Chapter 4:

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CHAPTER 4: Grace Evans/John Evans. Finally, it was Christmas Eve, meaning I've made it through all the hustle and bustle of the holiday. It's time to relax and soak in all the fun and meaning of Christmas day. Nathaniel and I. . . we don't like to have a big company on Christmas and Nathaniel has decided not to invite any of his friends like all his other Christmases. He said he always likes to spend his Christmas Eve alone with a glass of wine in his hand, sitting in front of the fireplace like the dramatic heroines you watch in black and white movies. But this year as I'm here, with him he decided not to leave me alone. Sometimes he acts so nice that it gets emotional for me and getting emotional is not my thing. Nathaniel came on time and I decided to give him his first surprise. Yes, I made him wear the ugly Christmas sweater and trust me he looked truly ugly. We broke out the ugly Christmas sweater and as usual, I was killing it. I got my phone and clicked some selfies of us. Nathaniel and I DIY gingerbread house for a fun activity and exchange one small gift. As the lazy bitches we are, we decided to have a Christmas Eve takeout dinner. . . . After stuffing ourselves to the fullest. Nathaniel brought out a bottle of wine and popped it open. He poured himself some and offered me. The temptation was there to try it and being the rebel I am I should have tried some but I decided to refrain from drinking. It's also a thrill to not listen to your temptations sometimes. I just feel like tonight is not the day to break this rule. . . maybe some other day. In the end, I decided to get the fire roaring and throw on a merry movie to watch. With so many Christmas movies to choose from, there will be no shortage of entertainment for the evening. . . . *Christmas day* Cold. . . I feel so cold. Why is my back hurting like a b***h? Where am I? What time is it? I opened my eyes and wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth. I looked at my posture and saw that I was laying on the cold ground with no blanket on. I saw Nathaniel passed out on the couch. This little b***h pushed me out of my place, I f*****g told him to sleep in the room if he wants but this motherfucker just wants to ruin my peace. . . ah, my back! It hurts! My teeth were chattering because of the cold and today snow was falling heavier than any other day. I was tired from yesterday's activities, I'm afraid I'll barely be able to do anything today. I went towards Nathaniel and he wasn't smelling good. "Nathaniel, wake your ass up, you b***h!" I yelled at him and he groaned. "Let me sleep, Evans!" He groaned and put the pillow on his face. "Half of the day has already passed. Go and take a shower, Nathaniel." I said and yawned loudly. This Christmas is going to be the laziest one of all. . . I can feel it but still, it's so much better than the one I used to spend back in Evan's household. I left Nathaniel on his own and went to take a shower and clean myself. A hot bath is needed for me to soothe the spasms in my muscles. After taking a shower and making myself a bit presentable I came out of the room only to get face to face with a zombie looking, Nathaniel. He's wasted, I'm sure he drank something else last night. "Get away Evans or else a puke is coming your way," Nathaniel said in a serious tone. There were bags under his eyes and he was looking oddly pale. I dashed away from him and told him to get himself together. A while later he came looking not so good. "Who knew that Nathaniel Quinn has no alcohol tolerance," I said and gave him a cup of green tea to detox his system. "I don't have weak alcohol tolerance, Evans. It's just I drank after a long time. It happens. . ." He said and I decided to let go of the topic. I decided to cook some food for us. Nathaniel and I need to have something in our stomachs to function for the day. I decided to make roast potatoes and some steak as a meal for Christmas and as my side dish, I told Nathaniel to make some mac n cheese. We both made breakfast, lunch and dinner at once because our lazy asses won't allow us to get up and cook again. Guess we'll be eating this all day. We stuffed our plates with food and sat on the couch, in front of the TV. I covered myself with a warm blanket. We decided to watch the traditional Christmas movies. After watching the home alone series we both decided to stretch out a little. "Now what, Evans?" Asked Nathaniel. "I'm going to order some snacks, it's Christmas and we haven't had any candy yet. What kind of an adult you're Nathaniel?" I asked him. "Oh, so now it's my fault? I guess you're forgetting Evans, but I'm the guest for today." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey, Nathaniel! Let's sing some Carol." I suggested and he looked at me with a bored expression. "I'm not into this Evans," Said Nathaniel and I scoffed. "Pussy." I said and rolled my eyes at him. "Aren't you getting a bit too blunt?" Said Nathaniel and I sneered at him. . . . *A few moments later* "Your turn, 'Mister I'm not a p***y' Let's see what you got," I said. I barely think that Nathaniel knows any Christmas songs. Nathaniel got up from his place and took the karaoke mike from me. He tapped on it thrice and glared at me. He then sighed and opened his mouth. My eyes widened as I listened to him. I was expecting the worst but this is. . . I couldn't believe my ears. "Where are you, Christmas? Why can't I find you? Why have you gone away? My world is changing, I'm rearranging, Does that mean Christmas changes too? Where are you, Christmas? Do you remember, The girl you used to know? You and I were so carefree, Now nothing easy, Did Christmas change? Or just me?" He didn't just sing "Where are you Christmas - Cindy Lou version!" He dropped the mike and smirked at me. "Oh Nathaniel honey, are you having some bad memories? Are you traumatized by something?" I asked him, showing my great sympathy. "That's the only song I know." He said in a nonchalant tone and I nodded. "Forgot to tell you that my ears almost bleed listening to you," I told him and he glared at me. "Same goes for you Evans," He said. And just like that, we tried our level best not to kill each other for the rest of the day. Looking forward to next year. I wonder what has the next year gotten for me? Will it be good? Will it be bad? Well, time will tell itself till then I can enjoy where I am today.
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