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/Ariana's POV/ My day had been hell boring well I just stayed in bed all day and I picked the kids at school, I was somehow disappointed not to see my fake future husband really. Erica was picked by her mom I guess since she was calling her mom...I kinda notice the twins don't get along with Erica at all. Can't blame them, McDonald's and Wright just don't get along. I got home and help mom bake after baking I just walk to my room. I tried calling Stefan but he wasn't picking and I started to think it was all because I ignored his calls in the morning not really ignored, it was all his fault in the first place, I let out an exasperated sigh because I was already getting frustrated thinking about it. I was walking to my mom's room ready for a piece of motherly advice when I noticed my dad's study was open. He wasn't the type to be in by this time of the day. He must have taken a day off. "Dad?" I called and he looked up from the few paperwork he was dealing with. "I see you're here" My dad pointed out dryly before concentrating back on his papers. "Dad...please...I don't want to do this... I don't want to have a fake marriage then divorce later. I have a boyfriend and we- "Ariana!" My dad snapped and I almost jumped. "You left home and run away from your responsibilities, I let you despite there's a place you could fit in at the office. I let you off to pick the job of your choice. I never gave any of your brothers that much freedom. I allowed your rebellious decisions and never once complained of your lack of responsibility as a Wright but you complain about the only thing you could actually prove your worth with. Don't test me Ariana and I found out about your soul called boyfriend. He doesn't seem so serious about you." My dad sneered dropping an envelope on the table. The contents spilled to reveal pictures of Stefan with his busy life, but what I do not understand was that there was this particular blonde that appeared almost in all the pictures. "She must be his friend." I defended very sure my dad was messing with me. "Grow up Ariana. This life is not a fairy tale. You have to work your way up the ladder no matter what it takes. You can't let a scumbag like him blur your vision. he doesn't deserve you- "So, the person you're pairing me with does" I quipped trying to stop the tears that had suddenly laced my eyes. "It's just for a short while- "Dad I'm not an enterprise to invest in, I'm human, I have feelings too- "And that's why you're given this role- "Have...you...have you...considered how I feel about this...at all" I stuttered as my voice slowly breaks and I feel the urge to cry but I just stormed out of his office and head back to my room. I cried my eyes out in there. My mom came in later on, she stroked my naturally curly hair gently. "I don't want to do this mom. I'm not in for it...I have a life of my own" I sobbed and she patted me allowing me to cry as much as I could. Soon I drifted off to sleep and woke up with a persistent headache. I got into my shower and run myself a bath. I was done dressing and sitting right in front of my TV when my phone rang. It was unknown, I didn't want to pick at first, I wasn't in the mood as I munch the popcorn I had ordered one of the maids before sitting in front of the TV to watch some movies. "Hello," I said into the receiver. "Girl! That's so lame of you not to inform me of your arrival" The person snapped immediately, I couldn't have mistaken that voice even if I wanted to. It was my best friend Bethany who I had left to go to college. Her dream was different. She wanted to become an event planner. She wasn't into college but two years after I left, she ringed me up telling me she's gotten into college to study public relations. It was lame but it did the job. She was now a public relations officer as well as an event planner she always wanted to be, she visited me thrice during my stay in New York. "Sorry" I apologized immediately she said hello to make sure I was still on the phone. "What's up with you girl...you sound...not happy. I was so happy to hear you're back. I kinda run into Danny who broke the news to me. Can't lie baby girl, I was a little disappointed." She confessed. "Sorry Beth...I just had so much s**t going on. You know how my dad can be" I breathed sadly, sounding very frustrated. "Ow baby girl...wanna hang...maybe you can tell me all about it?" She asked trying to make me feel better, I sighed not sure I wanted to get my lazy butt out of my couch at the moment. "Yeah, you're right. I need to get outta this place. I need fresh air, I'll be at your place in 30mins- "Hey, hold on pretty. I moved. I'll text you the new address" She sharply cut in and I smiled at her way of expressing herself. Bethany was an independent woman, a feminist who believes women are free spirits and need not be tamed. She wasn't into committed relationships and could call it a day anytime she thinks