. Goodbye and good luck with the rest of your miserable life!" I say as I hang up the phone. I am tired after the phone call. It took a lot out of me. I sit in my office and cry. Even in his desperate situation, my father hates me. How can anyone but my children love me if my own parent hates me and sees me as useless.
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