Episode 2-Ariana

2346 Words
/Ariana's POV/ Watching through the plane window. I realized I was actually flying back home, I still couldn't believe I'm actually flying to my parents. Why they suddenly called me I have no idea. Well, I'm Ariana Wright. Half African...half American. My mom's from New Jersey and my dad. He's a South African that haven't actually been home since the beginning of time. He'd only been home three times as I recalled him saying. He spent most of his time as my grandpa's secretary and end up falling in love with my mom and ended up owning the world as my grandpa entrusted him with his wealth as well as my mother who was his only child...well, He didn't made a bad decision. My dad truly love my mom, the love that has always flourished. Thinking about how their love had brought us up over the years made me warm in the inside. I waited for the flight attendant to get me the champagne I ordered. I was happy to see them bringing it until the attendant diverted from my side and headed off to the side of another passenger. "Excuse me?" I called and the blonde attendant, raise her head looking at me as she pour the champagne but she had to quickly pay focus to avoid spilling the drink on the guy with expensive suit who was sitting in front of her. I was annoyed, I had ordered for champagne for over an hour and only for them to bring it and gestured it over to another person, that was really kinda rude. I stood and headed towards the man. He was a guy not more than 6'1 tall, straight face, long pointed nose, baby blue eyes, his suit looks really expensive. His Italian leather shoe reflects the sun penetrating the window glass in an absolutely awesome manner, looking at him now. He was either in his early 30's or late 20's. "What is it?" The flawless face guy asked voice soft and calm. "Don't you you think it's very rude snatching someone's order. I ordered for the champagne- "Excuse me, ma'am?" The flight attendant called my attention. "I'm sorry if I'm being rude but how do you survive being an attendant if you can't properly recall who ordered?" I frowned at the lady who looked quite apologetic. "I think your order just arrived" the lady managed to say while I glared at her and I looked back only to see another flight attendant pushing the food cart to my seat with my champagne. "Um... I'm sorry for the mix up. What a coincidence...I didn't- "Apologize politely to the lady." The guy insisted speaking up for the woman, who told him he could tell me what to do? I wondered. He'd being sitting quietly watching my drama seeing him talk now was quite embarrassing to me. "I'm sorry" I finally voiced to the attendant and walked back to my seat terribly embarrassed. I lost interest in the champagne after that, if only I'd been more patient, I groaned inwardly and forced the champagne to my lips, the taste and scent brought the craving back. I relaxed and watch the day pass by but not without stealing glances at the incredibly awesome jerk. I've never been the sort to be embarrassed easily but it happens. was he just checking out the attendant? I wondered watching him as his head tilt from his seat towards the attendant that was heading away. It couldn't be? Could it? I subconsciously asked myself watching him quickly arrange himself as the attendant turn to face him. He was a jerk after all, I scoffed at my conclusion, shoving off the thought of him being incredibly handsome. The flight ended well and when I got off, I saw my dad's most trusted guard waiting with a poster in his hand. He's not the type that smile very often. "Hello small uncle" I greeted him in the most unlikely way he would like to be greeted. He hated the fact that I call him small. Well don't blame me, he's really small. I clocked 26 last month and I'm 2ft taller than this 49 year old grump. Not like I like to call him that, his face really look like that of my grandma. I hugged him briefly even though he don't like being hugged. He helped me with my things and open the limo for me. I hop in immediately. I was exhausted from the flight. I didn't get home before dozing off, I was really exhausted, climbing down to be hit by Los Angeles sun was amazing. I'm home I thought as I walk with my handbag into my father's mansion. "Ow...my daughter's home?" mom shouted from the stairs heading down immediately. "Hi mom" I greeted and hugged her. I missed her, I can't deny that. I've been away from home for like forever. I got into college 10years ago. I was young but I wanted to be away from home as soon as possible. What difference does it makes. My parents were never home. My three brothers that always keep me company started disappearing too after father get them into the company. Everyone of them studied business administration just because dad asked them to. I mean it sucks having to do as you're told, I didn't want to be like my brothers, not in the slightest. I wanted to be free to be more of me. I didn't want to do things just because dad asked me to. I hate watching how dad always treat my brothers at the dining table. It's always have you done this, have you done that. I didn't wanna be like them. So I left home. I studied neurology and I've been working for over 3yrs before I got a sudden call from home. Dad practically threatened me to come home or I'll never be his daughter again, who does that? I thought. Mom hugged me tight then let go to look at how fully I've grown. "Ariana?" my dad called and I watched him climb down the stairs with support. Oh God! I exclaimed. Is this my dad? I asked myself, yes it was him. Looking all old now. He still has that unique handsomeness even though his hair was turning so white. I felt disappointed. How could I get home and expect him to be the same, It's been 10years. "Ariana? He called again and I smiled helping him down giving him a hug that declared 'I miss you'. "You really do took after your mom" He commented, was it a comment, yes it was. My mom was a beauty so was I. I was a brown skin girl, bright honey eyes, full round lips, extra long lashes and naturally curly ebony hair. Well I'm curvy too. Even though I don't want to admit it but men wouldn't stop making me notice anytime they gawk. "Dad...I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner. I had a very important assignment I had to finish" I apologized staring at my father's face that expressed annoyance