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/Ethan's POV/ I really can't believe she hasn't been told about it yet. I feel kinda bad I had to break the news to her, why hasn't her family member told her about it anyway? how stupid is that? I asked myself as I head back home. I had woke up that morning with Erica facing me...I had jumped out of bed in fright. I smiled recalling as she had come that morning with the purpose of bonding with her new uncle. "Uncle" she had yelled excitedly. What!? That girl had come to see me in a pretty excited mood, why the heck is that? I had pretty much wondered "I'm so sorry, she had been so excited to see and play with her uncle, her mom had advised her to wait last night because you were pretty tired and she just couldn't wait this morning. I'm so sorry for the disturbance" Her nanny had offered an apology making me give Erica a doting look. I might resent her dad for being the reason I was never noticed but she was still my niece, I had stood and moved over to her side as her nanny tried to convince her to follow her. "Let her be" I had said trying not to make the young girl feel bad, I moved over to her and kneel to her length. "Sorry uncle wasn't able to introduce himself properly, I'm Ethan, your father's younger brother" I had introduced and she beamed. "I'm Erica" she had returned the gesture excitedly. "So how old are you Erica?" I had asked with a doting look on my and that was because I loved her already. "I'm 6" she replied with a huge grin, her cheerfulness was very astonishing. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I had asked giving her a pensive look. "Yeah, but I am not leaving till 9, it's just 7:30" She had anxiously replied sitting on my couch in my little living room. I had moved into the bathroom afterward to brush my teeth because I was starting to feel uncomfortable talking with a dirty mouth. "Why are you anxious to meet me?" My question came immediately after coming out of the bathroom. "It gets lonely sometimes, I don't have anyone to play with except grandma and nanny Katherina, nanny Maria, grandma literally sleeps all the time and I get bored of nanny" She confessed sadly. "Where's your mom and aunt?" I had questioned her knowing my brother was not an option, he was clearly working. "Mom's always working with dad and aunt Emily's talks bore me, she only talks about shoes and bags, and besides she is still sleeping" She had explained ruefully, I kinda pitied her and hang around her, I still find it unbelievable that my brother's wife, left so early leaving her six-year-old to a nanny. I was upset so I hang around Erica more until she whined that she wanted me to drop her off at school, well I tried not to give in but she was just too cute, I had to agree, we chatted through the entire drive to her school, so I decided to hand over to her mentor, I was doing just that when I met Ariana. I knew she had come to drop her nephews as well. Ariana was an average height woman, ebony black hair, bright honey eyes, full round lips with chubby cheeks not too chubby though, she was bursty, perfect shape, her shape didn't make her bursty chest obvious, I knew my eyes were making her uncomfortable but I was just mad I'll have to get married well not necessary marriage because dad later explained it's just seven months contract but for goodness sake, I'll still be known as a divorcee once the contract was over I was mad, literally mad. I pulled over at the department store to get some stuff that I needed, I was doing just that when someone called my name. "Ethan!" She called shocked to see me, it was Stacie, one of my ex-girlfriends. "Oh, Stacie" I called out in surprise as well. "Wow, I wouldn't recognize you if I had met you first," I remarked literally ogling at her body, I miss it. I suddenly realized, she had lost some weight and changed her hairstyle, she used to be blonde but now she is wearing raven hair, her makeup was light too, she must have noticed I was checking her out that she blushed, didn't know I still have that effect on her. "It's really so nice to see you again, what did you do now? I asked as we walk together with the shopping trolleys. "Well, I worked for the commercials, I'm a model" she beamed proudly. "Wow that's great" I complimented. "So, what about you?" She asked in the same nice gesture and I quickly regretted bringing up the occupation topic. "Now I own-" shouldn't have I needed to say so she could invite me over, I needed to see her naked again. "I know I shouldn't be asking...never mind, That's was a stupid question, it's obvious you work for your Dad since your dad controls the McCain Co-operation. I shouldn't ask that. That was so stupid of me" She muttered feeling sorta embarrassed. "No, no...it's okay I really don't mind, I was actually stuck abroad for a while. Just got back" I explained trying to get her along. "Oh....that's so...awesome," She said blushing though I wouldn't consider it awesome, she was making me high with all the signals she was throwing. I thought as she smiled coyly at me. "Can I see you some other time?" I asked and her eyebrows shot up excitedly. "What about this evening...though I have