Episode 3-Ethan

2479 Words
/Ethan's POV/ That flight felt like forever, I was happy to be off. My brother's assistant was the one to pick me which I considered unacceptable. I thought as I walked down to the exit with my medium size traveling box in my hand. Is this how my dad welcome the son he'd seen in years? I wondered. Can't blame him? He was probably still mad. I'm Ethan...Ethan McCain. The only unworthy son of McCain Donald. Am I to be blamed for that? Father hardly looked at me. The only person he ever cares about was his filial son. That's my brother, Eric McCain. Well, you can guess I'm not that cool with him. Always acting like the world rest on his shoulders. Trying to boss me around like dad, telling me what to do and what not to do, I mean it's irritating. I couldn't get my dad's attention because of him and I kinda detest him for that. The only way I could get dad's attention...was to simply get into trouble. It works a lot, and also...I get to trouble my ever powerful brother too. He's either bailing me out of jail, or fixing my mess. I did that for a very long time. If I could remember perfectly...I started doing that at 14, and father out of anger sent me to New York at 22. It was like an exile, I was forced to stay there and study and after 8 years. I'm being called back home because father needs me. I kept wondering why father needs me. He almost never needs me, I saw a young woman holding a board with my name on it. I found it very embarrassing because I could just make my way home. I got to the woman and exhaled deeply. "What are you doing?" I asked coldly slightly furrowing my brows. "Oh sir...I'm Sofia...I'm your brothers assistant. I was asked to pick you up, he would have himself but he's in a meeting at the moment. Your car is just right there" The assistant was nice so I regretted being so cold at her but I can't take my brother's bossiness, not again. "Sorry but I'll like to go home by myself. Tell him I'm not a baby. I can make my way home and also, sorry for this. I would have love to take the taxi so you and the driver could go back safely but I wouldn't love to ruin my suit. So get your self a taxi" I stated softly trying to be nice as I removed few dollars in my wallet and put it into her hand before heading to the car. I made both her and the driver leave. It was fun driving myself, I made my way to my house. I actually stop living with my parents at 20 though mom almost got depressed because of it. I had no choice than to spend more time at home. Speaking of my mom, her call came right in. "Hello mom" I said into the phone Immediately I picked, putting it between the crook of my neck as I took my traveling box with one hand and tried to input password with the other after arriving at my doorstep. "You're not coming home are you?" My mom asked through the receiver. "Mom... I can take care of myself- "Don't you miss me? It's been so long I've set my eyes on you. Why won't you come home Ethan?" Mom sounded sad with her brittle voice, I groan in frustration, maybe from my mom whining or my door that keeps telling me wrong password. "Ethan?" My mom called probably to get my attention since I've been kinda silent. "Have my brother being to my house mom?" I inquired suddenly guessing me not gaining entrance was his fault. "He did visit when you were not around- "hgh" I groaned hitting the door. "Are you okay Ethan?" my mom asked sounding worried and concerned. "I'll see you later mom" I said and hanged up. I got into the car and drive to my brother's office in anger. I banged his office door distracting everyone at the meeting hall. Thankfully dad was not there. "You're dismissed" Eric announced and the board stood and walked by past me. Eric was tall, yeah flows in the family, he had sky blue eyes which I always kinda admire, blue deeper than mine. His Golden brown hair was neatly styled and he had a clean shave, no stubbles and he looked really nice in his nice grey complete suit but I wasn't gonna tell him that. "Hi brother. I can see you haven't changed much- "Save me the talk Eric, why did you go to my house?" frowned asked not ready for his chit-chat. "I knew you wouldn't want to come back home once you're back. Mom have been so down since you left. She needs you- "I can deal with that in my own way- "You mean coming and going from your house. I'm just trying to save your ass buddy. Father would not hear of it if you come and decided not to stay in the house- "And that's my business, not yours." I literally half yelled at him. "He was going to have that place leveled down to dust... I was just trying- "What's the new password Eric?" I questioned not minding whatever his excuses are. "Ethan- "I said what's the new password?" I asked a little louder than before. "What's the noise all about?" Dad entered asking. McCain Donald! "You're back" Dad pointed not too surprised about it, though he sounded like he didn't know. Age 65, tall, with grey hair but had the same eyes as my brother. "What are you doing here instead of being at home with your mother?" My dad asked giving me a questioning look. "I'm not going back home Dad" I timidly replied. Dad stared at me with obvious anger written all over his face. "You would go home this instant." My dad ordered eyes intensely fixed on me. "I don't want to" I let out softly. "Where do you want to go? your old house? It'll crumble before your eyes" Dad threatened harshly. "I can always move" I timidly retorted. "Ethan!" Eric cautioned. I know messing with dad was a bad idea. He could make my life miserable if he want to but I was just tired of being bossed around, I am no more a kid for crying out loud. "Your mother...is suffering from depression. She misses you...you know I would not have wanted you to stay, if not because of her. She tried to kill herself twice" Well dad got me there. I can't deny on hearing that my heart sank. Mom tried to commit suicide, that was unthinkable. "She yearns for you everyday" Dad voice was calm now...calm and sad. Seeing dad so serious about this, I couldn't help believing; I was helpless. It must be true I thought. I felt my pride broke and I let out a sharp exhale before heading out still very upset about being bossed around. I ride home immediately. On getting to our mansion, I sighed softly staring at the steps into the house. I didn't want to come here. My memories of leaving the place still stung. I had come home after a street fight and was with bruises all over and dad had came back from work after a bad day. It's