1116 Words

Zubair fished the receipt out of the first box. "Says here that Serena ordered these two days ago. It seems odd she would order such magnificent gowns if she had no intention of going through with the marriage?" "Exactly." Amir cursed. "None of this makes any sense. Yesterday morning, she was fine. Happy and excited to see all her plans come together." "Amir, brother," Zubair said, his expression turning serious. "You do not need to make this sacrifice." "Yes, I do," Amir replied back. "No. You do not need to. Marrying Nyla would be a mistake for both of you. There has to be some way out. You and Serena were happy together. I witnessed this with my own eyes. In fact, you have never looked happier, than you did with her. I refuse to believe this sham of a marriage to Rashid's mistress i

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