a shoot now and a show later," she said throwing the opportunity which I just didn't let slip by. "Do you still live at your old house?" I asked and she smiled. "No...I moved. I live in a villa now, I'll text you the new address " She said patting my shoulder and was about to head off when I held her hand. "I changed my number as well" I quipped with a wink, I gave her my new number and head back home after getting my things. Mom was awake and was eating breakfast In her room, when I entered she smiled cleaning her lips with the napkin and dropping it on the tray for aunt Marie to take it away. "Mom" I called moving to sit next to her. "I heard you dropped Erica at school this morning, that's so thoughtful of you" she remarked and I smiled she took to her embroidery which was just on the shelf beside her. "So, have you met your fiancee yet?" My mom asked making me wonder how much she knew about the marriage, I was pretty certain she had no idea it was a business marriage. "I know you're worried about it because you don't know the kind of girl you're ending up with...but don't you worry. Your father always picks the best...look at Eric, your father picked for him and I'm pretty sure he's happy with her" Mom pointed while knitting, she was right about Eric's marriage, I was there, my brother had been so nervous about living with a girl he didn't know, it was just an arrangement between the parents because they were close but Eric had grown to love her after a year of living with her, well she didn't turn out bad herself but he was different, because of the kind of family involved. I was pretty sure my dad would not leave me to be married to them, that's why there was an agreement, after seven months then it's over. I sighed thinking about it was starting to make me sick. Why would dad had to use me as his pawn for his business by the way? I wondered. It doesn't make any sense, I was suddenly getting furious because I concluded it was the only thing he could use me for, my anger was starting to rise to my chest when the vibration of my phone broke my thoughts, Stacie had sent the address. She wanted to meet by 7, gracious lord it's 5 hours from now, I think I can live with that I thought leaving my mom's room after chatting with my mom for a while. I realized I was tired, I decided to take a nap which Erica woke me up. Kinda announced she was home from school. "Don't always do that" I groaned turning away from her. "I thought you'll pick me up from school why didn't you?" she demanded. "I was sleeping" I stated the obvious putting the pillow on my head. "Mom picked me up anyway, I told her you dropped me at school" she relayed but I just wanted to go back to sleep. "Erica!?" I heard a female voice call, it was neither of the nannies, probably her mom's. "Erica come have some food, your teacher told me you skipped lunch" she instructed but Erica didn't move an inch. "I think you should go downstairs" I urged but she merely snorted in response. "C'mon, your mom asked you to come eat" I added sitting up from the bed. "She didn't pack my lunch that was her fault" Erica whined and I sighed. "It was my fault...I totally forgot to pack you lunch, now don't make uncle feel bad and go downstairs for lunch" I urged looking into her sad eyes, she stood reluctantly and head for the door. "Are you not coming?" she asked making me realized I needed to eat myself. I followed her downstairs with her hand in mine and make sure I had her settled for lunch. "Hey hi" Lily greeted with a bright smile on her face. "Hi" I know I didn't respond to her in the same gesture she had to me but I was a little bit upset at her. "Thank you for dropping Erica in school, I had to quickly attend to something at the store" She offered to join us as the maids serve us lunch. "You really should free some time for her, she's your daughter, I mean she needs your time, your attention, I don't see what's more important than her" I raved a little upset, I was sure she wasn't expecting that. "I'll make sure that doesn't happen again" she said apologetically while we eat, Erica smiled at me as I spoonfeed her some vegetables to make her happy, I could see her mom smiling but I didn't mind, I like the girl. "Um...Ethan" Lily called and looked back as I was about to head to my room. "I have a fashion show to host tonight and I was thinking you could stay with Erica for me at the show, I don't want to leave her alone and also Eric promise to take us out after the show is over, you just have to keep her beside you till then, she requested nicely, trust me I had no intention to say yes because I was no babysitter and also I can't stand my brother but Erica knows how to make me. "Please uncle, I really want to watch the show" She requested with a puppy face and I chuckled as she cutely batted her lashes. "Of course, why don't you let uncle get changed first, I said and she jumped happily. I changed fast into casual jodhpur pants and Reglan top and casual slip-on which I complemented with a hooded jacket. I carried Erica on my shoulders as we head out. I bought her candy after we found a place to sit at the show, her mom had made two front seats available, the show started