a man's f*****g up, easy for her. She was a black American beauty, her chocolate skin was divine, something any man would take a look at twice, so she had no problem at all. The vibration of my phone drew my attention and I grab it with my car keys after putting on a flowery short gown with blue ballerina flats and a princess jacket. I loved decent. I hate myself to be so exposed, I was gifted with figure, I hate if it becomes too obvious. I packed my hair into a messy bun and head out after putting on light makeup. "Hey, where you going? Davis asked as I got into the general sitting room which was the largest in the house to be precise. "None ya business" I spat moving out without minding. Getting Into my bright blue BMW I made my way outside honking twice before the gate opened. I was happy to feel the wind hitting my face. I wasn't really a fan of driving because I was reckless. I believe in freedom but after being pulled over a couple of times by officers for speeding I started to hate driving but I still love the feeling. I pulled over in front of Bethany's apartment building and make my way to Bethany's apartment. I was just about to knock when the door opened to reveal Bethany seeing a guy off. I made a face, not of shock but a face that says 'yo girl you haven't changed a bit the man pecked her probably wanting to leave, and I look away tempted to say 'get a room'. "Hey" I greeted after they were done. "Hey" Beth replied hands on the man's waist. I was waiting for the man to actually get lost when Beth introduced me. "Ariana...meet my boyfriend Liam...Liam meet my lost but found bestie" Bethany grinned at the man. "Ariana," I said taking the guy's warm hand as he gestured it over for a handshake. "Liam," the guy said with a warm smile and I returned the gesture. "I'll you see around baby" Liam declared wanting to leave. "Nice meeting you Ariana" Those were his final words before leaving. "My pleasure," I said after him a bit louder as he disappeared down the hallway. "Hey...didn't know I'll see you early," Beth said and I gave her a scornful look. "Come on...don't look at me like that- "You have got to be f*****g kidding me right now Beth- "What? why?" Beth asked gesturing me inside her simple one-room apartment which looks pretty cramped up. "What happened to Andrew?' I asked throwing on her couch my jacket which I had used to cover my armless gown. "He messed up- "Ow...really? I'm sure this one is going to mess up as well...you can't keep changing men like that- "Liam is different. Andrew is an asshole." She declared resting her body on the wall opposite her lightly furnished sitting room. "o...kay" I drawled in a tone that says 'go on' "I swear Liam is the last...I mean I really love the guy. He's different" She made known but I could only watch. "Trust me girl.... I've been with him for 3years now, that's the longest I've been with any guy and you know that- "Well, this is new- "I even took him to my mom...I mean I'm serious about this one" She admitted with all sincerity in her eyes. "I don't know Beth...I mean, you can be very deceiving- "I'm serious...I love this guy...I mean it" Beth convinced and I sighed not wanting to nag, we end up ordering and eating pizza in front of her big TV screen. "So...you're getting married to Ethan McCain," Beth asked still trying to sink in the news after I explained everything to her. "That's like the 12th time you're repeating that" I reminded and she chuckled. "I mean girl. You're so damn lucky...I mean the guy's like freaking hot" She said and I quirked an eyebrow at her expression. "Except the fact that I'll be marrying Ethan, have you been listening to anything else at all?" I questioned furrowing my brows slightly. "What's there listen to, I mean like you're gonna be stuck with a freaking hot dude for 7months...girl. That's a privilege you should enjoy, a pleasure you should savor- "Beth... I have a f*****g boyfriend!" I spelled out for her. "Except that- "How am I gonna break this to Stefan...he'll be heartbroken- "You don't even know if this guy likes you. Didn't you tell me you saw him with another girl in like 6 different pictures?" "Glad you picked that" I commented sarcastically. "Baby girl...if you'll listen to me. I'll tell you not to fight fate. Just enjoy destiny as it rolls, don't fight don't scream. No matter how the way turned just be ready to fit into it. Don't start giving yourself a headache Ar, nothing in this world is worth your headache" She shrugged sipping her can of beer. Maybe she was right why fight fate when you could just roll with it to avoid headaches, I thought sipping my drink silently. We chatted away afterward. She filled me in about her work and I filled her in about mine, I never seized to check my phone for Stefan's call, none came and it was starting to infuriate me, just then I saw my dad on TV, shaking hands with 'Donald McCain', well this is not my good day I thought as the reporter makes her announcement. "Wow... That's