
The Alpha and Luna’s Unbroken Destiny

another world

My name is Briar Nixon, I am 15 years old and the only heir to the Blue Snow pack, our peoples origins are clouded in legend and mystery, some say we where created to keep balance in the supernatural world and that the gods bestowed us with great power. We live a blessed and enchanted life until one fateful night when I lost my whole world, our beloved pack is decimated and I am left an orphan. With the help of my dads best friend and his very sexy son Xavier, we reveal the secrets of who I really am and battle to fulfill a destiny that has been centuries in the making, can we survive the evil that is trying to envelope the supernatural factions, and can Xavier and I fulfill our destiny that the gods themselves set in motion.

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The beginning
War had been raging for longer than anyone could remember. The Gods, fighting to be named the strongest; the only real losers were the humans. Four supreme beings stood together in a clearing of an ancient forest. Selene, goddess of the Werewolves, steps forward. “This is ridiculous. We each created our children because of the need to not be alone, but instead of loving, and cherishing them, we pit them against each other for the amusement of Zeus and his spoiled children. We have to join forces to protect our children, our bloodlines are the four strongest, and together we can protect the supernatural world, keep us safe and hidden.” She looked at the three deities before her; Meccan, father of vampires, Hecate, mother of witches, and Danu, mother of the fairies and sprites. They were all nodding in agreement. Hecate looks around her and winks at Danu, “this place is powerful. If we combine our magic, we can create a place of immense power that will give our children the power to protect all magical beings.” Danu nods in agreement, but with a frown creasing her forehead. “The magic will need to be renewed each year or the power will die out. Magic is not everlasting. It must be cared for”. Selene smiled. “I can create a new moon that will rise as the winter season changes to the spring, it can call forth a renewal of the mystical energy. I will make blue snowflakes cover this land, giving power to both the land and our children.” Meccah had been quiet throughout the exchange. He agreed with the three goddesses in principle, but had a nagging doubt, “and which of our children will rule? This will only work if we each have an equal share of this power.” Danu thought for a moment and then a smile lighted up her face, “we should combine our children, create a new race, one with all four of our children's attributes, give them the loyalty and strength of Selene’s wolves, the intelligence and ingenuity of Meccah’s vampires, the power and grace of Hecate’s witches and the beauty and fertility of my Fae, create a whole new bloodline that will hold a piece of each of us,” All four hold hands and the Blue Moon enclave begins. Three thousand years later ALPHA STEPHAN NIXON I am in a meeting with my beta, gamma and head tracker. My family have ruled this pack for centuries and peace has reigned throughout the supernatural world, for the most part. But recently there has been a foreboding presence in the air. My top trackers have been traveling for the last few years, spending time in different communities throughout the world, and the reports do not look good. My head tracker has informed us of fighting breaking out between species, each grabbing for power. There is talk of a dark sorcerer planting dark thoughts in each of the species to create hostilities. I sigh hopping the oracle will come soon with an answer to our problems. “Darling are you busy” my beautiful Luna Seren asks over Mind-link, “I always have time for you beautiful, how can I help you,” She giggles in my mind. Goddess, I love her, “I am going to see Allysa at the fae village. She has just had her baby and I need to cuddle the little princess” I smile, my Luna is crazy about babies. We have seven of our own already, but she has been dropping hints about making it an even number. I grinned and adjusted my pants as my crotch hardened at the thought. “Okay my love, but don’t stay long. It is the snow moon tonight and everyone needs to be within our borders, and please take care, I love you more than life angel.” “ I love you too my Alpha, I will be back long before moonrise.” About 20 minutes later, my office door slams open, and the oracle falls to the ground gasping, “where is the Luna? Is she safe?” I rushed to her side and told her that Seren had gone to visit the fae village. She lets out an anguished cry, “he has taken her, he will steal our power by draining her.” I roar in anger….. LUNA SEREN NIXON I awoke to find a man standing in front of me. We are in Allysa’s cottage. It is deathly quiet and the stench of blood is nauseating. The man is sneering down at me, "your friend was a very sweet snack, but now it is time for the banquet, I will take the whole power of your pack through your bond, then nothing will stop me taking over the whole supernatural world, even the stupid Gods will not stop me.” He cackles and hits me hard in the chest and I feel a pull on my heart, it feels like he is ripping out my soul. I glance to my left and see my beautiful friend and her baby slumped dead in the corner, both covered in blood. I felt my power draining, as rage pumped through my veins. I shoveled him away and with the last of my strength I thrust my hand into his chest and ripped out his heart, his eyes glazed over, a look of shock on his face. I know he has taken most of my people's power, but I feel the moon starting to rise. I channeled all my energy and called out to the moon goddess to give me strength for one last spell. I slice my wrists and let the blood flow from me and scream, “With the oath of my blood, I banish this dark creature to hell, and make a promise. Our power may be gone for now, but a daughter of my line will be born with the power to reunite the supernatural world, she will be the light in the darkness, and the strength of our people,” as she took her last breath she sent one last message, “I will love you for all eternity my Alpha, I am sorry."

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