like two anger colliding. He had rained insults on me calling me a disappointment. I was furious. He didn't ask for what was wrong or how I was feeling? why I had so many bruises, I was too furious to think so I stood and walked out of him. I immediately cash out all the money on my bank account because He had a terrible habit of blocking our credit card when he's mad us. Why didn't I say blocking my credit card because apparently I'm not the only victim. My sister suffers it too. Well, I kinda forgot I do...her presence at the doorway reminds me just how she was one hell of a spender. So my dad set a limit once she exceed that...she'll have to suffer for weeks. "Ethan!" she squealed running into my arms. Emily shared the same eye color as mine and had sleek sparkling amber hair with the same nose shape as mine. She was taller than her mates too. She had small pouted lips and round face. She is quite adorable especially in the flowery knee-length dress she had on. "Gracious lord you're here...shocking!" she exclaimed. "Didn't Eric say anything about me coming back?" I asked as she tightened her hug. "Yeah he did...kinda skipped my mind or probably because I really didn't expect you to be standing right in front of me." Emily said playfully as she released me. "Well, I'm so glad you're here. Mom wouldn't let me out on time. I'm going shopping with my friends. I have a school dance tonight. I haven't picked out what to wear" Emily complained. "Okay, go ahead. I'll take care of mom...I can't believe this is how you'll greet a brother you've seen in 8 years Emily." I smirked and she gave me a naughty look. "Well, I video chat you all the time- "That's when you want to show me off to your friends" I protested. "C'mon Ethan let me off!" " Emily chided gliding off towards the parking range. I snickered and walked in. my eyes watered on setting eyes on my nanny. "Ethan is that you?" Aunt Maria beamed as her eyes set on mine. Every rich kid always has that plump short woman that raised them. Aunt Maria is just mine. She had short sandy hair with fringes. "Aunt Maria...How are you doing here?" I asked surprised and excited to see her. "I'm so glad you're safe and sound" aunt Maria replied with watery eyes. "Your mother is waiting for you" aunt Maria said and I sprint to my mother's room. "Mom" I called softly, she was on bed leaning with about three pillow against the headboard for support. In a her hand lies a cup of coffee. "Ethan!" Mom squealed climbing down from her bed and running into my hands. She wept like a baby. "I'm so glad you're home. My baby is home" She said and I felt tears escape my eyes. How could I have neglected her so much because of my own pride.You can guess. I'm a momma's boy not because I took so much after her. I just grow to love her more since dad never pays me any attention. She was always there acting like both father and mother. "That's how much she had walk in years. She was always lying down, only had to walk to the toilet. She always have her food in bed too. She said she can bear not seeing you at the dinning. It's like the family isn't complete" Aunt Maria explained as I pet my mother to sleep. "I assume my dad called you back to take care of her" I guessed and she nodded. "I've had your old room prepared. You won't have to worry much about anything. Your brother had many if your things moved." She informed and I clenched my fist on mentioning my brother. I just hate that guy! I thought as I head back to the room to have some rest. I woke up to see mom stroking my hair. "Mom" I whined sleepily as I turned to her, she was making me feel like a 10year old which was not really my thing anymore. "Welcome home son." She said with a warm smile. "Thanks mom" I replied in gratitude before standing up. "It's time for dinner why don't you come downstairs" Mom suggested and I smiled glad there was improvement in her mood. "Of course mom" I agreed glad she was willing to go downstairs because of me. She was just leaving when I hug her from the back. "I promise never to leave you ever again. I'll rather go everywhere with you" I said and she turned to me with a bright smile. "Come have dinner" She beckoned with her warm palm on my cheeks and I nodded into her hand and moved to get dressed as I was only in my pants. I kind of received two shock when I got down. First my mom who hasn't come down in years as I was told was in the kitchen directing the dinner...two....I have a cousin. "Is that uncle?" She asked staring warily at me. Yes Eric got married before I left but the child was still shocking. "Hi" I greeted Lilly who was my sister in law, I kinda of get along just well with her. "I'm glad you're back Ethan" She muttered to me with a smile curling up her lips. "I bet you haven't met your cousin...she's Erica...age 6" she introduced stroking her daughter's hair. "Obviously" I muttered finding it rather strange. "I'm home" Eric announced giving his suit and briefcase to one of the maid on stepping foot in the house. I didn't notice dad was around too. They all settled at the dining and I could see a beaming smile on mom's face. She was so delighted to see us all together. "I'm glad you came down to eat dinner" my dad said squeezing my mom's hand gently. "Why wouldn't I? When my whole family is here" Mom replied with a smile. "You look so much like dad" Erica commented making me look at Eric all of a sudden. It disgust me to see a smile plastered on his face. "I'm glad your father finally found someone for you or did you have a girlfriend?" Mom asked out of the blue as we all started eating. "I don't have one" I answered honestly. "But wait...what do you mean dad found someone for me?" I asked and Dad raised his head to face mom. "I should have been the one to tell him" My dad said and my mom gave him an apologetic look. "Tell me what?" I queried, my eyes moving from my mom to my dad. "Well...you'll be getting married to the last daughter of the Wright family- "What!?" I screamed shocked out of my bones. "The Wright's only daughter- "You mean...the same Wright...like Wright, Wright" I asked sounding and looking extremely shocked. "Yes- "You...have...got to be kidding me dad!" I voiced standing. Is he messing with me? he want to have my marriage under control too..isn't the Wright like his enemy or something? I asked lost in thought for a while until I heard him shout for me to sit down. This is not good! I thought taking my seat again. ________________
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