late but it was fun, it was expertise to show the new trends of designer shoes and bag, I heard a girl commenting at the back and I could never mistake that voice, why should I expect my sister not to be here? she was into these things, she kept telling her friends her sister-in-law was the one hosting it, I hid my face immediately, she like showing me off because of my handsome face but I was not in the mood for that, not when Erica was next beside me. I saw Erica's mom briefly, she looked towards an empty chair and sighed exasperatedly, she must be expecting my brother, my jaw tightened in anger, how could he not show up when his wife was hosting such a very important event, he was a jerk! I declared to myself I was still watching when I saw Stacie come out in a grand outfit, the most adoring outfit ever that will cost millions of dollars. I thought as she shows off at the stage, she saw me and winked oh, that melted me like an ice cream puddle, she looked really great in that outfit I thought and I applauded as others did, just when the event was about rounding off, I saw my brother making his way to his seat. "Daddy" Erica yelled getting her mom's attention from the stage they smiled at each other as he picked Erica up into his arms, Erica told him something making him look my way, I was indifferent nevertheless, I just averted his gaze and concentrate on the show as Erica's mom resumed her speech about the designs, I seriously couldn't wait for the show to be over and after it did I head out waiting for Stacie when I saw my brother with Erica still in his arms. He was about heading towards me when Stacie hugged me from the back, My brother looked stunned and kinda confused but I didn't mind, I just chatted with Stacie freely complimenting her and stuffs before offering her a ride home, we got to her villa safely, her home was great but I couldn't make out much of it until she switched on the light. It was such a cool arrangement really. The sitting room was opposite the dining and the kitchen and both are facing the door to probably her room. Her home appliances and decorations didn't show luxury but they did show off her wealth. She offered me a cup of orange juice which I took gladly, I didn't get to finish it though her hands were on my chest, I smiled pulling her in for a kiss, as I put down the drink. She accepted it gladly, I got off her expensive dress kissing her roughly and caressing her in the process as I lead her to her couch. I got off my pants planting kisses from her neck down, she rolled me over in control. Then we fall on the floor, which was fluffy and soft, so I guess her sitting room was rugged, we had no problem but I mistakenly hit the remote which was laying carelessly on the floor. "McCain Donald has finally proven to the world he really can work with Wright empire on the One trillion dollars worth contract issued by the president as both men suddenly announced the marriage of their children to the world at the merry junior concert which the president attended. The reporter relayed and I froze in my track. "This can't be happening" I muttered and Stacie looked up at me dryly. "What?" She asked not too sure what I meant by the statement. "I have to go," I said grabbing my pants and putting them on. "But Ethan" Stacie called sounding kinda disappointed. "I'm sorry Stacie...but I really have to go" I apologized as I buttoned up my shirt and hastily got into my pants. I'm sure she also realized what was happening after my name and Ariana's name were suddenly announced next. This is bad. I thought taking one last glance at Stacie before leaving. I actually needed to rip someone's heart out at the moment. I know I shouldn't go home feeling like This...so I hit the club...I needed to drown myself or I'm going to beat the living daylight out of someone. I was still drinking when I found someone familiar. "It couldn't be-" I muttered to myself trying to stand on my wry legs. The effect of the alcohol has started to kick in, I thought as I head towards the direction of the girl I saw randomly taken by a guy who was trying to make her walk properly. "Almost there darling" The ugly dickhead urged as he made her go into the motel which was situated at the back of the club. I walked faster to catch up and I saw him bring the girl in, the dumbass didn't even lock the goddamn door. I scoffed. The alcohol was affecting me big time. I want it to though but wrong timing, I thought as long as I looked through the door to see the lunatic peeling off Ariana's clothes. I smirked mischievously. He was taking advantage of her drunken state. I hate those kinds of cowards! I thought and bust the door open, immediately the stupid i***t approached me I broke the bottle of vodka on his head, making him stumble hard. He fell with a thud. Then I saw the heavenly body in front of me. 'Keep cool Ethan' I told myself knowing the alcohol was making me drool over her body which was now so exposed, she still had her skirt on but her shirt was exposed leaving her silk red bra in view. I did remember covering her up whatever happens next I had no idea. --------------------
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