huge. Your marriage has just been announced on TV" Beth let out enthusiastically and I fought back tears. It was on international news, Everyone, practically everyone including my boyfriend will know about this. "I think I need to get you out for fresh air," Beth said must have noticed my change in mood. She forced me to hit the club with her. I needed to dance the worries away too...I need it loud... I really don't wanna think about it. I thought as we get in. I never liked this kind of lifestyle. I was the decent type of girl who just prefers a quiet life...but today, I broke my rules and filled my cup. I took shot after shots not caring how many bottles I had. "Ar...you're taking too much" Beth cautioned and I smiled, I was drunk. I could feel it...I didn't mind actually, it was just what I needed, I kept swaying and grinding my hips against an unknown man. Let's just roll along with fate Beth had told me. I was doing just that...rolling along with fate. I laughed at my stupid ideology of fate...and continue dancing then Beth yelled over the loud music that she wanted to pick a call. I nodded telling her I could take care of myself. Lame! I thought because I know I was too drunk to do that. Beth left and the man that had been behind me all the time whispered to me. "Seems you need a hot night sweetie" he whispered blowing hot air to my neck. I felt my senses going blurry and I felt like spilling my contents, but before I know it. I was staggering along the hall of the rooms of the motel which the club owns. I really didn't figure out any other thing before I was laid down to a very soft surface. I relaxed into it, just what I need, I thought and close my eyes but my eyes were slightly open to see two people fighting, probably dreaming I thought as I drifted off. Now I am staring at my half-naked body in terror and shock. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I screamed...on top of my lungs. Waking the man sleeping next to me as well as the one tied on the chair made to face me. Did I tie the man...to pleasure him? I subconsciously asked myself in terror. I had a threesome I almost cried looking at the second man whose face was buried in the sheet. But something was strange...both men were still dressed probably except the one tied has his shirt flown that ignite hope in me, there was still a chance nothing happened. "WTF!!?" the guy beside me cursed out loud and I flinched after seeing his face clearly, he seems he was trying to study his surroundings too, he jumped on seeing me. That makes two of us I thought. I covered myself with the blanket waiting for someone to speak and he did but he was pacing. "Oh, now I remember," He said facing the man tied to the chair looking horribly swollen. Ethan suddenly hit him in the face. Ow... I said scrunching up my face as his fist landed on the stranger's face. "What happened?" I asked feeling ashamed of myself...of course, I should be ashamed...I don't even know where I was. "Does anybody teach you not to have so much drink when no one's with you?" Ethan asked scornfully as if scolding me. That wasn't...something I enjoy. "This shameless guy over here almost took advantage of you last night...do you not remember that?" He asked brows arched and face scrunched in disgust. I heaved a sigh of relief adjusting the blouse and skimpy skirt Bethany had borrowed me before going to club speaking of Bethany. My head raised an alarm knowing she'll be worried sick. I grabbed my shoes and my purse ignoring the shocking look of Ethan McCain, I was about to head out when he held me. "You...are so ignorant. You were almost taken advantage of and I had to save your butt from it...but you stood and decided to walk out of me without any words at all- "What did you expect from me, Ethan McCain? Explanation.? You're not my f*****g father!" I spat at him and his lips twitched in distaste. "You owe me no explanation for your wildlife Ariana...but I'm not very accustomed to ungrateful bitches that find it hard to say thank you for saving their ass from danger" Ethan McCain snapped and I froze. Yeah, that was rude of me...he didn't wait for any more words from me and stormed out of the room in anger. I was so angry, so angry that I felt a hangover kick in but I ignored it. "Um...little help here" The tied man requested and I removed my flat shoe to give him a resounding slap before heading out. Thankfully the content of my purse was still complete. I took my phone to see 92missed calls, 51text messages. It's not my day at all. I thought as I took it and start scrolling through..5 calls from Stefan, 10from Davis, 50 Bethany, 8 from Danny, 7 from Damian, 6 from Mom...oh come on. I'm so dead! I thought about getting to the door to realize the clothes were too exposed... It was already 9 and everyone seems to be passing freely. I ran quickly to my car and get in...I'm screwed! I thought. ----------------
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