all of a sudden. He sighed and moved over to the dining. He cleared his throat and my mom quickly ordered the maid to serve his food. I joined them at the table too. "Do you mind me going upstairs to take my shower first?" I asked trying not to annoy my sensitive father. "You shall wait till dinner is over" My father stated and I sighed, I guess we were back at this again...controlling as ever. "But dinner isn't starting until the family is complete" I pointed number one rule of the family. It was one of the important rules. He loves seeing all his family members eat together, I don't know why though. "Yes...but your brothers will soon be here. They called ahead" My mom informed with a smile. I really wish this will be over soon. Just then...two female joined the table. I was kinda shocked to see them. "Ariana?" My mom called drawing my attention. "This is Jasmine" My mom introduced pointing to the slightly tanned girl with short auburn hair. "She's Damien's wife" My mom added and the girl gestured over an handshake. I shouldn't say the girl. She is my first brother's wife and probably older than I am, I corrected myself. "And this is Maya" My mom introduced holding the shoulder of the lady sitting next to her. "She's Danny's wife" My mom added. Well this is interesting, looks like I have so much to be filled in with. "Davis' fiancée is coming over. Her name's Chelsea" My mom filled in with a smile but I only nodded in response not really comfortable about the whole thing. "What other thing am I missing out?" I asked completely surprised about everything. "You should meet your cousins" My mom said all of a sudden and my eyes widened in shock. "J J" my mom yelled and pretty little adorable babies come running downstairs. "Be careful not to fall darlings" Jasmine cautioned loudly. "Grandma who's that?" One of the cute boys asked. "That's your aunt Ariana" My mom clarified as I stared at them obviously awe-struck. "Oh, the one dad talked to us about" the boy beamed and my mom nodded. "I don't think I can take another shock for today" I said not minding how rude I sounded. "Why did you call them JJ?" I asked facing my mom. "It's Jared and Jeremy- "They are twins?" I cut in my mom's statement with my question. "Yes" Mom confirmed. "Where's James?" My mom asked looking around. "Triplets?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice. "No. That's my two year old" Maya quickly filled in and I swallowed hard. Not only were my brothers married in my absence, they also have kids...just great. "Daddy! " JJ ran excitedly to the door to limp on their dad who just arrived. Damien smiled carrying his twins in both hands and Maya stood to welcome Danny. I felt like I'm dreaming. "Oh Ariana!" My brothers exclaimed immediately their eyes fell on me. "It's so good to see you," Danny said moving to me. "Wouldn't say the same for you...both of you" I said confusing the whole house. "You got married and you didn't even bother tell me!?" I asked sounding as annoyed as I am. "We wanted to make it a surprise- "Well, thank you...I received loads of them!" I said cutting Damien short. "When was any of you thinking of telling me?" I asked furrowing my brows tight in a deep frown. "You wouldn't even budge if you know...you were so engrossed in your studies that you hardly pick up your calls- "Now you're blaming me?" I asked glaring at them. "Great guys...now I'm mad!" I announced heading upstairs. "Ariana?" My mom called repeatedly behind me but I didn't bother looking back. I got to my former room and realized it was locked. I tried my password but it wouldn't unlock. "Who changed my password?" I shouted over from the landing of the stairs upstairs to the dining where all of them was still having a discussion. "Well, we moved your room- "You did what?!" I asked my mom thinking I probably didn't hear her right. "Ariana come back here this instant and have dinner with us" My dad snapped at me and I rolled my eyes in frustration making my way downstairs and hoping to God I don't have to obey any more of his order. "Everyone on your seat" My dad huskily voiced and we all settled down at the dining table. "HI family" Davis said strolling in with a girl's hand in his but instantly froze on seeing me. "Ariana!" He squealed in shock. "Hi Davis" I greeted halfheartedly. "Wow... You've grown" Davis stated the obvious sitting next to me. "You're 30 Davis act like one" I replied coldly seeing him in his ever jovial attitude. "Can't help it" He grinned and winked. "You've really grown" Davis added. "I'm 26 people" I sneered waiting for dad to ask us to start. "How was your work?" Damien asked not minding the frown on my face. "She'll answer that after dinner" My dad finally cut in and silent suddenly falls. We all ate in silence and we all waited for dad to finish eating. "How have you been?" Dad asked and I nodded fine. "I've been doing well dad." I replied softly and he sighed. "And your job?" My dad questioned. "Treating me well. I walked at one of the hospital lab in New York" I added and he nodded. "That's good. I think it's time you work for your father too" Dad declared and I froze. "Get some rest, we'll talk about it tomorrow" He muttered calmly. "Yes dad" I said not minding the goosebumps all over me. I have a feeling I won't like my dad's plan for me. "Here's your new room. Danny and I arranged it last week" Davis announced after walking me to the room which was at the end of the room hallway upstairs with Danny and Damian. It was huge but the fact that I'll have to walk down the hallway made me dislike it. "But happened to my old room?'' I inquired arching an eyebrow at Davis in annoyance. "Well, mom said it'll be much suitable for the kids." Davis replied ruefully and my jaw dropped. "Don't you want me to introduce you to my fiancée?" Davis probably wanting to cheer me up but that only frustrated me further. "Why don't you also go get married behind my back" I raised my voice at him shutting the door to their faces. "She really seem mad about that" I heard Damian mutter from outside. "She'd always wished to be our bridal maid, remember" Danny pointed and they all sighed despondently. "Ariana?" Danny called timidly from the door. "Just leave" I said from the inside not wanting to see them. They all infuriate me, I thought moving into the bathroom. ...........
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